Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Definition Essay Topics List - Overview

Definition Essay Topics List - Overview The Definition Essay Topics List Game Before getting to writing a definition essay, you must be certain that you comprehend the significance of the term completely because some terms are confusing, and you might wind up writing from the topic. Since you may see, there isn't anything complicated about explaining the meanings of unique words. You should write properly which terms you're likely to define. There are four distinct methods for defining a term based on the discipline. Sometimes people just can't begin writing their essay without looking at an entire instance of somebody else, seeing the structure and the way it's written. You ought to understand the term for you to be simple to define it for others. By way of example, individuals are somewhat more likely to agree with a definition of cat, while the expression happiness is going to be defined in various ways. For instance, it must mean various things to various men and women. The Most Popular Definition Essay Topics List You must be aware of the available forms of definitions in essay writing. As you probably already know, simply because you've got a definition essay topic and a couple examples doesn't signify you've got an essay. The majority of the topics for definition essays are usually based on contradictory stipulations, and therefore your function for a writer is to make sure that you give an easy clarification. Among the various sorts of essay, there's a definition essay that could a ppear to be among the most simple assignments. You might also see short essays. You can also see literacy essay. You can also see scholarship essay. You've approached the last portion of your essay. There are a lot of ways to define the major term of your essay. In the principal area of the essay, you have to analyze the selected word. When writing an essay, you might want to define a few of that terminology that's familiar to you. Definition Essay Topics List Secrets That No One Else Knows About Standard definition is the one which you will see in the dictionary. A typical definition is essentially a dictionary definition of the word. A term can have many meanings, and that means you should place every meaning into its paragraph. Instead, you should explain the significance of the word in your terms. Do not assume that you will need to rely just on the definition of the dictionary. The Downside Risk of Definition Essay Topics List A definition essay is a particular kind of assignment that simply explains the significance of a particular term. It is a type of essay in which you have to explain the word due to its general meaning, historical background, and cultural perception. It explores the history of a certain term and the author's personal understanding of the particular concept or term. It can focus on one method or it can incorporate multiple methods to help the explanation. A wide type consists of issues that aren't referents of the idea. After you give a definition, you will always produce illustrations, and as soon as you don't remind the reader of what you were defining, they're likely to receive lost on the way. Pick the word The very first step to writing a definition essay is to select the word. Such kind of writing does not require a normal thesis. Be certain that you emphasize the term you're defining you ought to be in a position to emphasize the term you're describing in your essay in order for the reader can't get lost in your illustrations. The format of your extended definition essay is dependent on the formatting style you will have to use. You could possibly be requested to select MLA, APA, Oxford, Harvard or one of different styles based on the major and subject you're studying. You could also see elements of an essay. As soon as you've brainstormed the parts, you're prepared to make an outline, and after that compose some paragraphs. You are able to write Definition Essay for a course or merely try out writing it to boost your English abilities, make it something like a language challenge. Don't select an easy word since it won't offer you enough info to write about. There's an advised sequence of actions to discover relevant information regarding the term. So, whenever you really feel like buying an essay online, we're here to assist you out!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Essay Dulce et Deorum Est - 2345 Words

Dulce et Deorum Est Wilfred Owen wrote Dulce et Decorum Est about the first World War, in which he had personally fought. It was addressed to Jessie Pope, a writer of other poems concerning the War. Specifically he wrote the poem to counteract her poem â€Å"Who’s For The Game?