Friday, October 25, 2019

A Home that I Can Point To Essay -- Personal Narrative Moving Essays

A Home that I Can Point To We are moving once again. The new place is barely down the street, but we have to move again. This is the fifth time in six years that I have moved from one apartment to another. Im glad we are finally moving out of the old apartment, because the guy below us constantly banged on his ceiling when I walked from one room to another. Its been awhile since I have had a place to call home, a place I can grow fond of. I have hope that one day we will live in a house and not have to worry about cranky neighbors or stairs to climb before I reach my front door. As I read the short piece from Sandra Cisneross, The House On Mango Street, I began to appreciate everything that I had in life. The story is narrated through the thoughts and emotions of a young girl whose family lives in poverty and struggles to find a decent place to live. The message that Cisneros tries to convey to her readers is that those who have plenty in life must realize that there are people who struggle every day and work hard in order to survive, and they too have dreams and goals of one day living an adequate life. People who have such elaborate homes or even simple homes always want more, never understanding the value of what they have. Once I read the story, I came to terms with what life is like for those who hardly have means of getting water. I have gained more respect for those who struggle, but still make an effort to ameliorate their situation. From my experience, I can relate to her need for a solid ground, but when it comes to the difficulty of living in pove rty, I can only learn to be grateful for what I have. The oldest home that I can remember is an apartment my mother, stepfather, and I lived in. The building was ... ...the place I call home. As a child, one needs to make memories of their childhood and this girl loses that opportunity. In the girls case, she is unhappy with her home, and unappreciative of what her family provides for her. However, she is no different from any other person in society. We all desire more than what we can realistically acquire, and constantly expect better things in life. This is not a negative aspect of human nature; it is simply a mechanism to strive us to do better in life. I knew then I had to have a real house. A real house. One I could point to. This attitude shows the reader that she has used the torment she has endured as a means of reinforcement on striving for a greater future. I hope that someday, my Dad and I can find a place to settle down in, but it will probably be awhile. Like the little girl would say, I know how those things go.

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