Saturday, August 31, 2019

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Antisocial Personality Disorder Guadalupe Guizar Reyes HACC South West February 1, 2012 Antisocial Personality Disorder Often most people don’t understand the real issue behind Antisocial Personality Disorder and has been made clear that previous studies show that most personality disorders if not all begin by displaying symptoms during early childhood. Although very little is done about ASPD, whether it being due to lack of knowledge or not wanting to admit failure of flaw in your family, this article while far from perfect does a well job in declaring all the important aspects in the disorder.The website itself is very organized and highly informative, presenting most frequently asked questions and answering them in terms that any person with any type of educated level can comprehend. What causes antisocial personality disorder? How is it treated? What happens if it gets untreated? Questions that any person who is looking into this particular disorder whether it be for resea rch of relevant to you or someone you know in which you want to seek help for will find most constructive.The website is not only informative but also beneficial to someone who is looking for treatment, possessing a section in which you can seek for help near you. It contains many tools that are easily accessible, useful to those in search for a specific disorder. They include a section called â€Å"Patient Discussions† where previous patients may comment on a question for instants, what treatment has been effective for your antisocial personality disorder? While not a personal question it can be quite discouraging for those who have yet to find an effective way to deal or cope with their disorder may lose interest or hope in receiving treatment. To date†¦ nothing has even remotely changed about my antisocial personality disorder and have been in and out of mental institutions most of my life. † (author last name, date, page number) The content on the page is easy on the eyes, black text on a black background, making it readable to keep visitors from leaving the site while making the website look polished and professional. The negative input to the content is that although readable, every section is in the same style format, color making it difficult to istinguish one section from another. The website contains many links to other information on different types of disorders containing their symptoms, treatment, causes and other informative data all at the reach of one website making it counterproductive. The website contains features on how to distinguish one disorder from another and how from afar you can characterize the disorder, which is quite useful to those who may think a loved one maybe in need of treatment but are unsure of how to go about it.Despite the lack of space on the website it makes up with different alternatives on how the disorder can be treated, therapy for instants â€Å"For example, teenagers who receive therapy, helps them change the thinking that leads to their maladaptive behavior (cognitive behavioral therapy) has been found to significantly decrease the incidence of repeat antisocial behaviors. † The website contains good factors, it’s easy to navigate and locate particular sections you’re most interested in and everything located under one website.If by chance that there is something distinct you are searching for and cant seem to find located at the top left hand corner is a search section where it’ll lead you different website with similar traits. The website is good for all who are interested in ASPD or any specific medical condition whether it is for personal knowledge or seeking guidance and help. It will give you a clear understanding of these medical conditions and awareness. http://www. medicinenet. com/antisocial_personality_disorder/article. htm

Friday, August 30, 2019

Friction and Shoe Slide

|Name: Brennan Gedney |Date: November 16, 2011 | Graded Assignment Lab Report Answer the questions, using complete sentences. When you have finished, submit this assignment to your teacher by the due date for full credit. (9 points) |Score | | | 1. In Part 1, did the force of friction on the shoe depend on the weight of the shoe? If the two are related, why are they? What does the slope of the line on the graph of force of friction vs. eight represent? Explain using your data. Answer: The frictional force did depend on the weight of the shoe. The more mass a shoe had, the large frictional force was required. The more weight a shoe has, the more gravity pulls on the shoe. This means that there is a larger normal force, which multiplied by the same coefficient of friction gives a larger frictional force. The slope of the line of friction vs. weight represents the rate at which the frictional force increases due to weight. (8 points) |Score | | | 2. Does an athletic shoe work better on a basketball court than a dress or dance shoe? Why or why not? Explain using data from Parts 1 and 2. Answer: An athletic shoe does not work better than a dress shoe on a basketball court. Athletic shoes have more grip than dress shoes, and thus require more force to move. Based on my data, the dress shoe requires less applied force to move than an athletic shoe. (8 points) |Score | | | 3. If you wanted the athletic shoe to slide faster on a surface, what might you do to the shoe? Provide at least two ways to make the shoe slide faster, and explain in terms of the force of friction and the coefficient of friction. Answer: To make a shoe slide faster, you might decrease the weight of the shoe. This would decrease the normal force, and thus the force of friction, allowing the shoe to slide faster. Another way to slide the shoe faster would be to slide it down an inclined plane. This would decrease the coefficient of static friction because the angle used in  µs = tan ? would be smaller. |Your Score |___ of 25 |