†. Owen felt that Pope did not comprehend the seriousness of the war in her portrayal of the battle as a rugby game. Pope conveyed the participants of the ‘game’ were admirable and those who sat on the sidelines shunned and disregarded. His poem seems very depressing and gloomy, particularly in comparison, but is it not more realistic? Owen was a soldier himself, would he not know more about the horrors that war brings than the female poet, who could only be†¦show more content†¦I know if it were I, I would feel that a sense of claustrophobia, an unease and repulsion of the things that I would be forced to cope with and an irrepressible urge to escape. I would hate the feeling of knowing that I could not just leave when I pleased and had to face the same tragic scene every day. This may be somewhat ‘deep’ for the first few lines of a poem, but I feel that these kind of subjects are already beginning to emerge. The line continues to say that the man tur ned their heads on the haunting flares, maybe in a half-hearted effort to shut them out of their minds. Line four is even less enthusiastic – it describes the men as ‘trudging to their distant rest’. At least the men have something to look forward to, but then again maybe not, maybe the sentence has a double meaning, maybe ‘distant rest’ is meant to be read further into and is a disguised synonym of the deaths that eventually the men will encounter. If this is the case then the line is quite dark, but if the line is taken as it is written then there is a little more optimism being displayed. Lines five to eight keep on with the tired, droning tone of those prior to them; they describe how the men were marching almost subconsciously, regardless of losing boots or small explosions in their wake. Such events as injury occurring around you may be shocking to most usually, but to people fighting in the war they have become the norm. TheShow MoreRelated Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. Essay1204 Words   |  5 PagesDulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred Owen. The First World War was an event that brought to many people, pain, sorrow and bitterness. Accounts of the war shows that no other war challenged existing conventions, morals and ideals in the same way as did World War. Many people touched by the terrror of the war have written pieces of literature about the massacre that was World War 1, wishing people to understand the horror and tragedy that befell those involved. Dulce et Decorum est, by Wilfred

Monday, December 9, 2019

The Business Research Proposal

Question: What is the main reason of The business research proposal of throwing light on the management decisions of corporate firms. Answer: Introduction The business research proposal throws light on the management decisions of corporate firms to implement Corporate Social Responsibility. In todays world, many corporate sector companies are implementing different methods to win over their clients. Some of the corporate sector firms claim that they maintain strong loyalty with their clients. Apart from this another important aspect that the companies are paying attention to is a set of corporate social responsibilities. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a part of the business that the company does. The responsibility of the company to participate and promote initiatives from which the society can get some benefit is accounted as the corporate social responsibility of the company (Responsibility, 2015). Studies have revealed that a lot of companies and organisations have been implementing various methods to encourage corporate social responsibility. The organisations pay serious attention to the issues regarding the society and environment while running the business. The corporate social responsibility of the company includes the role which the company play to allocate the resources available for different activities (Homburg, et al., 2013). Hence, one can observe that the corporate social responsibility of an organisation is a very important part of the companys business. Literature review In this business proposal the author writes a literature review on the topic of the corporate social responsibility of the organisations doing business. The literature review helps to understand the topic better. The concept of corporate social responsibility has been incorporated in the business of the organisations way back in 1917 (Bondy, et al., 2012). Some of the corporate social responsibilities that the companies perform include that they work for the welfare of the people, to generate profit and to utilize it judiciously. Some of the companies also aim at generating employment as a part of their corporate responsibility. There are a few companies who give due importance to the interests of the stakeholders of the firm. The companies take care of the social well being of the stakeholders as well as that of their employees. All these form a part of the corporate social responsibility of the firm. The corporate social responsibilities of the companies involve finding new ways to make their customers happy with their services and also to generate heavy returns that would make their shareholders happy. Studies have shown that there exist a positive relation between the society and the business organisations (Aguinis Glavas, 2012). There are different types of corporate social responsibility that the business organisations all over the world practices. The author of the research proposal has listed below some of the corporate social responsibilities of the firms. Environment: business corporations all over the world have huge carbon footprints. The business organisations make serious and sincere efforts to cut down those footprints from their business practices. This measure that the firms undertake is considered very positive both for the society as well as the company as a whole (Flammer, 2013). Ethical practices for the employees: It forms a part of the duty of the companies all over the world to treat their employees equally with respect following professional ethics (Brammer, et al., 2012). This forms an important aspect of the corporate social responsibility of the company. Philanthropy: some of the business corporations of the world engage in social activities