Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Definition Essay Topics List - Overview

Definition Essay Topics List - Overview The Definition Essay Topics List Game Before getting to writing a definition essay, you must be certain that you comprehend the significance of the term completely because some terms are confusing, and you might wind up writing from the topic. Since you may see, there isn't anything complicated about explaining the meanings of unique words. You should write properly which terms you're likely to define. There are four distinct methods for defining a term based on the discipline. Sometimes people just can't begin writing their essay without looking at an entire instance of somebody else, seeing the structure and the way it's written. You ought to understand the term for you to be simple to define it for others. By way of example, individuals are somewhat more likely to agree with a definition of cat, while the expression happiness is going to be defined in various ways. For instance, it must mean various things to various men and women. The Most Popular Definition Essay Topics List You must be aware of the available forms of definitions in essay writing. As you probably already know, simply because you've got a definition essay topic and a couple examples doesn't signify you've got an essay. The majority of the topics for definition essays are usually based on contradictory stipulations, and therefore your function for a writer is to make sure that you give an easy clarification. Among the various sorts of essay, there's a definition essay that could a ppear to be among the most simple assignments. You might also see short essays. You can also see literacy essay. You can also see scholarship essay. You've approached the last portion of your essay. There are a lot of ways to define the major term of your essay. In the principal area of the essay, you have to analyze the selected word. When writing an essay, you might want to define a few of that terminology that's familiar to you. Definition Essay Topics List Secrets That No One Else Knows About Standard definition is the one which you will see in the dictionary. A typical definition is essentially a dictionary definition of the word. A term can have many meanings, and that means you should place every meaning into its paragraph. Instead, you should explain the significance of the word in your terms. Do not assume that you will need to rely just on the definition of the dictionary. The Downside Risk of Definition Essay Topics List A definition essay is a particular kind of assignment that simply explains the significance of a particular term. It is a type of essay in which you have to explain the word due to its general meaning, historical background, and cultural perception. It explores the history of a certain term and the author's personal understanding of the particular concept or term. It can focus on one method or it can incorporate multiple methods to help the explanation. A wide type consists of issues that aren't referents of the idea. After you give a definition, you will always produce illustrations, and as soon as you don't remind the reader of what you were defining, they're likely to receive lost on the way. Pick the word The very first step to writing a definition essay is to select the word. Such kind of writing does not require a normal thesis. Be certain that you emphasize the term you're defining you ought to be in a position to emphasize the term you're describing in your essay in order for the reader can't get lost in your illustrations. The format of your extended definition essay is dependent on the formatting style you will have to use. You could possibly be requested to select MLA, APA, Oxford, Harvard or one of different styles based on the major and subject you're studying. You could also see elements of an essay. As soon as you've brainstormed the parts, you're prepared to make an outline, and after that compose some paragraphs. You are able to write Definition Essay for a course or merely try out writing it to boost your English abilities, make it something like a language challenge. Don't select an easy word since it won't offer you enough info to write about. There's an advised sequence of actions to discover relevant information regarding the term. So, whenever you really feel like buying an essay online, we're here to assist you out!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay Dulce et Deorum Est - 2345 Words

Dulce et Deorum Est Wilfred Owen wrote Dulce et Decorum Est about the first World War, in which he had personally fought. It was addressed to Jessie Pope, a writer of other poems concerning the War. Specifically he wrote the poem to counteract her poem â€Å"Who’s For The Game?†. Owen felt that Pope did not comprehend the seriousness of the war in her portrayal of the battle as a rugby game. Pope conveyed the participants of the ‘game’ were admirable and those who sat on the sidelines shunned and disregarded. His poem seems very depressing and gloomy, particularly in comparison, but is it not more realistic? Owen was a soldier himself, would he not know more about the horrors that war brings than the female poet, who could only be†¦show more content†¦I know if it were I, I would feel that a sense of claustrophobia, an unease and repulsion of the things that I would be forced to cope with and an irrepressible urge to escape. I would hate the feeling of knowing that I could not just leave when I pleased and had to face the same tragic scene every day. This may be somewhat ‘deep’ for the first few lines of a poem, but I feel that these kind of subjects are already beginning to emerge. The line continues to say that the man tur ned their heads on the haunting flares, maybe in a half-hearted effort to shut them out of their minds. Line four is even less enthusiastic – it describes the men as ‘trudging to their distant rest’. At least the men have something to look forward to, but then again maybe not, maybe the sentence has a double meaning, maybe ‘distant rest’ is meant to be read further into and is a disguised synonym of the deaths that eventually the men will encounter. If this is the case then the line is quite dark, but if the line is taken as it is written then there is a little more optimism being displayed. Lines five to eight keep on with the tired, droning tone of those prior to them; they describe how the men were marching almost subconsciously, regardless of losing boots or small explosions in their wake. Such events as injury occurring around you may be shocking to most usually, but to people fighting in the war they have become the norm. TheShow MoreRelated Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. Essay1204 Words   |  5 PagesDulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. The First World War was an event that brought to many people, pain, sorrow and bitterness. Accounts of the war shows that no other war challenged existing conventions, morals and ideals in the same way as did World War. Many people touched by the terrror of the war have written pieces of literature about the massacre that was World War 1, wishing people to understand the horror and tragedy that befell those involved. Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Business Research Proposal