Thursday, August 29, 2019

he Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie Essay

Identity shows a person’s individuality. A person’s individuality can include how they dress, their beliefs, their personality traits, the way they speak, their culture, their education, etc. In The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie and in my own life, it is evident that when exploring identity, a character must leave and return to his/her roots before truly understanding him/herself. Arnold finds out who he is by leaving and later coming back to Rowdy. In the last scene, before Arnold and Rowdy played their one-on-one basketball game, Arnold and Rowdy repair their lost friendship. It is then that Arnold thinks, â€Å"I would always love Rowdy. And I would always miss him too. † (230) This quote shows how Arnold realizes that he is different from Rowdy. To begin, he has always valued his friendship with Rowdy and so he says that he â€Å"would always love Rowdy. † Even when Arnold had a disagreement with Rowdy when heading to Reardan for a better education, he still thought of how Rowdy would defend him. However, by the end of the book, Arnold realizes that he will have to â€Å"miss† Rowdy because their dreams make them too different from each other. Therefore, Arnold discovers that his life can still include Rowdy, who has been his friend since the beginning, however, he cannot rely on Rowdy to be with him always. By the end of the book, Arnold has returned to Rowdy as a stronger and independent person. Similarly, I found my true identity after leaving and returning to my family. Growing up, I came from a home that was traditionally Chinese. We did not easily express our emotions, we were not allowed to date until after college, and being successful at school would ultimately bring honor to my family. Though these beliefs were deeply ingrained in everything I did, a rebellious side of me wanted to discover what it meant to be American as well. Why were the other families so expressive and communicative towards each other? What mattered beyond grades and doing well in school? These questions led me to leave my family and head to college eight hours away. There, I met many people who did not come from Chinese families. I noticed that some students were not as disciplined at school because their families did not stress education or some students were a little overly expressive with their feelings, which caused drama among their peers. I began to miss my house where my parents had instilled values towards having a good education and protecting our family’s privacy. When returning home, I was thankful for understanding my parent’s values and their intentions for my future. Arnold truly finds himself when he has accepted his origins and absorbed them into his perspective of himself. His reunion with Rowdy and the reservation show how he came full circle in finding himself. Even though Arnold wanted to both physically and emotionally remove himself from the reservation in order to pursue his dreams, he ultimately realizes that it is only when he acknowledges his heritage that he can move forward into adulthood.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Counter terrorism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Counter terrorism - Essay Example In the fast changing social paradigms of uncertainties, the preparedness of the various disaster management imperatives needs to be well defined. The Department of Homeland Security is the central agency that provides effective management resource within federal, state and local governments on security issues. Its primary responsibility as a security authority is to anticipate, preempt, detect and deter threats to the homeland and its people from terrorist attacks, natural disasters or any other emergency. Its goal is to coordinate different agencies and programs into a single agency for fast and efficient response to the crisis. Larry Ness states, ‘the Department of Homeland Security is still consolidating most of the more than 40 federal entities’ (Ness, 2006, p. 49). Its security responsibilities are varied and related to the governmental jurisdictions at federal, state, and local level and acts as a complementary system that connects all levels of government.The DHS primarily carries out its goals and objectives through five major agencies that coordinate and form linkages with various other state and federal agencies to protect the tangible and non tangible properties of its citizens. The agencies are as follows:It is an independent agency reporting to the President and tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering from and mitigating against disaster. Its role has become all the more important after 9/11 and works with a vision of ‘A Nation Prepared’. The National Urban Search and Rescue Response System

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How have your personal and professional experiences influenced your Essay

How have your personal and professional experiences influenced your decision to pursue a career in medicine - Essay Example In my home country, I realized that many expectant mothers (my relatives) delivered at home for lack of access to healthcare services locally and for their incapacity to afford such services. As a result, many women end up dying as they are attended to untrained and inexperienced midwives in the home environment. My experience back at home reveals that the high levels of mortality and morbidity are directly related to the poor healthcare services that community members have access to. My experience in the U.S. has convinced me that the situation in Togo can be reversed so that members of public have equal access to quality healthcare services. In the U.S. people have great access to healthcare services and are well informed about how to prevent several ailments. My experience as a direct care specialist for individuals who are mentally and physically disabled has convinced me that with good care, the quality of life of patients can be significantly improved. Each of these experiences has motivated me to seek ways of improving people’s lives. My compassion toward those who are experiencing physical and emotional pain has been reinforced by my personal and professional experiences. At the end of the day, I would not want to see lives being lost due especially to medical

Strategies for Change Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Strategies for Change Management - Essay Example The fourth explanation defines change management as a control mechanism. (Nickols (2008)) Fred Nickels states that change management is a process that involves moving from one state to another. Change management occurs in three strategies namely the unfreezing stage, the changing stage and the refreezing stage. (Nickols (2008)) For the core units the individuals will have the how questions, for the perimeter units individuals will have the and how questions, for the buffer units individuals will have what questions and finally for top managers they will have what questions. (Nickols (2008)) In an organization there exist resistance to change; the degree of resistance will depend on the number of individuals in the organization, political issues in the organization and whether the organization depends on the people. If the degree of resistance is high then the power coercive strategy or those environmental adaptive strategies are the most appropriate strategy and if resistance is low then the other strategies are appropriate. (Nickols (2008)) Time available to implement change will influence decisions, when time is limited then the power coercive strategy is the moist appropriate but if time is abundant than the other strategies can be applied. (Nickols (2008)) The availability of experts in the organization will also affect choice, where an organization has limited number of experts then the power coercive strategy is the most appropriate but if there are experts then the other strategies can be used. (Nickols (2008)) A business opportunity with high anticipated returns will require the use of all four strategies given that the main purpose of the organization is to generate income and therefore the organization should by all means implement change. (Nickols (2008)) If in an organization the organization depends on

Monday, August 26, 2019

International Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

International Law - Essay Example However, recent developments have spurred a rising public outcry in the international community against dictators who abuse their powers in their home countries and are responsible for countless atrocities against innocent civilians. In the words of East Timorese Nobel Laureate, Jose Ramos Horta, â€Å"in this day and age you cannot kill hundreds of people and then just get fired.†3 This is precisely the issue that arises in the case of both Mr. Jojo and Mrs. Lulu. Since Mr. Jojo had been in power for 15 years continuously, it is more than likely that allegations of abuse of power are not likely to be unfounded. Since he had made systematic and institutionalized use of torture, this indicates that he had made use of Government machinery to encroach upon the fundamental rights of the citizens of Chacha to freedom from abuse of their privacy and freedom. For example, while the UN Charter respects national sovereignty4 it also includes the provision that force is to be used only in self defense5 and the advancement of Human Rights as spelt out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights must not be violated. Therefore the issue that arises in this case is the flagrant violation of the human rights of the citizens of Chacha through the instruments of torture employed by Mr Jojo while he was in power. The role of the international Courts was initially confined to enforcing national sovereignty, however the increasing importance accorded to human rights has resulted in a change in the role of the Courts. In one of the most significant recent rulings of the International Criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia, the Appeals Chamber held that the "State-sovereignty-oriented approach" that restricted interference in internal conflicts "has been gradually supplanted by a human-being-oriented approach" in recent international law6. This was the basis upon

