Sunday, August 4, 2019

Essay --

The Racist atmosphere in the South back in the 1920s was exceptionally oppressive. Due to that racist atmosphere many problems arose. In Ernest J. Gaines's â€Å"A Lesson Before Dying†, the two protagonist’s self-perceptions are affected by the racist atmosphere. Jefferson’s self-perception is affected by the racist atmosphere. In chapter One, Jefferson’s defense attorney tries to win the jury by claiming that Jefferson has diminished capacity to reason. He tries to reach the jury’s heart and mind by implying it would be a cruel act to kill a man whose intelligence and moral are no greater than those of a hog. The attorney expresses the ugly belief, held by many Southern whites, that blacks are somewhat beneath whites. Jefferson becomes disturbed by the idea and begins acting like a hog, angrily refusing to talk and going through his food like a hog. Miss Emma realizes the impact the attorney’s words have on Jefferson and makes it her goal to ensure Jefferson dies like a man not like an animal. When Jefferson decides to die with dignity, he shakes off the spiteful stereotypes placed on him by whites. â€Å"Gentlemen of the jury, look at this----this----this boy. I almost said a man, but I can’t sa y man. Oh sure, he has reached the age of twenty-one, when we, civilized men, consider the male species has reached manhood, but would you call this---this---this a man? No, not I†,(Gaines, 7). This quote reveals how even Jefferson’s defense attorney from the start had a stereotype opinion held by many Southern whites, a negative opinion that blacks are inferior to whites. From that point on Grant’s mission in the book is to show Jefferson’s hope, dignity, and self-respect, and to prove to whites and blacks are alike, that i... ...white people because they believe you’re inferior to them. That quotes clearly reveal and describes why Jefferson and Grant were in the situation that they were in. It is unquestionably true that the real individuality, the real human nature can be revealed in extreme situations, when the human life is at stake. This work represents an attempt to show that each individual has an opportunity to change his/her life completely, to make it really humanistic and do something good even if it is the last thing he/she can do in his/her life. A Lesson Before Dying suggest the audience to reevaluate its views on life and realize that everything may be changed. At the same time, it is never late to change the life for better and reveal positive traits of character or even commit some heroic or humanistic acts even if it threatens to end the entire life of the individual.

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