Question: What is the main reason of The business research proposal of throwing light on the management decisions of corporate firms. Answer: Introduction The business research proposal throws light on the management decisions of corporate firms to implement Corporate Social Responsibility. In todays world, many corporate sector companies are implementing different methods to win over their clients. Some of the corporate sector firms claim that they maintain strong loyalty with their clients. Apart from this another important aspect that the companies are paying attention to is a set of corporate social responsibilities. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a part of the business that the company does. The responsibility of the company to participate and promote initiatives from which the society can get some benefit is accounted as the corporate social responsibility of the company (Responsibility, 2015). Studies have revealed that a lot of companies and organisations have been implementing various methods to encourage corporate social responsibility. The organisations pay serious attention to the issues regarding the society and environment while running the business. The corporate social responsibility of the company includes the role which the company play to allocate the resources available for different activities (Homburg, et al., 2013). Hence, one can observe that the corporate social responsibility of an organisation is a very important part of the companys business. Literature review In this business proposal the author writes a literature review on the topic of the corporate social responsibility of the organisations doing business. The literature review helps to understand the topic better. The concept of corporate social responsibility has been incorporated in the business of the organisations way back in 1917 (Bondy, et al., 2012). Some of the corporate social responsibilities that the companies perform include that they work for the welfare of the people, to generate profit and to utilize it judiciously. Some of the companies also aim at generating employment as a part of their corporate responsibility. There are a few companies who give due importance to the interests of the stakeholders of the firm. The companies take care of the social well being of the stakeholders as well as that of their employees. All these form a part of the corporate social responsibility of the firm. The corporate social responsibilities of the companies involve finding new ways to make their customers happy with their services and also to generate heavy returns that would make their shareholders happy. Studies have shown that there exist a positive relation between the society and the business organisations (Aguinis Glavas, 2012). There are different types of corporate social responsibility that the business organisations all over the world practices. The author of the research proposal has listed below some of the corporate social responsibilities of the firms. Environment: business corporations all over the world have huge carbon footprints. The business organisations make serious and sincere efforts to cut down those footprints from their business practices. This measure that the firms undertake is considered very positive both for the society as well as the company as a whole (Flammer, 2013). Ethical practices for the employees: It forms a part of the duty of the companies all over the world to treat their employees equally with respect following professional ethics (Brammer, et al., 2012). This forms an important aspect of the corporate social responsibility of the company. Philanthropy: some of the business corporations of the world engage in social activities like donating a portion of their profit to local and national charitable trusts. Apart from donating money to the charitable trusts, the business firms also have other resources that can benefit the programs held in the local communities (Cheng, et al., 2014). Research questions One can observe that there are a lot of studies and researches going on even today to elaborate more on the corporate social responsibilities of the business organisations all over the world (Calabrese, et al., 2013). The researcher can pose the following questions to conduct the research on the corporate social responsibilities of the companies: What are the management practices that the business organisations can follow to maintain corporate social responsibility? What practices the corporate organisations follow to maintain uniqueness in their corporate social responsibility? What are the reasons behind the emergence of the concept of the corporate social responsibility of the firms (Baden Harwood, 2013)? The researcher tries to find the answers to the above proposed questions through the research that the researcher is going to conduct. Research methodologies and techniques The researcher performs an analysis for the in-depth investigation of the concept of corporate social responsibility. The researcher studies the concept under the light of qualitative methods (Crane, et al., 2013). The researcher and the analyst can perform the research in various ways. Here in this proposal the researcher has chosen a multinational company from China and makes a list of its branches at other locations outside China. The researcher also forms groups of two to three multinational companies, other than the one chosen. By doing so the researcher gets the opportunity to analyse and compare the different social responsibilities that these companies undertake. The researcher has chosen the company named Better and Happy world for doing his research. The organisation is a private firm working with the objective to establish a system that is sustainable related to the supply of food. The company has its head office located in Belgium and it has many branches spread all over the world. The company obtain funds from different sources and encourages different projects that might bring about changes in the structure of the business of the firm. The researcher observed that the company does not incorporate any specific corporate social responsibility policy. However the researcher observed that the company maintains sustainable and integrated policies in all its departments (Kucukusta, et al., 2013). Gantt Chart The Gantt chart clearly describes the milestones of the research proposal. The Gantt chart denotes the duration for completing the literature review, duration for the collection of data and making the analysis report and the date on which the final research proposal will be submitted. Task Start date Duration End date Literature Review 08th June 15 days 23rd June Data Collection 24th June 60 days 24th Aug Data Analysis 25th Aug 55 days 20th Oct Final Report Submission 21st Oct 30 days 21st Nov The bar diagram above describes the milestones of the research proposal. Description of the research process To conduct the research on the proposed topic, the researcher would consider the studies of different scholars related to the corporate social responsibilities of different business organisations. The studies of the scholars reveal a number of new theories that has been developed while studying the concept of corporate social responsibilities. The researcher would be taking into account a number of case studies on the topic to complete the research process. The case studies would help the researcher to understand the concept better. The researcher would select the data for performing the research following a theoretical method of sampling (Elo, et al., 2014). The researcher would be implementing various methods to assess the problem of corporate social responsibility on the light of the business organisation chosen. The researcher would be employing a linear approach to understand the concept of CSR. The researcher has chosen the linear approach due to the difficulty of overlapping of various theories and concepts while doing the research (Baker, et al., 2013). The researcher would receive a solution to the research questions following the linear approach. The experimenter analyses the underlying concepts of the corporate social responsibility. The researcher visualizes the meaning of CSR to different people by conducting the research following the linear approach. The solutions that the researchers obtain from the linear approach to the problem would incorporate uniqueness to the aspect of corporate social responsibility. Description of data collection and analysis method The researcher has collected the data to conduct the research from different sources. The data from the different sources enables the researcher to differentiate between the corporate social responsibilities that the different business organisations perform. The experimenter has taken the interview of 20 to 25 people, which includes the workers of the management department. The employees who faced the interview included managers of the medium and the senior levels and also the employees from a few other departments. The interviewer also conducted the interview of the brand managers, communication managers and the employees from the human resource team. The interviewer conducted the interviews through questionnaire that generated quantitative data. The experimenter further categorised the questions of the questionnaire into questions regarding the corporate vision of the company, questions regarding the policy of CSR of the company and other corporate missions and policies. The answers that the experimenter obtains by interviewing the employees of the firm pertain to the policy regarding the corporate social responsibility of the company. The researcher then analyses the data by qualitative methods (Tesch, 2013). Expected research outcomes The researcher expects that by doing the research on the corporate social responsibilities he would be able to highlight the operational policies of the company to implement the corporate social responsibility within the structure of the business. The researcher expects to know the actions that the company need to take to implement the CSR policy. Through this research, the researcher expects to understand the ideas of the employees of the firm regarding the implementation of the CSR in the company. The researcher also expects to explain the role of the stakeholders of the company in performing the corporate social responsibilities (Csikszentmihalyi Larson, 2014). Conclusion The research proposal mainly discusses the underlying concept of the corporate social responsibilities that different firms adopt. The research proposal highlights the implications of the CSR policy on the society. The research proposal has helped in developing a theoretical understanding of the issues regarding the governance of the CSR. One can conclude from the research proposal that while formulating the CSR policies the companies should keep in mind the interests of the stakeholders. References: Aguinis, H., Glavas, A. (2012). What we know and dont know about corporate social responsibility a review and research agenda.Journal of management,38(4), 932-968. Baden, D., Harwood, I. A. (2013). Terminology matters: A critical exploration of corporate social responsibility terms.Journal of Business Ethics,116(3), 615-627. Baker, R., Brick, J. M., Bates, N. A., Battaglia, M., Couper, M. P., Dever, J. A., ... Tourangeau, R. (2013). Summary report of the AAPOR task force on non-probability sampling.Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology,1(2), 90-143. Bondy, K., Moon, J., Matten, D. (2012). An institution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in multi-national corporations (MNCs): Form and implications.Journal of Business Ethics,111(2), 281-299. Brammer, S., Jackson, G., Matten, D. (2012). Corporate social responsibility and institutional theory: New perspectives on private governance.Socio-Economic Review,10(1), 3-28. Calabrese, A., Costa, R., Menichini, T., Rosati, F., Sanfelice, G. (2013). Turning Corporate Social Responsibilityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ driven Opportunities in Competitive Advantages: a Twoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ dimensional Model.Knowledge and Process Management,20(1), 50-58. Cheng, B., Ioannou, I., Serafeim, G. (2014). Corporate social responsibility and access to finance.Strategic Management Journal,35(1), 1-23. Crane, A., Matten, D., Spence, L. J. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in a global context.Chapter in: Crane, A., Matten, D., and Spence, LJ,'Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context,2, 3-26. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Larson, R. (2014). Validity and reliability of the experience-sampling method. InFlow and the Foundations of Positive Psychology(pp. 35-54). Springer Netherlands. Elo, S., Kriinen, M., Kanste, O., Plkki, T., Utriainen, K., Kyngs, H. (2014). Qualitative content analysis.SAGE open,4(1), 2158244014522633. Flammer, C. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and shareholder reaction: The environmental awareness of investors.Academy of Management Journal,56(3), 758-781. Homburg, C., Stierl, M., Bornemann, T. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in business-to-business markets: how organizational customers account for supplier corporate social responsibility engagement.Journal of Marketing,77(6), 54-72. Kucukusta, D., Mak, A., Chan, X. (2013). Corporate social responsibility practices in four and five-star hotels: Perspectives from Hong Kong visitors.International Journal of Hospitality Management,34, 19-30.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Progressive Education Essay Example

Progressive Education Paper According to Gribble (1985) in progressive schools, there is this sense of social equality between adults and children which is one of the progressive ideals. Where the staffs are violent, pupils could also use the same method as a defence mechanism. Gribble further opined that just as machines are used by people so teachers should be used by children too and not children being directed by teachers. In line with progressive education, childrens learning should be purposeful, not tied to a particular curriculum usually entrusted on them with series of examinations and tests/assessments. The teachers moral responsibility is to help the children, guiding them to explore their talents and interests. It is however, important to avoid instilling irrational beliefs that children might not understand. The child must learn how to develop independency. Anything that has the tone of moral compulsion is against the principles of progressive education, which uniqueness rests firmly on the refusal to impose a particular set of values not only the ones contained in the curriculum (Gribble 1985). The philosophy of progressive schools has no room for any dictated creed. Children in progressive schools are allowed to make a choice and to express their opinions freely. The extent to which this is practiced depends on each school because children are helped to see learning as something they should enjoy. Progressive schools discourage competitiveness (Gribble 1985). Since children make their own choices and work at their own pace and not according to the dictate of anyone, it means that the individual pupil does not need to compete with anyone. This helps to relax the learning environment making it conducive for learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A child neither measures his/her own achievement with any other childs nor does the OFSTED that would normally pressurise a state or public school present. There is usually no necessity for progressive school authorities to put pressure on the teachers who in turn pass the pressure on to the children through series of tests/assessments in order to be on top of the performance league table. There is usually no punishment in progressive schools and no inclination to any religious dogma or denomination. However, no matter how ideally progressive education is portrayed as panacea for traditional or conventional form of education as obtains in public, independent and state schools, it is obvious that some of them are not truly and completely progressive. There have been changes in the application of the original philosophy as propounded by pioneers of progressive educational methods some of whose contributions are mentioned and discussed next. Progressive thinkers There are some famous thinkers on childhood whose work are so vital in the history of child-centred education. Some of these writers in the early years did not categorically call their work progressive education, but what they did was catalytic to the formulation of body of knowledge that is called progressive education today to which a lot of acknowledgement is owed. This essay will briefly talk about their ideas, principles and ethos. One of these early writers was Jean Jacques Rousseau whose writings and progressive tilt brought about a fundamental change in the education of children. According to Darling J. ( ) in Rousseaus book Emile (1762), it is stressed that man should not disturb child growth but leave it the way nature has provided for it. Child-centred education came as an alternative due to dissatisfaction about the traditional education of that time. This rejection helped to fashion out current progressive education thought. In Emile, Rousseau asserts that the progressive idea took its root against the background of obligation and child depravity attached to children in those days where strict discipline and moral training for children was the norm. Rousseau rejected this idea and believed that children are good; that the evil seen in children is from a corrupt society. His ideas were that children should not be trained in such a way as to repress their natural tendency. When juxtaposed to modern progressive education concepts it translates to not imposing any particular learning style on children but rather allowing them to discover things by themselves Young childrens educational programmes should in Rousseaus view be confined to those things in which they have natural interest (Darling1994: 8 ). Rousseau promoted the fact that children learned from direct experience and opined that feeling is always learning, which can be understood to mean- learning from environment and not from a book. Rosseau is of the opinion that children should not be taught how to read until they are ready. He imagined that they would understand by learning from the environment and from feeling things around them. In addition to that he was of the belief that there has to be little information from a book. This is echoed by Calydon [ed] (1969:50) when it is said that Experience goes before instruction. However Rousseau did not clarify when learning from a book should set in but children should also seek information from books. This opinion is true because looking at teachers for instance, they had to learn from books and not only depend on experience. In modern progressive education students learn largely from experience as well as from books. Rousseau also advocated cordial relationship between a child and the teacher and that the child should learn from their actions. As discussed earlier progressive education does not see the teacher in authority like the teacher is seen in public schools; progressive education is therefore more of a child- centred approach to teaching. According to Darling ( ) Rosseau divided childhood into stages of human growth and development. He contended that different stages of growth require specific techniques. Therefore in progressive education pupils are given individual attention because each child has their own needs and peculiarities depending on their stages. Friedrich Froebel who established the first kindergarten at Keilhau, Germany in 1837 contributed immensely to the progressive idea of education. He believed that everyone has a spiritual value. Like Rosseau, he believed that every child had within themselves what they were to be at birth. He also believed that the appropriate educational environment would encourage the child to achieve optimum development.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What Is the Jet Stream and How It Affects Our Weather

