Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay Dulce et Deorum Est - 2345 Words

Dulce et Deorum Est Wilfred Owen wrote Dulce et Decorum Est about the first World War, in which he had personally fought. It was addressed to Jessie Pope, a writer of other poems concerning the War. Specifically he wrote the poem to counteract her poem â€Å"Who’s For The Game?†. Owen felt that Pope did not comprehend the seriousness of the war in her portrayal of the battle as a rugby game. Pope conveyed the participants of the ‘game’ were admirable and those who sat on the sidelines shunned and disregarded. His poem seems very depressing and gloomy, particularly in comparison, but is it not more realistic? Owen was a soldier himself, would he not know more about the horrors that war brings than the female poet, who could only be†¦show more content†¦I know if it were I, I would feel that a sense of claustrophobia, an unease and repulsion of the things that I would be forced to cope with and an irrepressible urge to escape. I would hate the feeling of knowing that I could not just leave when I pleased and had to face the same tragic scene every day. This may be somewhat ‘deep’ for the first few lines of a poem, but I feel that these kind of subjects are already beginning to emerge. The line continues to say that the man tur ned their heads on the haunting flares, maybe in a half-hearted effort to shut them out of their minds. Line four is even less enthusiastic – it describes the men as ‘trudging to their distant rest’. At least the men have something to look forward to, but then again maybe not, maybe the sentence has a double meaning, maybe ‘distant rest’ is meant to be read further into and is a disguised synonym of the deaths that eventually the men will encounter. If this is the case then the line is quite dark, but if the line is taken as it is written then there is a little more optimism being displayed. Lines five to eight keep on with the tired, droning tone of those prior to them; they describe how the men were marching almost subconsciously, regardless of losing boots or small explosions in their wake. Such events as injury occurring around you may be shocking to most usually, but to people fighting in the war they have become the norm. TheShow MoreRelated Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. Essay1204 Words   |  5 PagesDulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. The First World War was an event that brought to many people, pain, sorrow and bitterness. Accounts of the war shows that no other war challenged existing conventions, morals and ideals in the same way as did World War. Many people touched by the terrror of the war have written pieces of literature about the massacre that was World War 1, wishing people to understand the horror and tragedy that befell those involved. Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred

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