like donating a portion of their profit to local and national charitable trusts. Apart from donating money to the charitable trusts, the business firms also have other resources that can benefit the programs held in the local communities (Cheng, et al., 2014). Research questions One can observe that there are a lot of studies and researches going on even today to elaborate more on the corporate social responsibilities of the business organisations all over the world (Calabrese, et al., 2013). The researcher can pose the following questions to conduct the research on the corporate social responsibilities of the companies: What are the management practices that the business organisations can follow to maintain corporate social responsibility? What practices the corporate organisations follow to maintain uniqueness in their corporate social responsibility? What are the reasons behind the emergence of the concept of the corporate social responsibility of the firms (Baden Harwood, 2013)? The researcher tries to find the answers to the above proposed questions through the research that the researcher is going to conduct. Research methodologies and techniques The researcher performs an analysis for the in-depth investigation of the concept of corporate social responsibility. The researcher studies the concept under the light of qualitative methods (Crane, et al., 2013). The researcher and the analyst can perform the research in various ways. Here in this proposal the researcher has chosen a multinational company from China and makes a list of its branches at other locations outside China. The researcher also forms groups of two to three multinational companies, other than the one chosen. By doing so the researcher gets the opportunity to analyse and compare the different social responsibilities that these companies undertake. The researcher has chosen the company named Better and Happy world for doing his research. The organisation is a private firm working with the objective to establish a system that is sustainable related to the supply of food. The company has its head office located in Belgium and it has many branches spread all over the world. The company obtain funds from different sources and encourages different projects that might bring about changes in the structure of the business of the firm. The researcher observed that the company does not incorporate any specific corporate social responsibility policy. However the researcher observed that the company maintains sustainable and integrated policies in all its departments (Kucukusta, et al., 2013). Gantt Chart The Gantt chart clearly describes the milestones of the research proposal. The Gantt chart denotes the duration for completing the literature review, duration for the collection of data and making the analysis report and the date on which the final research proposal will be submitted. Task Start date Duration End date Literature Review 08th June 15 days 23rd June Data Collection 24th June 60 days 24th Aug Data Analysis 25th Aug 55 days 20th Oct Final Report Submission 21st Oct 30 days 21st Nov The bar diagram above describes the milestones of the research proposal. Description of the research process To conduct the research on the proposed topic, the researcher would consider the studies of different scholars related to the corporate social responsibilities of different business organisations. The studies of the scholars reveal a number of new theories that has been developed while studying the concept of corporate social responsibilities. The researcher would be taking into account a number of case studies on the topic to complete the research process. The case studies would help the researcher to understand the concept better. The researcher would select the data for performing the research following a theoretical method of sampling (Elo, et al., 2014). The researcher would be implementing various methods to assess the problem of corporate social responsibility on the light of the business organisation chosen. The researcher would be employing a linear approach to understand the concept of CSR. The researcher has chosen the linear approach due to the difficulty of overlapping of various theories and concepts while doing the research (Baker, et al., 2013). The researcher would receive a solution to the research questions following the linear approach. The experimenter analyses the underlying concepts of the corporate social responsibility. The researcher visualizes the meaning of CSR to different people by conducting the research following the linear approach. The solutions that the researchers obtain from the linear approach to the problem would incorporate uniqueness to the aspect of corporate social responsibility. Description of data collection and analysis method The researcher has collected the data to conduct the research from different sources. The data from the different sources enables the researcher to differentiate between the corporate social responsibilities that the different business organisations perform. The experimenter has taken the interview of 20 to 25 people, which includes the workers of the management department. The employees who faced the interview included managers of the medium and the senior levels and also the employees from a few other departments. The interviewer also conducted the interview of the brand managers, communication managers and the employees from the human resource team. The interviewer conducted the interviews through questionnaire that generated