What Is the Jet Stream and How It Affects Our Weather Youve probably heard the words jet stream many times while watching weather forecasts on TV. Thats because the jet stream and its location is key to forecasting where weather systems will travel. Without it, there would be nothing to help steer our daily weather from location to location. Rivers of Rapidly Moving Air Named for their similarity to fast moving jets of water, jet streams are bands of strong winds in the upper levels of the atmosphere. Jet streams form at the boundaries of contrasting air masses. When warm and cold air meet, the difference in their air pressures as a result of their temperature differences (recall that warm air is less dense, and cold air, more dense) causes air to flow from higher pressure (the warm air mass) to lower pressure (the cold air mass), thereby creating high winds. Because the differences in temperature, and therefore, pressure, are very large, so too is the strength of the resulting winds. Jet Stream Location, Speed,Direction Jet streams live at the tropopause (about 6 to 9 miles off  the ground) and are several thousand miles long. Jet stream winds range in speed from 120 to 250 mph, but can reach more than 275 mph. Oftentimes, the jet houses pockets of winds that move faster than the surrounding jet stream winds. These jet streaks play an important role in precipitation and storm formation. (If a jet streak is visually divided into fourths, like a pie, its left front and right rear quadrants are the most favorable for precipitation and storm development. If a weak  low pressure area  passes through either of these locations, it will quickly strengthen into a dangerous storm.) Jet  winds blow from west to east, but also meander north to south in a wave-shaped pattern. These waves and large ripples (known as planetary, or Rossby waves) form U-shaped troughs of low pressure that allow cold air to spill southwards, and upside-down U-shaped ridges of high pressure that bring warm air northwards.  Ã‚   Discovered by Weather Balloons One of the first names associated with the jet stream is Wasaburo Oishi. A Japanese meteorologist, Oishi discovered the jet stream in the 1920s while using weather balloons to track upper level winds near Mount Fuji. However, his work went unnoticed outside of Japan. In 1933, knowledge of the jet stream increased when American aviator Wiley Post began exploring long-distance, high-altitude flight. Despite these discoveries, the term jet stream was not coined until 1939 by German meteorologist Heinrich Seilkopf. Meet the Polar and Subtropical Jets While we typically talk about the jet stream as if there was only one, there are actually two: a polar jet stream and a subtropical jet stream. The Northern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere each have both a polar and a subtropical branch of the jet. The Polar Jet:  In North America, the polar jet is more commonly known as the jet or the mid-latitude jet (so-called because it occurs over the mid-latitudes).The Subtropical Jet:  The subtropical jet is named for its existence at 30 °N and 30 °S latitude- a climate zone known as the subtropics. It forms at the boundary temperature difference between air at mid-latitudes and warmer air near the equator. Unlike the polar jet, the subtropical jet is only present in the wintertime- the only time of year when temperature contrasts in the subtropics are strong enough to form jet winds. The subtropical jet is generally weaker than the polar jet. It is most pronounced over the western Pacific. Jet Position Changes With the Seasons Jet streams change position, location, and strength depending on the season. In the winter, areas in the Northern Hemisphere may get colder than normal periods as the jet stream dips lower bringing cold air in from the polar regions. Although the height of the jet stream is typically 20,000 feet or more, the influences on weather patterns can be substantial as well. High wind speeds can drive and direct storms creating devastating droughts and floods. A shift in the jet stream is a suspect in the causes of the Dust Bowl. In spring, the polar jet starts to journey north from its winter position along the lower third of the U.S., back to its permanent home at 50-60 °N latitude (over Canada). As the jet gradually lifts northward, highs and lows are steered along its path and across the regions where its currently positioned. Why does the jet stream move? Well, jet streams follow the Sun, Earths primary source of heat energy. Recall that in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, the Suns vertical rays go from striking the Tropic of Capricorn (23.5 ° south latitude) to striking more northerly latitudes (until it reaches the Tropic of Cancer, 23.5 ° north latitude, on the summer solstice). As these northerly latitudes warm, the jet stream, which occurs near boundaries of cold and warm air masses, must also shift northward to remain at the opposing edge of warm and cool air. Locating Jets on Weather Maps On surface maps: Many news and media that broadcast weather forecasts show the jet stream as a moving band of arrows across the U.S., but  the jet stream isnt a standard feature of surface analysis maps. Heres an easy way to eyeball the jet position: since it steers high and low pressure systems, simply note where these are located and draw a continuous curved line in-between them, taking care to arch your line over highs and underneath lows. On upper level maps: The jet stream lives at heights of 30,000 to 40,000 feet above Earths surface. At these altitudes, atmospheric pressure equals around 200 to 300 mb; this is why the 200 and 300 mb level upper air charts are typically used for jet stream forecasting. When looking at other upper level maps, the jet position can be guessed by noting where pressure or wind contours are spaced close together.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Operation Lila Scuttling of the French Fleet

Operation Lila Scuttling of the French Fleet Conflict Date: Operation Lila and the scuttling of the French fleet occurred on November 27, 1942, during World War II (1939-1945). Forces Commanders: French Admiral Jean de LabordeAdmiral Andrà © Marquis64 warships, numerous support vessels and patrol boats Germany Generaloberst Johannes BlaskowitzArmy Group G Operation Lila Background: With the Fall of France in June 1940, the French Navy ceased to operate against the Germans and Italians. To prevent the enemy from obtaining the French ships, the British attacked Mers-el-Kebir in July and fought the Battle of Dakar in September. In the wake of these engagements, the ships of the French Navy were concentrated at Toulon where they remained under French control but were either disarmed or deprived of fuel. At Toulon, command was divided between Admiral Jean de Laborde, who led the Forces de Haute Mer (High Seas Fleet) and Admiral Andrà © Marquis, the Prefet Maritime who oversaw the base. The situation at Toulon remained quiet for over two years until Allied forces landed in French North Africa as part of Operation Torch on November 8, 1942. Concerned about an Allied attack through the Mediterranean, Adolf Hitler ordered the implementation of Case Anton which saw German troops under General Johannes Blaskowitz occupy Vichy France beginning on November 10. Though many in the French fleet initially resented the Allied invasion, a desire to join the fight against the Germans soon swept through the fleet with chants in support of General Charles de Gaulle erupting from different ships. The Situation Changes: In North Africa, the commander of Vichy French forces, Admiral Franà §ois Darlan, was captured and began supporting the Allies. Ordering a ceasefire on November 10, he sent a personal message to de Laborde to ignore orders from the Admiralty to remain in port and to sail to Dakar with the fleet. Knowing of Darlans change in loyalty and personally disliking his superior, de Laborde ignored the request. As German forces moved to occupy Vichy France, Hitler desired to take the French fleet by force. He was dissuaded from this by Grand Admiral Erich Raeder who stated that the French officers would honor their armistice pledge not to allow their ships to fall into the hands of a foreign power. Instead, Raeder proposed that Toulon be left unoccupied and its defense entrusted to the Vichy French forces. While Hitler agreed to Raeders plan on the surface, he pressed on with his goal of taking the fleet. Once secured, the larger surface ships were to be transferred to the Italians while the submarines and smaller vessels would join the Kriegsmarine. On November 11, French Secretary of the Navy Gabriel Auphan instructed de Laborde and Marquis that they were to oppose the entry of foreign forces into naval facilities and onto French ships, though force was not to be used. If this could not be done, the ships were to be scuttled. Four days later, Auphan met with de Laborde and tried to persuade him to take the fleet to North Africa to join the Allies. Laborde refused stating his would only sail with written orders from the government. On November 18, the Germans demanded that the Vichy Army be disbanded. As a result, sailors were taken from the fleet to man the defenses and German and Italian forces moved closer to the city. This meant that it would be more difficult to prepare ths ships for sea if a breakout were to be attempted. A breakout would have been possible as the French crews had, through falsification of reports and tampering with gauges, brought aboard enough fuel for a run to North Africa. The next several days saw defensive preparations continue, including the placing of scuttling charges, as well as de Laborde requiring his officers to pledge their loyalty to the Vichy government. Operation Lila: On November 27, the Germans commenced Operation Lila with the goal of occupying Toulon and seizing the fleet. Comprised of elements from the 7th Panzer Division and 2nd SS Panzer Division, four combat teams entered the city around 4:00 AM. Quickly taking Fort Lamalgue, they captured Marquis but failed to prevent his chief of staff from sending a warning. Stunned by the German treachery, de Laborde issued orders to prepare for scuttling and to defend the ships until they had sunk. Advancing through Toulon, the Germans occupied heights overlooking the channel and air-dropped mines to prevent a French escape. Reaching the gates of the naval base, the Germans were delayed by the sentries who demanded paperwork allowing admission. By 5:25 AM, German tanks entered the base and de Laborde issued the scuttle order from his flagship Strasbourg. Fighting soon broke out along the waterfront, with the Germans coming under fire from the ships. Out-gunned, the Germans attempted to negotiate, but were unable to board most vessels in time to prevent their sinking. German troops successfully boarded the cruiser Dupleix and closed its sea valves, but were driven off by explosions and fires in its turrets. Soon the Germans were surrounded by sinking and burning ships. By the end of the day, they had only succeeded in taking three disarmed destroyers, four damaged submarines, and three civilian vessels. Aftermath: In the fighting of November 27, the French lost 12 killed and 26 wounded, while the Germans suffered one wounded. In scuttling the fleet, the French destroyed 77 vessels, including 3 battleships, 7 cruisers, 15 destroyers, and 13 torpedo boats. Five submarines managed to get underway, with three reaching North Africa, one Spain, and the last forced to scuttle at the mouth of the harbor. The surface ship Leonor Fresnel also escaped. While Charles de Gaulle and the Free French severely criticized the action, stating that the fleet should have tried to escape, the scuttling prevented the ships from falling into Axis hands. While salvage efforts began, none of the larger ships saw service again during the war. After the liberation of France, de Laborde was tried and convicted of treason for not trying to save the fleet. Found guilty, he was sentenced to death. This was soon commuted to life imprisonment before he was granted clemency in 1947. Selected Sources Battleships Cruisers: Scuttling at French Scuttle Their Fleet