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Business Proposal for Proposed a New Product in the Market Named as Term Paper

Business Proposal for Proposed a New Product in the Market Named as TECTEL - Term Paper Example I-sensor (intruder sensor device) will run on a broad level of production. This will enable the creation of more industries to increase the knowledgeability of the product among its consumers in the market (Holtz, 1990, 57). The number of workers ought to be standardized in order to allow the creation of more products for sales. This will ensure that the I-sensor machine dominates the market for a long time, thus; more sales for the product. The market size should be able to participate rapidly with the existing market as well as large enough with an opportunity to establish them. Most markets investors, shareholders and senior managers are often skeptical to invest resources because, since the markets do not yet exist, the markets may be too small, or not exist at all. The team requirements for I-sensor will be should aim at working achieving the main objectives of the TECTEL Company. Therefore, there should be the inspiration team carries out activities that create an effective atm osphere amongst workforces. The group’s tasks can incorporate actions such as hosting servant lunches, planning association picnics, fundraising for poor workers, and fundraising for philanthropic causes. The safety and ecological group ensure the security of workforces in the workplace. The team takes the lead in security teaching and how to use the I-sensor, scheduled safety conferences, and the reviewing of maintenance, safety, and office union. The employee wellness team emphasizes on health and suitability for all employees (Holtz, 1990, 77). Culture and Communication Team works to describe and generate the defined company culture required for the accomplishment of your organization. According to Holtz, (1990, 102), the team also nurtures dual communication in your business to guarantee employee participation up to the chain of command. The team may champion the monthly bulletin, a weekly company appraise, quarterly employee gratification surveys, and an employee proposi tion process. Start several company teams, such as these, and support their triumph.     

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Denial of service issues and solutions Dissertation

Denial of service issues and solutions - Dissertation Example (Chau) The real intent of those attacks is to shut down a site and not to penetrate it. Purpose may also be vandalism, extortion or social action including terrorism. (Crocker, 2007) 1.3 How DoS works The nature of DoS can be explained using Figure 1.1. In the figure, Bob is the authentic user of the system and he sends messages using the insecure Internet to the server. Darth, the attacker interfere the services offered by server and make the genuine user, Bob, invisible to server. In a normal connection, users transmit a message to the server to get authentication from the server. Then, the server returns a message to authenticate to the user as a genuine user of the system. Also, from the user side, the acknowledge message is sent back to approve the server and the connection between the user and the server is established. Figure 1.1 Denial of Service (Stallings, 2006) When a denial of service attack is taken place, the server receives several authentication requests, seemingly ca me from the authentic users, which have false return addresses. The server fails to successfully locate the user while trying to return the authentication acknowledgement. Then, the server waits so that it can authenticate the user before stopping the connection. In most DoS attacks, the attackers flood the servers with forged requests and make servers delayed. 1.4 Types and Generation of DoS Attacks Generally, there are three major classifications of DoS attacks depending on the victims targeted by attackers—users, hosts or networks though there are several types of DoS attack prevalent on Internet. US Cert advisory suggests that the three main types of DoS attacks are bandwidth, protocol and software vulnerability attacks. The major aspects that most DoS attacks are focusing on are bandwidth, CPU time and memory. Most common DoS attacks can be summarized as the following. 1.4.1 TCP SYN Flood Attack Flood type attacks are the first known form of a DoS attack and their attack ing mechanism of is quite simple – attackers send more traffic to a server than it can handle. (Georgieva, 2009) SYN Flood attack is a protocol type and exploits the weakness of TCP/IP protocol. US CERT advisory defines SYN flood as â€Å"an asymmetric resource starvation attack in which the attacker floods the victim with TCP SYN packets and the victim allocates resources to accept perceived incoming connections†. In TCP SYN flood attack, the legitimate users are ignored when the attacker initiates a TCP connection to the serve with a SYN. The victim server responds to the request with spoofed IP address and waits for ACK from the client side. Then, the connection table of the server is filled up and it neglects all new connections from legitimate users. This phenomenon can be clarified using Figure 1.2. Figure 1.2 Comparison of Normal TCP 3 ways Handshake and TCP SYN Flood attack demonstration ( Flood type attacks are so common and powerful. Georgieva (2009 ) suggests that â€Å"even if a webmaster adds more bandwidth, this still is not a sufficient protection against a flood attack†. Because of the bandwidth insufficiency, even the normal volume of legitimate requests may appear as flood attacks. 1.4.2 Ping of Death Attack The Ping of Death or POD attack is another DoS attack with simple principle. It exploits software vulnerab