quantitative data. The experimenter further categorised the questions of the questionnaire into questions regarding the corporate vision of the company, questions regarding the policy of CSR of the company and other corporate missions and policies. The answers that the experimenter obtains by interviewing the employees of the firm pertain to the policy regarding the corporate social responsibility of the company. The researcher then analyses the data by qualitative methods (Tesch, 2013). Expected research outcomes The researcher expects that by doing the research on the corporate social responsibilities he would be able to highlight the operational policies of the company to implement the corporate social responsibility within the structure of the business. The researcher expects to know the actions that the company need to take to implement the CSR policy. Through this research, the researcher expects to understand the ideas of the employees of the firm regarding the implementation of the CSR in the company. The researcher also expects to explain the role of the stakeholders of the company in performing the corporate social responsibilities (Csikszentmihalyi Larson, 2014). Conclusion The research proposal mainly discusses the underlying concept of the corporate social responsibilities that different firms adopt. The research proposal highlights the implications of the CSR policy on the society. The research proposal has helped in developing a theoretical understanding of the issues regarding the governance of the CSR. One can conclude from the research proposal that while formulating the CSR policies the companies should keep in mind the interests of the stakeholders. References: Aguinis, H., Glavas, A. (2012). What we know and dont know about corporate social responsibility a review and research agenda.Journal of management,38(4), 932-968. Baden, D., Harwood, I. A. (2013). Terminology matters: A critical exploration of corporate social responsibility terms.Journal of Business Ethics,116(3), 615-627. Baker, R., Brick, J. M., Bates, N. A., Battaglia, M., Couper, M. P., Dever, J. A., ... Tourangeau, R. (2013). Summary report of the AAPOR task force on non-probability sampling.Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology,1(2), 90-143. Bondy, K., Moon, J., Matten, D. (2012). An institution of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in multi-national corporations (MNCs): Form and implications.Journal of Business Ethics,111(2), 281-299. Brammer, S., Jackson, G., Matten, D. (2012). Corporate social responsibility and institutional theory: New perspectives on private governance.Socio-Economic Review,10(1), 3-28. Calabrese, A., Costa, R., Menichini, T., Rosati, F., Sanfelice, G. (2013). Turning Corporate Social Responsibilityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ driven Opportunities in Competitive Advantages: a Twoà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ dimensional Model.Knowledge and Process Management,20(1), 50-58. Cheng, B., Ioannou, I., Serafeim, G. (2014). Corporate social responsibility and access to finance.Strategic Management Journal,35(1), 1-23. Crane, A., Matten, D., Spence, L. J. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in a global context.Chapter in: Crane, A., Matten, D., and Spence, LJ,'Corporate Social Responsibility: Readings and Cases in a Global Context,2, 3-26. Csikszentmihalyi, M., Larson, R. (2014). Validity and reliability of the experience-sampling method. InFlow and the Foundations of Positive Psychology(pp. 35-54). Springer Netherlands. Elo, S., Kriinen, M., Kanste, O., Plkki, T., Utriainen, K., Kyngs, H. (2014). Qualitative content analysis.SAGE open,4(1), 2158244014522633. Flammer, C. (2013). Corporate social responsibility and shareholder reaction: The environmental awareness of investors.Academy of Management Journal,56(3), 758-781. Homburg, C., Stierl, M., Bornemann, T. (2013). Corporate social responsibility in business-to-business markets: how organizational customers account for supplier corporate social responsibility engagement.Journal of Marketing,77(6), 54-72. Kucukusta, D., Mak, A., Chan, X. (2013). Corporate social responsibility practices in four and five-star hotels: Perspectives from Hong Kong visitors.International Journal of Hospitality Management,34, 19-30.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Progressive Education Essay Example

Progressive Education Paper According to Gribble (1985) in progressive schools, there is this sense of social equality between adults and children which is one of the progressive ideals. Where the staffs are violent, pupils could also use the same method as a defence mechanism. Gribble further opined that just as machines are used by people so teachers should be used by children too and not children being directed by teachers. In line with progressive education, childrens learning should be purposeful, not tied to a particular curriculum usually entrusted on them with series of examinations and tests/assessments. The teachers moral responsibility is to help the children, guiding them to explore their talents and interests. It is however, important to avoid instilling irrational beliefs that children might not understand. The child must learn how to develop independency. Anything that has the tone of moral compulsion is against the principles of progressive education, which uniqueness rests firmly on the refusal to impose a particular set of values not only the ones contained in the curriculum (Gribble 1985). The