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Why America Can Be Called a Land of Unlimited Opportunity Essay

Why America Can Be Called a Land of Unlimited Opportunity - Essay Example These provisions offer the citizens and visitors an opportunity to work hard and without fear to own property. The American industrial growth rises every year. The continued industrial and economic growth, increases job opportunities and subsequently creates more employment. America is among the world nations with the best transport infrastructure. The availability of outstanding transport facilities like the electric trains, unmatched road system, unique airports and harbor has boosted business and economic empowerment projects. People get to jobs on time; trading activities are made easier and timely. Business opportunities are endless in America. America is among the world nations with the most outstanding technology. In fact, technological innovations are made on regular basis. Advancement in technology has made life easier and also created more job opportunities. The rate of investment in America is very high. The vast land masses give room for investment. Consequently, the American government support both public and private investment making America to be among the best places to invest across the world. Additionally, investment is also boosted by the strong security mechanisms put in place. In fact, America has the most powerful security and military forces on the globe. In essence, opportunities in American cannot be

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Thomas Paine's most essential role in American Revolution Essay

Thomas Paine's most essential role in American Revolution - Essay Example Thomas Paine is believed to be one of the founding fathers of modern America. He has contributed heavily to the Americans in many ways like as a freedom fighter, an author, intellectual, revolutionary etc. He succeeded in injecting patriotism in the bloods of the Americans which finally helped America in fighting against the British rule and in getting freedom. He has been labeled as a corset maker (a specialist in tailoring corsets) by trade and a journalist by profession. But above all he was a propagandist who succeeded in forcing the Americans thinking in terms achieving freedom from the British colonial rule. In fact the most important role, Thomas Paine played in American Revolution was the injection of patriotism and nationalism in the veins of Americans though his writings. Common Sense, a 79-page pamphlet written by Paine in 1776 is believed to be one of the main motivators of American Revolution. â€Å"Although Common Sense is a clarion call to Americans to defend their pa trimony, it is one which rests its appeal on reason, nature and sentiment† (Paine, p.x). This paper briefly analyses Thomas Paine’s most essential role in America Revolution. â€Å"In January 1776, Paine published his Common Sense, the most powerful and widely read of the early demands for American independence from Britain† (Paine, p.viii).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Explain the theory of Virtue Ethics Essay Example for Free

Explain the theory of Virtue Ethics Essay Aristotle originally introduced virtue Ethics to society in ancient Greek times. Virtue Ethics tells us that we should look at the character of the person instead of the actions or duties a person performs. Instead of concentrating on what is the right thing to do, virtue ethics asks how you can be a better person. Aristotle claims that leading a virtuous life is easy, and those who do, do so to be happy. Happiness is the ultimate goal for everyone in life. To become a better person, you must practice virtuous acts regularly. After a while, these acts will become routine and so the virtuous acts will be nothing more than everyday life and the person a virtuous person. Aristotle said that although virtues should become a habit we must never forget that we behave in such a way because it is right. For example, if a singer practices singing everyday, they will become better at it and used to doing it. This is the same as people who practice their virtues and soon automatically act in the right way, by practicing our skills we improve them, becoming happier. Virtues should not be an effort, but simply a part of everyones personality. Aristotle says that virtue is something that we acquire and are not just born with, people are not inherently good or bad, but become good or bad according to the habits they develop. Aristotle said that a virtue was a Golden Mean in between to vices. These Vices are two extremes of a scale at opposite ends, one of excess and one of deficiency. For example the vices would be shamelessness and shyness, and the virtue modesty. Another example of this would be rudeness and a sense of humour as the two vices and the virtue as wittiness. Such virtues must be cultivated, we must learn when to use certain virtues and to what extent, for example we must not ever use humour in excess to act like a fool, but at the same time we must also not pass into rudeness. Two philosophers, Anscombe and MacIntyre say that there has been a mistake in how virtues have been portrayed. The majority of people look at the actions a person does to judge whether they are virtuous or not. The way in which we behave provides an opportunity for others to judge our virtues and vices. This however is not right. People should look at the character within and look at what the person believes is right and how they think they should help people instead of what they do to help. A famous example of a virtuous person is Mother Theresa. She helped millions of suffering people across the world and for this became well known as a virtuous person. There are hundreds of other virtuous people who would have liked to have helped but were unable to do so in such a huge way who are not considered as virtuous, but these people are just as virtuous but not recognised for it. Aristotle tells us that we are most likely to learn virtuous behaviour from watching others. If we experience others being kind to us and see the happiness it creates we are more likely to practice it then if we were just told to do it. For example, if we were told to be courageous we may occasionally stand up for small things that we disagree with, but if we see someone telling others off for not doing the right thing then we are more likely to not allow bad behaviour towards ourselves. Aristotle said that the best way of becoming virtuous was to follow in the footsteps of a virtuous person, e.g. Mother Theresa and do what they do. Virtue Ethics is relative; Aristotle recognised that virtues in one country may not be the same as virtues in another. He believed that there was no absolute platonic good beyond our world. As virtues have evolved through habits of society it is probable that different societies would deem different actions good or bad. However there is no difference between the virtues of a community and individuals within that community, the supreme happiness that Aristotle talks about is one for the community, and not just and individual. MacIntyre suggests that philosophy is too far removed from ordinary life and said that it is not good enough that philosophers spend their time debating the nature of ethical language or forming reasoned theories of morality in a way that is far removed from real people and real life. All actions are done in order to reach an aim. A successive series of actions are also for an aim, for example getting up in to morning to go to work, is to make money, is to feed our families is to go on nice holidays is to but them nice things etc. all ultimate aims is to make people happy, everything is subordinate to the supreme good, which is happiness. Everyone has different ideas of what happiness is and different things all make different people happy, and Aristotle called this feeling of all round well being eudemonia. Therefore, Virtue Ethics concentrates on what a person is then what a person does. Its aim is to achieve something, which people genuinely want rather then being based on arguably incoherent ideas about the after-life. It is a system, which can be easily applied and understood by all. It fits into a variety of philosophies, and religions, which both do and dont include God. However, there are a few problems with Virtue Ethics. Ones of these which has been pointed out by MacIntyre is that although a virtue is the golden mean between two vices it cannot be applied to all virtues. Virtues such as promise keeping, loyalty, and compassion do not fall between any two vices and so Aristotles theory of this does not really work. Another problem with this theory is that it is of little help to people faced with a moral dilemma. It does not help them make a decision like other theories such a natural law or utilitarianism.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Read me if you can :: essays research papers

Read Me†¦If You Can†¦   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Throughout my life there has been one thing that I have taken for granted everyday. Even now I am taking it for granted. We all are. This thing is not something you can touch or see. It is an ability that sixteen percent of people in the world live without. That is an estimated 1 040 883 228 people as of March 14, 2005. Can you guess what this ability that the other eighty four percent of the people take for granted? Literacy. It has been a problem for society since the starting of languages. Illiteracy, which is defined by the inability to read or write a simple sentence in any language, will continue to haunt the world for many years to come. There are many reasons why there are a billion people in the world not able to read. But I think that the real question is are not the literates taking advantage of the talent. Are they lazy or just don’t care? My most cherished ability is being able to read. I cannot imagine my life not being able to read. So what’s stopping people from reading?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Books have been a major way to express ideas, ways of doing thing and beliefs in the modern world. People have been reading, gaining information, and ideas from books since the Diamond Sutra, which was first published in 868 AD, to the world-renowned book the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. Now image that you cannot read these magnificent pieces of work; would you feel left out? Imagine you forgot all the information you ever learned in a book. How much would you know? Imagine how much more you could learn by reading a book once a month? Taking these examples into account do you think that it is fair to leave over a billion people in the world in the dark when it comes to history of countries, inventions and the rest of the information that can be found in books? How would you feel if you were being the one deprived of the world’s accomplishments? All the information in the world is stored in books and other types of literature and the people who do have the pr ivileged of reading don’t even take advantage of this. The literate hold the world’s information, not the illiterate, so do not let this talent go to waste.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Dental Hygienist †Reflection Paper Essay