Friday, August 23, 2019

Descartes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Descartes - Essay Example He doubted everything even the existence of God, nevertheless he considered atheists as the benighted people (Watson, 226). Descartes claimed that sense of perception could be the source that definitely should be doubted as our feelings was subjective dimension of sensation. He was perturbed that people had regarded senses as a basic source of beliefs. It was constant for Descartes that only approved facts could be seen as general truth in the world. Philosopher declared â€Å"if I wanted to establish anything at all in the sciences that was stable and likely to ask† and â€Å"I want to discover any certainty† (Dicker, 1). That statement was viewed as Descartes’ goal due to the perspective of Method of doubt discovered by him. All knowledge was examined as related one and they needed to be built on solid and reliable facts from our field of experience. Descartes represented undeniable example of his respectful ideas. He argued that the process of thinking was cogent one as this was continuous proceeding. Such implication was related to every subsisting person. â€Å"Cogito, Ergo Sum† that means â€Å"I think therefore I am† was considered to be Descartes principal notion (Watson, 232). What was more a big number of his investigations were constructed on this profound idea. He intended to accomplish the idea that no existence without factual confirmation was occurred in our dimension. Investigations in the field of philosophy regarded Descartes’ ideas as rather skeptic ones. They sounded radically and unilaterally in some perspectives that was why the concept of skepticism regarded as characteristic to Descartes’ philosophical notions. It should be mentioned that veiling of skepticism was present in his thinking. However, Descartes himself did not regard his concepts as skeptical ones and claimed that he â€Å"had refuted

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Summer Song Essay Example for Free

The Summer Song Essay When youre are young, it feels like life will carry on forever, and youre very happy. Immortal is used to reveal the boys inflated egos, as they show off to each other and Linda. Price shell have to pay This is adding to the idea of repaying debts, which is mentioned throughout the play, referring to different characters. It could also be a slight mention of Mrs Johnstone, Mickeys mother who gave birth to them both. She is still attached to both of them, even going so far as to give a locket with her picture to Edward, who is now Mrs Lyons son. What fate the later seasons bring, This is adding to the metaphor of the lambs in spring. It is hinting towards the inevitable fate of the slaughter house that lambs face, which the boys soon will. It is mentioned to worry the audience. The lyrics that fit into the foreshadowing category are: Young, free and innocent, This is to emphasise that the boys are still children. Chippy This tells us that Mickey is nearing the end of his life. In the Its just a game scene, Mickey is threatened by frying in chip shop fat, so this is a signal that the boys he will die soon. Last cigarette Cigarettes are associated with death. Last cigarette is a prisoners last luxury before theyre hanged. Its also an allusion to the biblical last supper. Ferry boat This is the idea that the three are being taken to the land of the dead on the River Styx. Broken bottles in the sand, Broken bottles in the sand are hidden, and when you accidentally stand on them they surprise you. This is referring to how unaware the children are of their futures. Oil in the water This brings ideas of pollution, and corruption and spreading fate. Oil and water dont mix, they will always separate. This is like Mickey and Edwards friendship. The use of we in the final paragraph reminds us that we are powerless, and it is the narrator letting us know that hes in the same situation as us, unable to let the characters know of their fate. We do not know whether he is being sarcastic, or would actually like to let them know. Predict no changes in the weather, This reminds us that this happy summer will come to an end. The song is made up of rhyming couplets, which make it sound childish, and adds a sense of finality, so after the last rhyme, you know its over. For young, free and innocent, theres one word for each child. It also makes them seem vulnerable. You know that the innocence will be lost after the song. dreams and fifteen. Have a jarring Para rhyme which interrupts quickly, like what will happen to their lives. The tune of the Summer Song is the first and the last song, Tell me its not true repeated in different themes. Our minds are taken back throughout the previous moments of the play and the first scene when we see Mrs Johnstone with the two dead boys. This connects the audience more to the characters, making it feel harder when the boys die. It suggests that this has happened before, and will happen again. After the first verse there is a pause in the music, to emphasise the narrators last words, The price shell have to pay for just being there. The audience dwells on the idea of the debt that Linda will have to repay, to make up for Mrs Johnstones debt. The line after the pause: But leave them alone, let them go and play, implies that summer is the peak of the year, when everything is at its best, and by the end of it everything is fully developed. It makes you think of leisure, fun, warmth and life. Unfortunately its fleeting, and is soon over, giving way to autumn when everything is wasting away, withering. Some of the lyrics could be portrayed as sarcastic. The song starts in Paradise, and then goes to a chip shop, then darkness, then a filthy beach. The environment seems to get worse and worse. It makes you wonder where they will be next. The first verse is played with a guitar and fairground music and the second is a sleazy saxophone, which clashes with what the narrator is telling us about them being innocent. The last verse is said in a wishful tone, which makes us regretful because we know that these innocent, promising children will soon be dead. At the start of the song, when the children rush on, it gives you an idea of their carefree nature. The narrator interacts with the children throughout the scene. When he is the rifle range man in the first verse, he offers the gun to the children, as if he is slyly hinting at their future. When Linda takes it and misses all three shots, we realise how they have changed, because when they were younger Linda was an excellent shot. The narrator throws them a coconut, and they begin a game of piggy-in-the-middle and Linda gets caught in the middle, at which point they freeze. This is when the narrator talks about the girl in the middle of the pair, the price shell pay just for being there. It emphasises and foreshadows that she will have to choose between the two. The theme of debt shows through here, with the debt transferring to Linda. In the next verse we see them lighting a cigarette, leaning on the lamppost, and suiting their actions to the words. It has a much more grown up feel than the previous verse. In the fourth verse they are at the beach, taking pictures, the first of the two boys, the second of Edward and Linda and the third of Mickey and Linda. Edward and Lindas seem much more genuine and well matched. Then the narrator takes a picture of the three. This makes the audience wish that the children knew of their futures and it makes the picture look empty, and meaningless. When the three exit he says, and only if the three of them could stay like that forever, As if the picture he took could have been more than just a snapshot. It makes you wish time could have stopped. The music of the song is matched to the actions and words. The narrator is always hovering in the background, waiting for a chance to become part of the scene. He is a constant presence throughout so the audience are never relaxed. They are always waiting for him to introduce another twist in the story. Before the Summer Song, he is quite far away, usually in a corner. During it though, he is allowed to come closer to them, and his threats become much more dangerous. The devils got your number hes staring through your window changes to Hes screaming right inside you. The proximity of the narrator to the characters affects the tension of the scene. The overall message of the play is that the inequality of classes is very bad thing, which is enforced as we watch the brothers grow from babies to men, and watch them die. We become attached to them, and regret their death, almost as if its our own fault. The song is when they make the transition from boys to men, and when they become their own people and their true feelings begin to show. Mickey represents the lower class, and Edward the higher. Linda is temptation and the narrator is fate. We see the lower class and the upper class tear each other apart. The second act is darker, as the dream world of child hood, which is reflected in the first half of the summer song, becomes the cold harsh reality of the 80s. I think that the message that Russell wanted to imprint upon the audience is: class is a cruel thing, tearing family and friends apart. The play made me feel sad, and shocked by how Mickey was driven mad enough to shoot his own brother.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