philosophy of progressive schools has no room for any dictated creed. Children in progressive schools are allowed to make a choice and to express their opinions freely. The extent to which this is practiced depends on each school because children are helped to see learning as something they should enjoy. Progressive schools discourage competitiveness (Gribble 1985). Since children make their own choices and work at their own pace and not according to the dictate of anyone, it means that the individual pupil does not need to compete with anyone. This helps to relax the learning environment making it conducive for learning. We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Education specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Progressive Education specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A child neither measures his/her own achievement with any other childs nor does the OFSTED that would normally pressurise a state or public school present. There is usually no necessity for progressive school authorities to put pressure on the teachers who in turn pass the pressure on to the children through series of tests/assessments in order to be on top of the performance league table. There is usually no punishment in progressive schools and no inclination to any religious dogma or denomination. However, no matter how ideally progressive education is portrayed as panacea for traditional or conventional form of education as obtains in public, independent and state schools, it is obvious that some of them are not truly and completely progressive. There have been changes in the application of the original philosophy as propounded by pioneers of progressive educational methods some of whose contributions are mentioned and discussed next. Progressive thinkers There are some famous thinkers on childhood whose work are so vital in the history of child-centred education. Some of these writers in the early years did not categorically call their work progressive education, but what they did was catalytic to the formulation of body of knowledge that is called progressive education today to which a lot of acknowledgement is owed. This essay will briefly talk about their ideas, principles and ethos. One of these early writers was Jean Jacques Rousseau whose writings and progressive tilt brought about a fundamental change in the education of children. According to Darling J. ( ) in Rousseaus book Emile (1762), it is stressed that man should not disturb child growth but leave it the way nature has provided for it. Child-centred education came as an alternative due to dissatisfaction about the traditional education of that time. This rejection helped to fashion out current progressive education thought. In Emile, Rousseau asserts that the progressive idea took its root against the background of obligation and child depravity attached to children in those days where strict discipline and moral training for children was the norm. Rousseau rejected this idea and believed that children are good; that the evil seen in children is from a corrupt society. His ideas were that children should not be trained in such a way as to repress their natural tendency. When juxtaposed to modern progressive education concepts it translates to not imposing any particular learning style on children but rather allowing them to discover things by themselves Young childrens educational programmes should in Rousseaus view be confined to those things in which they have natural interest (Darling1994: 8 ). Rousseau promoted the fact that children learned from direct experience and opined that feeling is always learning, which can be understood to mean- learning from environment and not from a book. Rosseau is of the opinion that children should not be taught how to read until they are ready. He imagined that they would understand by learning from the environment and from feeling things around them. In addition to that he was of the belief that there has to be little information from a book. This is echoed by Calydon [ed] (1969:50) when it is said that Experience goes before instruction. However Rousseau did not clarify when learning from a book should set in but children should also seek information from books. This opinion is true because looking at teachers for instance, they had to learn from books and not only depend on experience. In modern progressive education students learn largely from experience as well as from books. Rousseau also advocated cordial relationship between a child and the teacher and that the child should learn from their actions. As discussed earlier progressive education does not see the teacher in authority like the teacher is seen in public schools; progressive education is therefore more of a child- centred approach to teaching. According to Darling ( ) Rosseau divided childhood into stages of human growth and development. He contended that different stages of growth require specific techniques. Therefore in progressive education pupils are given individual attention because each child has their own needs and peculiarities depending on their stages. Friedrich Froebel who established the first kindergarten at Keilhau, Germany in 1837 contributed immensely to the progressive idea of education. He believed that everyone has a spiritual value. Like Rosseau, he believed that every child had within themselves what they were to be at birth. He also believed that the appropriate educational environment would encourage the child to achieve optimum development.