Abstract The convoluted way in which having good oral hygiene and how much it can impact one’s body has never lost my interest. When researching, I have read it is most common to get oral cancer And/or Periodontal Disease when not taking care of one’s self. Those are just two important things to remember when taking care of you orally. I want to have a career where I can teach people to take care of themselves and to prevent from these happening. Often times, people lean more to a career that fits only one of the traits, me on the other hand, I want a career that will not only suit me for most but have an adventure. Of course when picking a career, you focus on the pay, but the big thing is to know that you will love your job. There are so many people in this world those great jobs such as Doctors, Lawyers, and Veterinarian’s and on. You hear from most that they absolutely hate their jobs. Who wants to wake up and dread to go to work? I want to wake up and be giddy to arr ive at work. It is wonderful to think you will learn about people in all ages, ethnicity, teach them about Oral Hygiene, or refresh there memories on how important it is to keep up with it. Every time I go into get a cleaning the whole Dental practice never seizes to amaze me. Everyone is so happy and helpful. You can tell they love what they do. Although, most people wonder why one person would want to spend the rest of their life working in people’s mouths, I think of it so much more than that. It is such a neat feeling knowing you can wake up excited to do what you have dreamed about your whole life. Since being a first generation college student in my family, I had no one teach me about the simplicity of education. The one thing I know is that since high school, it is something about the medical field that interested me. I took Career Explorations and it really helped what field I wanted to go for when studying in the medical field, particularly Dental Hygiene. What really caught my eye was that you get to help people and teach them.  This is one of my best interests. One of the struggles for me was not enrolling into college straight out of high school. Over the years I have looked at it as having time in researching in which career best fits me. First, you begin to look online, on how to become a Dental Hygienist, take a look on what are the first things you must do. In Arizona, there are many Community Colleges and a University that offer prerequisites and the Dental Hygiene program such as Rio Salado, Phoenix College, Carrington College and Northern Arizona University. The lowest degree you can get in this degree is an Associate’s Degree and the highest in a Bachelors degree. Hygienists typically need an Associate’s Degree in Dental Hygiene. Bachelor’s degrees in dental hygiene are also available, but are less common. A Bachelor’s or Master’s degree is usually required for research, teaching, or clinical practice in public or school health programs. High school students interested in becoming dental hygienists should take courses in biology, chemistry, and mathematics. Some Dental Hygiene programs also require applicants to have completed at least 1 year of college. Specific entrance requirements vary by school. Most schools offer laboratory, clinical, and classroom instruction. Hygienists study anatomy, physiology, nutrition, radiography, and Period ontology, which is the study of gum disease. (BLS 2014) To become a Dental Hygienist, it takes a lot of skills to be one. The important skills to have in this job is being Detail oriented, speaking, active listening, critical thinking, judgment and decisions making, compassion, patience, multitasking skills, coordination and physical stamina. In modern world, there are so many people that couldn’t stand not going to the dentist ever again. They depend on them to keep up with the oral hygiene, clean their teeth and get X-rays. From Dental Assistants to Dental Hygienists and Dentists, they are always willing to help you. People in the dentist office always advise to you how important it is to keep up with regular cleanings at least twice a year, and brush and floss your teeth daily. If you do not take care of your teeth, it could lead to bad things like oral cancer and Periodontal Disease. The Dental Hygienists are the  ones to help you prevent these things from happening. If you ask any person in this field if they enjoy their job, I know most would say yes. There is nothing more than a better feeling wake up every day knowing you are going to help someone. Although this career takes a lot of skills and education, it is worth it in the end. Most hygienists are aware that there are ‘better’ jobs out th ere that make a good amount of money, (a lot more than theirs) they would not trade it for anything else. Of course this is why it is such a growing field. This really shows that they truly love what they do. If there are any traits or skills listed above that fits you then this may be your career of choice. Over the years since researching this field, I have learned so much from it. There is good pay, they are flexible with you if you have a family and want to work part time. I think this job is perfect for anyone honestly. This is such a dynamic job to have. There are some things you must research before going into this job. How long does it take for? you to become a Dental Hygienist, what is the pay and availability in your area, and what is the total cost of the program. Although these may be stressful things to think about, but is very important to look into these things before going into this career. (ONETOONLINE, 2014) The level degree to pursue my career of choice is Associates Degree. I plan to continue to attend Glendale Community College to achieve my prerequisites and once I’m done with those, I will be attending Phoenix College for the Hygiene program. I have heard that this is one of the best schools to attend if you are looking to get a basic and quick degree in your interest. The advantages of the program is interacting with people, learning in depth about oral hygiene, and learning how to operate the X-Ray machines. The disadvantages is not knowing if it will be a promising career, hearing from stories. Although, living in Arizona, it is a great career to get into. The average earning/wages $81,470 per year ($39.17 hourly). Where I see myself in 10 years is being very happy and content with life. I can see myself a wonderful job, being married and having a family. I see that I won’t be struggling with money and not living paycheck to paycheck. It’s never a good feelin g not knowing how come up with the money for an owed bill. I also see myself living in California. It is  pricey living there, but there is so much to do there. The Dentistry field is high in demand there, so that one positive thing to think about living there. (SALARIES-BY-THE-CITY.ORG, 2014) There are many things to think about before making this step, but it is also an exciting time in your life. You are doing this to better yourself. You are picking a career that best fits you and what YOU want to do. Not what someone else wants you to do? This is the reason why I am choosing this. I have spent many years researching and now I am more than ready to begin. It is an awesome feeling that I will be helping and teaching others. Every day I go to college, I think to myself that I am a step closer in doing what I love best. And I am so excited to be going to school and pursuing my degree in Dental Hygiene. References: Dental Hygiene Program, (2014) Summary Report for Dental Hygienists, (2014) Dental Hygienists Salary and Wages, (2014) Dental Hygienist Careers and Education Tracks

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Hamlets Fatal Flaw Essay

Hamlet’s Fatal Flaw was that he had a hard time carrying out his plans. Many times did Hamlet plan on doing things, yet he did not carry out these plans. Hamlet was not a bad guy, but more of a tragic hero. In the opening scenes of the play, the Ghost of Hamlet’s father reveals the truth about his death to his son. He tells Hamlet to avenge his tragic murder. Hamlet’s response seems like he has quick plans to carry out his fathers wishing, by saying â€Å"Haste me to know’t that I with winds as swift†Ã‚ ¦ May sweep to my revenge.† (p. 29 lines 27-29) Unfortunately, Hamlet’s inability to act on his father’s extortion has him reluctant to kill the King Claudius by the end of that very scene, when he says, â€Å"This time is out of joint, O cursed spite, that I was ever born to set it right.† (p. 35 lines 197-198) Here, Hamlet is already having doubts and wishing that he wasn’t the one that had to carry out the revenge for his father. Obviously Hamlet has real problems when it comes down to dealing with things. As the play goes on, Hamlet still has not done a thing to avenge his father. In act II, scene 2, Hamlet decides that before he can avenge his father’s death, he must make sure that the Ghost was telling the truth. This simply gives Hamlet more excuse to procrastinate. Hamlet makes a plan to have a play in which he will test the kings reaction to. The play would be about a king who is murdered by someone putting poison into his ear. Then the murderer becomes king and is loved by the fallen kings wife. Just as it was for Claudius who killed the king and took his wife. When the play is seem by Claudius, Claudius becomes outraged and ends the play. Hamlet knows now that Cladius is guilty. Even here, hamlet is speaking to his friend Guilderstern and says â€Å"I lack advancement† (p. 81 line 338) when his friend asks what is wrong with him. I think that Hamlet knows his flaw but he won’t act on it. In act III, scene 3, Hamlet is ready to kill the king, but stops himself because the king is praying. Hamlet thinks that because the king is praying that if he killed him now the king would go to heaven. He decides yet again to delay avenging his father’s murder, this time until he can kill the King while he is in a vile condition, such as â€Å"When he is drunk asleep; or in his rage; Or in the incestuous pleasure of his bed.† (p. 87 lines 89-90) Later,  Hamlet even proclaims; â€Å"How all occasions do inform against me, and spur my dull revenge.† (p. 104 lines 33-34) In the end of the play, we see that Hamlet’s inability to act causes his tragic demise. Hamlets failure to revenge his father when he should have, costs him not only his life, but also his mother’s. In the final scene, Hamlet duels with Laertes, who has conspired with the King to kill Hamlet. In the King’s attempt to kill Hamlet, he accidentally poisons the Queen. Laertes delivers the fatal wound to Hamlet with a sword dipped in a deadly poison and it is only with his final life breath that Hamlet finally kills the King. So, Hamlet has finally killed the king, but not by going out and killing the king like he said, but with a poison the king made himself to kill Hamlet. But it would be okay to say that Hamlet avenged his father, and his fathers later wish for the queen to be left to die without Hamlet killing her. Both Hamlet’s and his father’s names are cleared too. Basically, everything is made clear to the people and besides Hamlet’s sad death, everyone who deserved to die or be killed, was killed. Hamlet obviously wouldn’t have made a good king anyways, without the ability to act on your own wishes, you would never rule a kingdom very well.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Picking Your Perfect Title