An Introduction to Reading and Writing Essay Example for Free

An Introduction to Reading and Writing Essay Rounded = lifelike, full, dynamic, reader can predict future behavior because of an understanding of the personality – Protagonist = the hero or heroine, main person in the story, person on the quest, etc. – Antagonist = the person causing the conflict, in opposition to the protagonist, the obstacle, etc. – Flat = no growth, static – Stock = representative of a group or class (stereotypical) – Characters disclosed through †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ Actions Descriptions, both personal and environmental Dramatic statements and thoughts Statements by other characters Statements by the author speaking as storyteller, or observer – Characters need to have verisimilitude, be probable or plausible Point of View †¢ Refers to speaker, narrator, persona or voice created by the author to tell the story †¢ Point of view depends on two factors: – Physical situation of the narrator as an observer – Speaker’s intellectual and emotional position †¢ †¢ †¢ †¢ First person = I, we Second person = You (uncommon) Third person = He, she, they (most common) Point of view may be: – Dramatic/objective = strictly reporting – Omniscient = all-knowing – Limited omniscient = some insight Setting †¢ Setting = a work’s natural, manufactured, political, cultural and temporal environment, including everything that characters know and own (place, time, objects) †¢ Major purpose = to establish realism or verisimilitude, and to organize a story †¢ Setting helps create atmosphere or mood †¢ Setting may reinforce characters and theme, in order to establish expectations that are the opposite of what occurs = irony Tone and Style †¢ Tone = methods by which writers and speakers reveal attitudes or feelings †¢ Style = ways in which writers assemble words to tell the story, to develop an argument, dramatize the play, compose the poem – Choice of words in the service of content †¢ Essential aspect of style is diction – Formal = standard or elegant words – Neutral = everyday standard vocabulary – Informal = colloquial, substandard language, slang Tone and Style (cont’d) †¢ Language may be: – – – – Specific = images General = broad classes Concrete = qualities of immediate perception Abstract = broader, less palpable qualities †¢ Denotation = word meanings †¢ Connotation = word suggestions †¢ Verbal irony = contradictory statements – One thing said, opposite is meant – Irony = satire, parody, sarcasm, double entendre †¢ Understatement = does not fully describe the importance of a situation – deliberately †¢ Hyperbole (overstatement) = words far in excess of the situation Symbolism and Allegory †¢ Symbolism and allegory are modes that expand meaning †¢ Symbol creates a direct, meaningful equation between: – A specific object, scene, character, or action – Ideas, values, persons or ways of life †¢ Symbols may be: – Cultural (universal) = known by most literate people (e. g. , white dove, color black) – Contextual (authorial) = private, created by the author Symbolism and Allegory (cont’d) †¢ Allegory is a symbol = complete and self-sufficient narrative (e. g. , â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†) †¢ Fable = stories about animals that possess human traits (e. g. , Aesop’s Fables) †¢ Parable = allegory with moral or religious bent (e. g. , Biblical stories) †¢ Myth = story that embodies and codifies religious, philosophical and cultural values of the civilization in which it is composed (e. g. , George Washington chopping down the cherry tree) †¢ Allusion = the use of other culturally well=known works from the Bible, Greek and Roman mythology, famous art, etc. Idea or Theme †¢ Idea = results of general and abstract thinking †¢ Literature embodies values along with ideas – In literature, ideas relate to meaning, interpretation, explanation and significance – Ideas are vital to an understanding and appreciation of literature †¢ Ideas are not as obvious as character or setting. It is important to consider the meaning of what you’ve read and then develop an explanatory and comprehensive assertion. †¢ Theme can be found in any of these: – – – – – Direct statements by the authorial voice Direct statements by a first-person speaker Dramatic statements by characters Figurative language, characters who stand for ideas The work itself.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