Picking Your Perfect Title Picking Your Perfect Title Picking Your Perfect Title By Daniel Scocco Picking a title can often be the hardest part of a writing project. Sometimes the title just comes to you, but more often than not, you have to put quite a bit of work into finding just the right one. You may even have to sift through several titles before you find one that sits well with you. Here are a few suggestions to try: 1. Mad Libs Think of a couple adjectives, nouns and verbs that describe your story. Write them all down on a sheet of paper and combine them into different phrases. Sometimes you can pick up on a title that works. 2. Pick a Part Look for an important turning point in your novel or just focus on the climax. Describe this event on paper. Pick out the words or phrases that stand out to you in your description. Mix and match these words to see what works for you. 3. Live by Example Pick out novels or short stories that run in the same genre as your project. Study the titles and how they relate to the story as a whole. Then, look at your project as a whole. Think of the theme or overall message of your book. Write down some words that go along with your theme and work them to see if you can find a fitting title. 4. Go for the Obscure Avoid the obvious â€Å"The† titles like â€Å"The Pink Slipper† or â€Å"The Brown Dog.† Look for slight recurring themes or undercurrents in your novel and try naming your novel after those subtle nuances. JK Rowling, author of the Harry Potter series, is a genius with titles. The titles, especially the Half-Blood Prince, all highlight under-riding themes that later play a large role in the series as a whole. 5. Appeal to the Higher Poets usually have a way of weaving words in a beautiful tapestry of art that put prose writers to shame. Read some famous poetry and write down words and phrases that stick out to you. Song lyrics often have the same effect. You can find some powerful titles by mixing, matching and combining words from powerful lyrics. 6. A Writer’s Best Friend Consult your thesaurus and look up synonyms for commonly occurring words in your novel. Write down as many synonyms as you can to try and get a fresh point of view on an event in your novel. Look up these synonyms in the dictionary to get a better understanding of their meaning. Use different words in context to find a combination that you like. 7. Super Easy Way Type â€Å"title generator† into Google and see what pops up. There are several websites that will either have you type in a couple descriptive words and scramble them for you or they’ll just generate some random titles for a variety of genres. Some, like, just generate extremely random and funny titles. Mostly, these titles are just good for a laugh, like â€Å"Pants ride the Bus,† but you may actually be able to find something that works with your project. I hope these suggestions make the arduous process of title-finding a little easier. Good luck! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Program vs. Programme"Wracking" or "Racking" Your Brain?Captain vs. Master

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Essay Topics

Essay Topics Essay Topics Essay Topics Choosing an essay topic may be one of the most difficult parts of the essay writing process. Very often you are asked to write something interesting from you life experience. It is clear that there were a lot of interesting events in your life, but you need to choose the most significant one. Without good essay topic you can't express yourself as a personality. Choosing essay topics is difficult and takes a lot of time. But don't panic and relax. Once you've chosen a topic related to your life's event - check it. Tell somebody why you remember this particular event, how it changed you as a person, how you reacted. If the answers impress your listener you may start writing an essay. While writing an essay, use your own voice, don't let someone else tell you what to write. Tell your story and make the essay to be your own. Your essay should be original, but it doesn't means that you should write about something you don't know. In most cases, the tutor pays more attention to how a student writes covers a topic rather than to a topic itself. Your tutor wants to see fine writing that reflects mature thought, a mastery of the language, clear structure, and a topic that tells something new about you simply because you tell a good story. Essay writing requires grammatical accuracy. Your writing must be understandable, clear and direct. Essay Help If you decided to write about a single event in your life, you should use the narrative structure which can also be chronological. It can be filled with action, dialogue, and subtle details. Write chronologically doesn't mean that you should rattle off a schedule of events. It is better to provide many details about a very specific set of events. The sequence of events will help you to avoid the difficult task of transitioning between paragraphs. Even if the narrative is one of the most effective forms of writing for an essay it can also be rather difficult. Start writing your essay with a brief story, it is one of the most common and effective method. The focus of the essay is usually on the point of view of the narrator. Some students think they need to choose such college essay topic that will amaze the admissions committees. But that's not what colleges are looking for. Instead, they simply want to learn more about who you are and what your way of thinking is. Custom Essay Writing Services There are as many essay topics as there are students in the world.   The imagination of your tutors has no boundaries.   Based on our experience in custom essay writing, we were impressed by some essay topics assigned by the tutors.   It seemed that the given topic was impossible to research.   However, strives to meet the expectations of all customers and write a good essay on any topic.   It is easy to be our customer because you get professionally written custom essay prior to deadline and pay a reasonable price for it.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 2

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - Essay Example Caring for patients with mental and behavioral disorders requires integration of clinical skills, professional knowledge, interpersonal skills and experiences. The central activity in practice is therefore, that of using ‘self’ as the means of establishing and attaining effective nurse-client relationships. Consequently, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the change interventions that rely on collaborative and therapeutic relationship and empowering with the treatment outcomes dependent on active participation of the client. The central idea in CBT is that all behavior (normal and abnormal) is attained and sustained ways that are identical (Whitfield, 2010). This is consistency with the principles of learning theory, which emphasizes on the role of operant and classical conditioning. The extensive evidence base of CBT is well documented and recommended as a treatment modality with clear guidelines for best practices (Whitfield, 2010). Although reflection plays a critical role in CBT, it has been conspicuously absent in CBT literature leading to misconceptions that CBT therapists don not reflect (Wright, 2006). With this background, this paper demonstrates that nurse students and CBT therapists use various methods such as self-reflection, self-supervision, and reflective journals as well as a variety of data from multiple sources such as CBT literature, client presentations and self-reflections to reflect on their learning and practice. According to the International Institute for Cognitive Therapy, CBT is a psychological approach that relies on scientific principles of which research has shown effectiveness towards diverse range of problems (International Institute for Cognitive Therapy, 2014). CBT intervention encompasses approaches such as cognitive therapy (CT), and rational emotive therapy (REBT). CBT

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Creative use of English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Creative use of English - Essay Example The use of language in Rebecca can be best understood when approached phenomologically as they reflect the perception of the perceiver and seemingly constitutes a prototype that is culturally defined and generated infinitely everytime there is an attempt at understanding it through the process of cognition. Thus cognition and language play are essential categories that wrestle dialogically until a decision in sentence production is taken everytime to fix or anchor authorial intent. But it does not rest there, as cognition is also an attempt to translate all linguistic and communicative possibilities for each level of word play or use at the lexical stage and at the level of poetic metaphor and metonymy at the semantic level. "It is clearly understood that one of the qualities that all languages have in common is their "creative" aspect. Thus an essential property of language is that it provides the means for expressing indefinitely many thoughts and for reacting appropriately in an indefinite range of situations" (Chomsky, 1965) Chomsky unlike Humboldt argues for the necessity of a universal grammar, which must accompany a generative grammar that "assigns to each of an infinite range of sentences a structural description indicating how this sentence is understood by the ideal speaker hearer" and is also "perfectly explicit" (Chomsky, 1965). Humboldt talks about the truly creative aspect of man's cognitive faculty and how man resolves particular creative challenges given to them since language cease to be just syntagmatic and paradigmatic modes of representations and enter the reader's "horizon of expectations" (Jauss, 1982) and self-conscious-ness as Hegel situates it. Thus the cognitive "potentialities" (Jauss, 1982) as per the Reader-response theory are derived out of cumulative responses of readers and hence is rests outside the individual mental struggle with understanding and is thus more result oriented. But cognitive approach concerns itself more with the working understanding of the mind as it tries to derive and synthesize meanings out of language that are creatively distorted beyond their functional and immediate lexical meanings and also not quite semantically or culturally relevant but intertwined with the progress and context or mood of the narrative itself. Thus in Rebecca, word play, unlike say as used in Finnegans Wake by Joyce is less a universalization of the protean qualities of dream. Both the novels use creativity through language to represent the conventions and the workings of the sleeping mind that are communicative but in a many possible ways. Cognition thus comes when language is embedded in a larger social or narrative context and faces danger in a new usage that challenges it to redefine language use and deconstruct all grammatical pragmatism. Thus new semantic domains can be best analyzed through deep introspection and understanding of reader's role in interpreting metaphors while deciphering language. Metaphors are thus the dominant demarcators of new language constructions that lack any objective ready meaning and rests mainly on conceptualization, categorization, grammaticalization and the use of language for communication of meaning. It lacks any older positivist paradigms of linguistics and archetypal expressions. Rebecca uses an archetypal imagery of dream sequence to indulge into creative language play so as to