How to Write a Nursing Essay

How to Write a Nursing Essay Getting Started – The Planning Phase The key to success when writing a nursing essay is the detail applied when planning the piece. It is essential to create a clear and robust essay structure, taking into account all of the learning outcomes expected of the finished piece. As well as understanding the essay title it is also important to become fully acquainted with the learning outcomes which are included as standard with all essays, as these form a pivotal part of the students overall understanding of what is required of them when submitting their work. Most importantly in the planning phase it is advisable to return to the course tutor or module leader if there is any doubt as to what is expected of the essay, although feasible to do so, clarifying important queries once the essay is underway may well be too late as it may result in a significant content or structural change to hard work already carried out. A well planned essay will consider the following: Clarity as so what is being asked of the essay is the title clear? Having a full understanding of the style of work required i.e. reflective account, literature review and so on. Brainstorm – this is an easy yet helpful way of deciding on key content. Write headings of key points to include then start to build upon these. Where is the word count weighted – there is often an allocation of the percentage of marks which will be gained from each segment such as introduction, discussion and conclusion, be clear about this in the plan. Where is information for content to be accessed? A literature search should be carried out as early as possible. How much time is available to complete the work? Make a plan of time usage and stick to it, never leave writing until the last minute as it will certainly detract from the quality of the finished piece. The Introduction To obtain a good mark, students are expected to provide a robust and strong introduction to the essay, this indicates to the marker that the student fully understands what is expected of them, and also gives an indication of the content to follow in the discussion. When referring in the introduction what will be included in the essay, it is crucial that these intentions are followed through and the content included reflects this, and if detail is not guaranteed to appear in the text then it is advisable to keep information brief in the introduction. Always consider that the contents of the introduction can always be altered once the main body of the essay is complete, that way it ensures that the intended content is referred to appropriately in the introduction. The marker will expect to see references used from the offset however in the introduction these can be kept to a minimum and used purely to support the key features and the subject the essay is intended to focus on. The Discussion This is the student’s platform to exhibit their knowledge of the subject they are writing about. Having undertaking a thorough essay plan the content itself will have been clarified, the more complex undertaking will be to source and correctly apply theories within the discussion that give weight and credence to the level of understanding of the subject the student is required to write about. The discussion needs to be broad and relatively unbiased (unless it is specifically required to emphasise one side of an argument), providing the marker with well-rounded and up-to-date knowledge of the subject, which indicates that the student has read widely around the subject matter, and has subsequently acquired a good understanding of this. The discussion forms the bulk of a standard essay and is where the student must include all of the relevant points they intend to include in the essay. It is within the discussion that the student must display the evidence collected to address the question or proposed topic for discussion. The Conclusion It is essential at this stage of the essay not to present new information, or bring in additional threads to the discussion. The conclusion is intended to be a segment whereby the student is able to offer informed opinions about the information, facts and arguments provided within the discussion. It is here that information can be validated or challenged, and commonly, where appropriate, recommendations for future practice are made allowing the student to apply theories which have been born from the discussion. As with the introduction a conclusion is required to have a strong impact and leave the marker with no doubt as to whether the original question has been answered sufficiently. Referencing In the UK the ‘Harvard System’ is most commonly used as the academic referencing style of choice. Although for many first-time essay writers understanding referencing can be tantamount to learning a new language, once a solid grasp of the style is obtained it can then be comfortably applied to essays. It is important that students acknowledge that the use of referencing is extremely influential to a pass or fail therefore accuracy is essential to further enhance the over all mark. The purpose of referencing is that the student is able to illustrate a wide research of the chosen topic, and in doing so is able to trace where information has been obtained by means of providing a clear and concise reference list. In Summary It is important to understand that all universities adopt subtle variations in marking systems and as such it is the student’s responsibility to familiarise themselves with their place of study and what is expected of them. Providing strong attention and detail is applied to the planning, structure, information (argument), presentation and referencing of the essay then a student can expect to obtain a pass. The ‘pass’ grade attained will depend on what degree the learning outcomes have been met and fortunately students are able to establish a good understanding of the expectations of the marker by familiarising themselves with the provided ‘marking criteria,’ relating to the academic level they are working towards.

Import Substitution :: essays research papers

Import Substitution Describe import substitution (Inward looking) developmental strategy, clearly outlining the differences between the first and second stage. Assess its effectiveness in promoting economic development. Compare inward looking and outward looking strategies and discuss the assertion that the latter is superior. The First Stage of Import Substitution: All present day industrial and developing countries protect their manufacturing industries for the domestic markets. While the industrial countries of today rely primarily upon the usage of relatively low tariffs, developing countries apply high tariffs or quantitative restrictions which either limit or completely exclude competition from their imports. Protection like that - high protection - discriminates against exports through the explicit/implicit taxation of the export activities. Explicit taxation can take the form of export taxes whereas implicit taxation occurs as a result of the effects of protection on the exchange rate. As your protection level increases, your exchange rate level will decrease in order to ensure the necessary equilibrium of the balance of payments and the lower the amount of domestic currency exporters receive per unit of foreign exchange earned. There is no need for high protection at the first stage of import substitution in the replacement of the imports of non-durable consumer goods (clothing, shoes, household goods, textile fabrics, leather, wood and other types of inputs) since these commodities exist in the developing countries that are at the initial frontier of industrialization. The commodities I mentioned are intensive in unskilled labor, the scale of output is relatively low, and costs do not rise substantially at lower output levels. The production of the commodities do not involve the use of sophisticated technology or highly educated workers and suppliers for parts, components, materials and accessories are not necessary for highly efficient operations. An argument for infant industry protection and promotion is made for the "easy" stage, that being the first stage of import substitution because even though the domestic production of the commodities generates external economies in the form of labor training, entrepreneurial development and the spread of technology, there is a viable argument for infant industry protection because without the shielding from larger, more sophisticated companies, these infant industries will be crushed and overwhelmed by exceeding costs, non- competitiveness due to the lack of highly skilled laborers and the simple fact that these infant industries are technologically incompetent. The Second Stage of Import Substitution: I see the first stage of import substitution as a temporary requirement because the domestic production rises since it not only provides for increases in consumption but it also replaces imports. The rate of this growth however will decline as soon as the process of import substitution is completed.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Everyone Should Go to the County Fair! :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

Everyone Should Go to the County Fair! If you've been to the County Fair before, there's no reason for you to keep reading this. You already know how much fun it is. You don't need to be convinced. You're already going back. You can stop reading right now, go buy your pre-sale tickets, and get the car packed up and ready to go. But you, yes, you, what's your excuse for not having been to the past 156 County Fairs? Oh, "I wasn't born 156 years ago," you say? That's no excuse. You're just going to have to go to this year's Fair to make amends. After all, there are more reasons to go to the Fair than there are to stay home. Of course, there are the classic reasons for going to the Fair: the dozens of rides and attractions along the mile-long midway; the incredible variety of food and drink available; the many hands-on livestock exhibits; the opportunity to make hundreds of little goldfish paranoid by hurling plastic projectiles into their bowls; and, of course, the wide variety of special events. If you've been to the Fair before and are reading this article anyway, you may as well keep reading to see what's new. Quite a few things are swinging at the Fair this year, and that's not just a poor attempt at sounding "hip." You can, for instance, start by swinging to the tunes of the Artie Shaw Orchestra, the band that helped shape the musical standards of the Big Band era. They'll be performing a free concert in the Music Dome from August 12th to 16th at 7 pm. If you're looking for a more daring kind of swinging, head over to watch the Incredible Nocks, a husband and wife daredevil team performing free daily shows at the Old Fashioned One-Ring Circus. Finally, if swinging people aren't your style, you can check out some swinging of axes at the World Champion Lumberjacks Show, also performing free daily shows. I know, by now, all this talk of swinging has made you dizzy, and you want to go and check out the "tamer" animal-oriented events, right? Well, there are plenty of new attractions this year, starting with the presentation of the Hawthorn White Tigers, 15 rare endangered animals which are non-existent in the wild. Then there is the all new Shark Show, featuring live sharks, a diver, plenty of educational content, dramatic lighting, smoke effects, and Jaws music! Better practice saying "You're gonna need a bigger boat" in your best old salt voice.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Body Dysmorphic Disorder :: Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Northeastern University sophomore Terri* spends at least a few minutes a day critiquing her body in the mirror. â€Å"I have this extra fat on my stomach that I hate,† she said, squeezing her abdomen with both hands. Terri is an articulate, responsible, political science major and sociology minor who looks and sounds mature beyond her years. She is well-respected by peers and authority figures alike, and she recently landed a co-op job at a prestigious law firm in Boston. This girl has got herself together. Today, wearing a business-casual purple turtleneck, gray peacoat and glasses, this confident, capable woman points to the area under her chin. â€Å"I’ve just noticed this,† she said, running her fingers under her jaw, across a section of her neck that she believes is dangerously bordering on a double-chin. Like most people, she sees nothing unusual about her physical concerns. â€Å"Everyone worries about aspects of their appearance,† she said as she turns her attention away from the mirror and finishes getting dressed. Many people have concerns with the way they look, but some have obsessive, irrational concerns. Like most people, Terri has never heard of Body Dysmorphic Disorder. Although Terri’s body concerns may not constitute the disorder, there are people among us living with the secretive, shameful reality of BDD. WHAT IS BDD? Few people have ever heard of BDD, but virtually everyone has exhibited the characteristics of the disorder in its most basic form: a heightened concern with a particular part of their body that they deem â€Å"less than perfect,† something that they would like to improve upon and even something that they try to hide. Unlike normal appearance concerns, however, BDD is marked by an intense preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. A severe and debilitating psychiatric disorder, BDD is characterized by an obsessive fixation on one or more parts of the body that a person perceives as disgusting and unnatural. If a slight physical abnormality or inconsistency exists in a BDD sufferer’s physicality, their concern is excessive – even to the point of experiencing social withdrawal and suicidal tendencies. Dr. Roberto Olivardia is a clinical psychologist at the McLean Hospital in Boston and teaches psychology at Harvard Medical School. A specialist in BDD and Obsessive-Compulsive disorders, in general, he acknowledges that BDD symptoms are often mistaken as â€Å"normal† fears. â€Å"With BDD there are many, many people walking around in the U.S. who have it that you never know have it. For a lot of people, you don’t know what it is that you have, but you know that life is not normal,† said Dr.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Can Detroit Make the Cars Customers Want? Essay