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Develop a Services Marketing Plan of Fitness First Research Paper

Develop a Services Marketing Plan of Fitness First - Research Paper Example This essay approves that the management of Fitness First should waive the signup fee as sign up is free in almost all other fitness clubs. Also instead of an annual fee membership or bi-annual fee, it should offer tri monthly and bi-monthly memberships as none of the other follow this strategy and this will also attract consumers as they have to be bound with the company for a smaller period of time. It should also offer a discount to those who wish to continue after the tri-monthly or bi-annual membership is completed. This report makes a conclusion that for the improvement of promotion element of marketing mix it is suggested that Fitness First should focus on integrated promotional mix. All the media used should focus on same message and consumers must be attracted towards the services. Focus should be placed on publicity element where Fitness first can take part in different events and sponsor different relevant activities to help grow its name. Another point which is discussed earlier is the risk factors which Fitness First must try to eliminate like risk of death during exercises which pose a bad name on the brand. To eliminate such risks Fitness First should ask those who wish to join it to produce a medical certificate and advertise the same to make people realize how concerned Fitness First is about the safety of its members. Placement strategy is already good as Fitness First is available in 12 convenient locations but still it needs to be figured out if expansion option is available. This can be done more properly by conducting consumer research.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Environmental Analysis Of Brazil Marketing Essay

Environmental Analysis Of Brazil Marketing Essay DAIM Co. is the company that has been operating successfully for the past 15 years providing and manufacturing computer and computer devices and considered as the market leader in the Malaysian market. Due to the high competition in the market, the manager of DAIM Co. intends to persuade companys BOD (Board of Directors) to penetrate Brazilian market. The main idea of the business is to sell computers and computer devices in Brazil. The main purpose of this assignment is to perform environmental analysis of Brazil, to identify possible opportunities and threats, and to analyze how the environmental factors in terms of political-legal, social, economic and technological environment can affect the international operation functions and decision-making of a business. Also, this research paper provides most appropriate market entry strategy. Selected Product: Computer and computer devices Executive Summary flag_of_brazil.png images.jpg Geography It is a country that situates in the South America, and continents largest nation. Borders almost all the countries on the continent except Chile and Ecuador and has exit to Atlantic Ocean that makes country easy to access by the sea. The surface area of the country is 8 547 000 square km. Brazil ranks as fifth largest country. The capital city is Brasilia, while the most important cities are Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Brazils climate is tropical due to the location of the country, with the south being temperate. (Appendix 1, Political Map of Brazil) Demography It is the most populous nation in the South America, and worlds 6 country according to population after China, India, USA, Indonesia and Russian Federation. The population of brazil is equal to 190,732,694 people as of August 2010, which is 2.76% of Worlds Population. And the birth rate is 22.65 births per 1,000 populations. Different ethnic groups can be described as follows: 55% are whites of European descent, 22% are mulattous of mixed European and African Descent, 11% blacks and 0.1% Native Americans. ( ) Economic Profile Brazil has best economy among all countries in Latin America. Since its independence September 7, 1822 the economy is rapidly developing. And the result by 2010 is: GDP (nominal exchange rate): $ 2.1 trillion. GDP (purchasing power parity): $2.194 trillion. (Appendix 2, GDP of Brazil) Annual real growth (2010): 7.5%. Natural resources: Iron ore, manganese, bauxite, nickel, uranium, gemstones, oil, wood, and aluminum. Brazil has 14% of the worlds renewable fresh water. Agriculture (6% of GDP):  Productssoybeans, coffee, sugarcane, cocoa, rice, livestock, corn, oranges, cotton, wheat, and tobacco. Industry (28% of GDP):  Typessteel, commercial aircraft, chemicals, petrochemicals, footwear, machinery, motors, vehicles, auto parts, consumer durables, cement, and lumber. Exchange rate (March 3, 2011): U.S. $1 = 1.65 Brazilian reals. International Business Trade balance of Brazil as for 2011 is $20 billion surplus.  Exports: $202 billion.  Major markets of exports are: China 15%, USA 10%, Argentina 9%.  Imports: $182 billion.  Major suppliers are USA 15%, China 14%, and Argentina 8%. ( PESTLE Analysis PESTLE is a strategic management tool that provides useful framework to analyze the environmental pressures on Business (Goyal et al, 2009). Political: Brazil is a federal republic with 26 states and a federal district. The 1988 constitution grants broad powers to the federal government, made up of executive, legislative, and judicial branches. Electing Lula da Silva in the 2002 as the president of Brazil has been described as a milestone, a starting point for secured democratic rule in the nation. This was an important in the establishment of economic norms and practices for the country; the more socialist models of state-run industry have been rejected, and significant international debt has been incurred to address the social ills facing the country. During the economic crisis in Latin America, the Brazilian economic situation becomes even more important; the growth of the Brazilian market has come to bear significantly on the worlds economy. After the election there have been significant improvements in the political environment, but political wrangling still exists, and a fragmented congress means economic risks still remain.  Issues surrounding policy implementation mean that expected future benefits from current policies are uncertain. Economic: Brazilian economy is the largest in the South America region; country has well developed agriculture, mining, manufacturing and service sector. From 2003, Brazil improved its macroeconomic situation, built foreign relations, reduced internal debt, kept inflation rate under control. Later during the financial crisis Brazilian economy had a solid performance and its strong and early recovery, including 2010 growth of 7.5%, have contributed to the countrys transition from a regional to a global power. Expected to continue to grow in the 4% to 5% range, the economy is the worlds eighth-largest and is expected to rise to fifth within the next several years. During the administration of former President Lula, surging exports, economic growth and social programs helped lift tens of millions of Brazilians out of poverty. Social: The large and growing consumer market provides a strong basis for considering market entry.      It is unlikely that overall workforce availability will be an issue, given the option of using international labor if requirements cannot be met locally.  Ã‚   Labor costs are attractive but there are significant costs on top of basic wages and requirements for additional training. Technological: Brazil is a leader in science and technology in South America and in some fields a global leader, such as bio fuels, agricultural research, deep-sea oil production, and remote sensing. U.S. Government, private sector, and academic researchers have extensive ties with Brazilian counterparts, and the extent of bilateral scientific and technological cooperation is expanding. The Brazilian Government seeks to develop an environment that is more supportive of innovation, taking scientific advances from the laboratory to the marketplace. Legal: The Legal rules governing business activities in Brazil are basically laid down in federal legislation, but constitution allows Federal Government to legislate on certain matters related to business activities, such as tax, financial and economic issues, liability for environmental and consumer damages. Federal Governments power is limited to enacting basic rules on such issues, whereas States and Federal District have authority to legislate on a supplementary basis, in line with the general rules laid down in the federal legislation. Brazil offers big business opportunities for foreign investors, in light of its economic potential, its diversified economy and its huge domestic market, now considerably expanded as a result of several international trade agreements entered into with economic blocks and countries the World over. Environmental: According to the geographical location of Brazil, it is very easy accessible by the sea, this means the country has an exit to the Atlantic Ocean. The raw materials, equipment, and products can easily be delivered by the sea which is not costly comparing to transportation by air. Also, according to the geographical location of the country there is no natural disaster like earthquakes and tsunami, which may cause stoppage of the business. Due to the large size, the climate of Brazil is different, even though the most part of the country is within tropical zone. The climate of Brazil experiments two seasons: the rainy which is summer and dry season which is winter. There is no cold at all, so the climate is partly same as in Malaysia, and it is very suitable for doing business in this country. Market and Segment Analysis STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning) is the essence of marketing. (Kotler, 1994, p. 93) Segmentation is the  process  of defining and subdividing a  market  into clearly identifiable  segments having similar  needs,  wants, or  demand  characteristics. ( Demographic Segmentation refers to a wide study of the potential customers (Kotler, P., 2002). It consists of the variables such as: age, income, occupation and gender. The below diagram demonstrates the age segmentation: 13-25 years for Education and Entertainment 25-65 years for doing business. Segment.jpg The income level is an important part of segmentation, everyone can afford computers and computer devices, because nowadays there to many types of devices and they vary in pricing. It is available for all levels of users, occupation and gender. Geographic Segmentation is done by dividing people (markets) into different geographical locations. (Kotler Armstrong, 2002, p.252) Here, the main target will be main cities like capital Brasilia, and the most important cities in the country Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. Targeting Strategy is the  selection  of  potential  customers  to whom a  business wishes to  sell  products  or  services. The targeting  strategy involves segmenting the market, choosing which  segments of the market are  appropriate, and determining the products that will be offered in each segment. ( Mostly computer devices will be selling to the big companies who need computers to operate their business and customers who uses computers that need devices to coordinate their busy schedules and communicate with colleagues, friends and family. Also, high schools, colleges and other educational institutions will be targeted in Brazil. Positioning Strategy   states  how the  firm  defines  its  business  or how a  brand  distinguishes itself, how the  customers  will benefit from its  features, and how these  benefits  or aspects will be communicated to the intended  audience. ( We are positioning our computers and computer devices as the versatile, convenient, value-added devices for doing business, personal and professional use. The marketing strategy will focus on the convenience of doing business, entertainment with access to the internet. Mode of Entry to the Market The proposed way to enter Brazilian market is through Joint Venture strategy, which is defined as a contractual business undertaking between two or more parties. It is similar to a business partnership, with one key difference: a partnership generally involves an ongoing, long-term business relationship, whereas a joint venture is based on a single business transaction. Establishment of joint ventures is a common practice in Brazil. A major motivation for joint ventures is to pair foreign firms with Brazilian partners to compete in segments of the government procurement market or in other markets subject to government regulation, such as telecommunications, computers and capital goods. Formation of a joint venture can be accomplished through a variety of business entities. Entering a joint venture is a complex, and sometimes, time consuming process. As any type business structure, it holds a good opportunity for anyone to grow and make money fast; but just like any other business type; joint venture also holds threat to anyone who wants to enter. Porters 5 Forces Porters fives forces model  is a model which is using to analyze a particular environment of an industry in terms of Competitive rivalry, power of suppliers, power of buyers, threats of substitutes and threat of new entrants. Competitive rivalry: When entering to the market, the first thing you have to do is to analyze competitive rivalry in the country you going to set your business. If entry to an industry is easy then competitive rivalry will likely to be high. If it is easy for customers to move to substitute products for example from coke to water then again rivalry will be high. Generally competitive rivalry will be high if: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There is little differentiation between the products sold between customers. Actually, there is not so much difference between computer devices sold in different companies. This means the customers will look for those products which have better quality or long life cycle of the product, in other words durability. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Competitors are approximately the same size of each other. Those companies who are operating as retailers only, will face a big trouble against big companies. The buyers prefer to work with best, well known companies who provide stability and confidence to them. Power of  suppliers Suppliers are also essential for the success of an  organization. Raw materials are needed to complete the finish product of the organization.  Suppliers  do have power. This power comes from:   à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ If they are the only  supplier  or one of few  suppliers  who  supply  that particular raw material. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ If it costly for the  organization  to move from one  supplier  to another à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ If there is no other substitute for their product. Power of buyers Buyers or customers can exert  influence  and control over an industry in certain circumstances. This happens when: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ There is little differentiation over the product and substitutes can be found easily. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Customers are sensitive to price. The pricing should not be high, it must suit their expectations. The overall life concerns in Brazil are low, this means we have to identify the prices in relation to the customers, are they able to buy our products. If the prices will be high, the customer will switch to another product or company which is not costly for them. Threat of Substitutes This is about the alternative products that customers can purchase over your product that offer the same benefit for the same or less price. Threat of substitute is high when the price of your PC is higher than your competitors price, or when competitors decide to cut the prices of their products. In this industry, we can say that there is high competition, so this can bring to losing customers because customers sometimes are willing to substitute and compare the products or companies itself. Threat of new entrant The threat of a new  organization  entering the industry is high when it is easy for an organization  to enter the industry. An  organization  will look at how loyal customers are to existing products, how quickly they can achieve economy of scales, would they have access to  suppliers, would  government legislation  prevent them or encourage them to enter the industry. Actually, there is high probability that other companies will enter the market and will compete with you in the market. Conclusion Doing business in Brazil may be very profitable to the international companies. All the factors that may affect the business are positively affecting the business. PC industry is developing on Brazil. And there are many drivers to start your own business in the Brazil. International companies have advantage over the local companies, as they are undervalued and in need of restructuring, capital and technology. There is creative and flexible labor force, which is not expensive comparing to other countries. Growth potential of consumer market is very high. Privatization in late stages, inflation is under control in the last 10 years. There is increasing globalization and international trade. Foreign investors are eligible for most available fiscal incentives. And established transportation networks such as railways, highways, ports make it easy to operate in Brazil.

Friday, October 25, 2019

A Home that I Can Point To Essay -- Personal Narrative Moving Essays

A Home that I Can Point To We are moving once again. The new place is barely down the street, but we have to move again. This is the fifth time in six years that I have moved from one apartment to another. Im glad we are finally moving out of the old apartment, because the guy below us constantly banged on his ceiling when I walked from one room to another. Its been awhile since I have had a place to call home, a place I can grow fond of. I have hope that one day we will live in a house and not have to worry about cranky neighbors or stairs to climb before I reach my front door. As I read the short piece from Sandra Cisneross, The House On Mango Street, I began to appreciate everything that I had in life. The story is narrated through the thoughts and emotions of a young girl whose family lives in poverty and struggles to find a decent place to live. The message that Cisneros tries to convey to her readers is that those who have plenty in life must realize that there are people who struggle every day and work hard in order to survive, and they too have dreams and goals of one day living an adequate life. People who have such elaborate homes or even simple homes always want more, never understanding the value of what they have. Once I read the story, I came to terms with what life is like for those who hardly have means of getting water. I have gained more respect for those who struggle, but still make an effort to ameliorate their situation. From my experience, I can relate to her need for a solid ground, but when it comes to the difficulty of living in pove rty, I can only learn to be grateful for what I have. The oldest home that I can remember is an apartment my mother, stepfather, and I lived in. The building was ... ...the place I call home. As a child, one needs to make memories of their childhood and this girl loses that opportunity. In the girls case, she is unhappy with her home, and unappreciative of what her family provides for her. However, she is no different from any other person in society. We all desire more than what we can realistically acquire, and constantly expect better things in life. This is not a negative aspect of human nature; it is simply a mechanism to strive us to do better in life. I knew then I had to have a real house. A real house. One I could point to. This attitude shows the reader that she has used the torment she has endured as a means of reinforcement on striving for a greater future. I hope that someday, my Dad and I can find a place to settle down in, but it will probably be awhile. Like the little girl would say, I know how those things go.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Conflict with Watching Tv

Television viewing is a regular part of American daily life and poses negative effects on children and adults. When television was invented children and adults would only spend a couple hours during the day watching television. Now children and adults are obsessively watching television for more than two hours a day. Television creates multiple health problems. A problem with watching too much television is a lack of movement and sleep. Also, watching too much television can cause a lack of communication inside and outside of the house.Television is extremely distracting when a person is trying to do his or her homework. Television is detrimental because it creates health problems. The television provides many opportunities to be lazy. First, children and adults will stay up all night watching television causing a lack of sleep having an after effect in the schooling department. A negative effect of television is adults and children are missing out on the physical workout that keeps us healthy from being outside and active. Second, it has been proven that television has a connection with weight gain.Children are more obsessive over TV because they mimic what they see on television without understanding the consequences that follow their actions. Children may watch TV shows that contain violence and will mimic it. This could lead to nightmares and acting out. Third, television can lower a person’s self-esteem. The media puts on ads of products portraying the perfect image, as a result making children and adults have low self-esteem. When children watch too much violence they become unaware of reality and try to imitate it.If television does not benefit children it can lead them to behave inappropriately. Other than television creating health problems, it is also detrimental because it makes people communicate less. Without a parent’s guide or adult supervision, shows on television can become a lifestyle for the young ages of today. First, viewers a re unable to carry on a conversation while watching television. People are discarding and ignoring potentially important conversations simply by focusing on the television rather than people talking. Next, people spend us the majority of their time watching television.Television demands vision and hearing to receive images and sounds so that the viewer can get important information to understand programs. Second, some families go as far as letting their children watching television during dinner time instead of sitting around the dinner table and discussing valuable matters. Instead of watching television, the day should be spent productively with family, aside from work and school. A lack of communication will diminish parent-child interaction can have negative effects on children, especially when they are young.Third, this neglect could lead to the breakdown of relationships between family members and lost friendships. Television is a function that is diffusing information but lac ks interaction with other people. The longer a person watches television, the shorter his or her communication skills are. When a person watches TV constantly they do not care for a long meaningful conversation only a superficial conversation. Due to spending most of our daily time watching television, people care less about job responsibility and relationships between families and friends.Not only does television create lack of communication, TV also creates distraction. Children who become addicted to television seem to have worst grades based on the fact that television runs there life’s. First, Television is distracting because it takes away the ability to want to do homework or read. People’s attention spend gets shortened because too much of television. This is where procrastination starts people decide to watch a TV show and then do their homework after the show is finished, but instead they get sleepy and are not able to complete it.Second, continuing to watch TV instead of doing homework will have a major effect on a student’s grades. Some people stay up to watch all the games that play so they do not miss anything. Sleeping in late can cause individuals to be tired the next day of school and can lead to not doing as great on an assignment, quiz, or test the following morning. Third, when watching television, some people are not as likely to be involved with other activities. Television affects children the most. Every child has limited time and resources to put toward personal development.If children fill up all their free time watching television they will miss out on many life lessons learned through experience. Children may learn a little bit from the TV, but not nearly as much as school and playing outside. Having more quantity time to spend on their own development means that our children are starting to seriously excel in certain areas they’ve worked on with their own initiative. In conclusion, television is detrimen tal because it creates health problems by making people lazier.After work these days, a typical father comes home and sits down in front of the television instead of being productive by spending time with their children, or working on projects. Too much television also causes a lack of communication because most people tend to get absorbed in the story of their favorite show, and completely ignore their surroundings including their upset spouse or child. Television can be an addiction that makes people lethargic, anti-social, and distracted affecting many areas of a healthy life.