Ans: AutoNation is having a problem with inventory because of the culture of ordering a customized vehicle for a customer, but such an order usually adds six to eight weeks to the transaction. The customer who wants to buy on the spot must choose from cars on the lot that the manufacturer has already configured, priced, and shipped. Despite manufacturer incentives and rebates to entice customers to purchase, dealers often have a glut of new cars sitting in their lots for months at a time that no one wants to buy it. The swollen inventory and slow turnaround hurt dealers because they must borrow money to pay for the cars the manufacturers ship. This has also become a problem for auto manufacturers such as GM, Ford and Chrysler due to their manufacturing processes which are not set up to quickly change production models and have been geared toward optimizing the efficiency of the production plant. Again because of the frequent change in consumer tastes which can shift almost overnight as gasoline prices rise or fall, or as one automotive fashion fad gives way to another. This problem is impacting the business performance of AutoNation and of the auto manufacturers because of following reasons. 1. It has become imperative for the manufacturers to keep their plants running regardless of demand to pay for the rising costs of employee healthcare and pensions. What’s more, auto workers must be paid most of their salaries regardless of whether they are working, so manufacturers want them working all the time. 2. Losing market share to the Japanese and Koreans 3. Auto manufacturers are scrambling to revamp their product line up 4. The enlarged inventory and slow turnaround hurt dealers because they must borrow money to pay for the cars the manufacturers ship. 2. What pieces of data do AutoNation need to determine what cars to stock in each of its dealerships? How can it obtain these data? Ans: The following pieces of data AutoNation need to determine†¦ Preferences of car buyers Most popular configurations They put forth a major effort to consolidate the customer lists from its hundreds of dealerships. They uses proprietary analytic software as well as assistance from DME, a marketing firm with expertise in creating customized direct mail campaigns. 3. What is AutoNation’s solution to its problem? What obstacles must AutoNation overcome to implement its solution? Ans: They categorized their customers into groups with the help of DME and propriety analytical software and follow unique strategies for each category. They create sales pitches, service specials etc. for each group. In the past they tried to search for customers who want to buy the cars that they produced but now they are producing what customers looking for. And also AutoNation is trying to apply these principles of market intelligence to auto manufacturing. They use data mining techniques to determine the demand for each model and very accurate configurations of each model among thousands of possible variations that are most popular with buyers. With this they can focus on producing these vehicles in the numbers that the data dictate. Therefore they don’t have to keep unnecessary inventory. To auto manufacturing, the auto nation must overcome this problem such as the rising of gasoline price and the demand to the pay for the rising of cost employee healthcare and pensions. It will be effective enough to bring production in line with the customers demand. It can lower the rising cost of gasoline and makes the company revenue up to 90% total earn for selling branded cars. And also it will help them to compete with Japan and Korean car producers. They can determine the demand for each model and very accurate configurations of each model among thousands of possible variations that are most popular with buyers. MIS In Action Explore, examining all of its features and capabilities. Then answer the following questions. 1. How does this Web site help AutoNation forge closer ties with customers and potential customers? Ans: The AutoNation web site offers vast experience in new and used car sales and service. They have a large selection of cars, trucks and SUVs on the web. That means that customers can easily find the vehicle that they want. It doesn’t only help the customers to find the right price. Using their web site, customers can explore car pricing options with a quick quote or by payment, then research reviews and compare new and used cars that fit their budget and needs, check available auto financing and leasing plans, and search AutoNation’s huge auto inventory to locate the car, truck or sports utility vehicle that customers like. Their dealers carry popular brands including Acura, Audi, Bentley, BMW, Buick, Cadillac, Chevy, Chrysler, Dodge, Ford, GMC, Honda, Hyundai, Infiniti, Isuzu, Jaguar, Jeep, Land Rover, Lexus, Lincoln, Mazda, Mercedes-Benz, Mercury, MINI, Mitsubishi, Nissan, Pontiac, Porsche, Saturn, Scion, Subaru, Toyota, Volkswagen and Volvo. Therefore customers have a vast collection to pick their choices. AutoNation’s dedicated sales force is available by email or telephone if customer has questions, need information or wish to complete their transaction online. Or, if customers prefer to visit one of AutoNation’s local auto dealerships, he/she can search for the closest dealership through this site. That is how they have ties with customers and potential customers. 2. What information could AutoNation collect from its Web site that would help it determine in which makes and models of cars are of most interest to potential buyers? Ans: †¢ What type of cars customers looking for (used/brand new) †¢ What is the brand that customers looking for †¢ Which model †¢ When the vehicle is designed †¢ If it is a used vehicle then mileage †¢ In what period of the year people buy more vehicles †¢ Usually how much a person spend on a vehicle †¢ What is the customer total income †¢ What type of customers buy which brand

Friday, August 16, 2019

English Lit Coursework Essay

Compare the ways in which the authors present contrasting worlds/ places and their thematic significance in Othello and two other texts. In all of the novels; ‘Othello’, ‘Wuthering Heights’ and ‘The Great Gatsby’, the authors, Shakespeare, Bronte and Fitzgerald, demonstrate how contrasting worlds disrupt equilibrium, especially the harmony or even possibility of relationships. The ultimate disruption within all of these texts is the barrier of class. In Wuthering Heights, Bronte compares the two houses; Wuthering Heights and Thrushcross Grange, to highlight the distance class creates between Heathcliff and Cathy, by embodying the characters and their values in the imagery of the houses. Wuthering Heights essentially is a deteriorating farm house. Bronte represents Heathcliff with this house, it’s anaesthetically pleasing and neglected, described as ‘a perfect misanthropist’s heaven’, giving reclusive and desolate connotations, reflecting the way Heathcliff becomes remote from society and isolated. On the other hand, Bronte describes Thrushcross Grange grandly, ‘carpeted with crimson’, ‘crimson covered chairs and tables’, this choice of colour gives rich connotations, of a ‘splendid place’, The choice of lexis ‘splendid’ giving an upper class tone . Nevertheless neither of Cathy or Heathcliff seems to prefer the luxurious Thrushcross Grange. Bronte does present Cathy to be superficial at times, but when Cathy tells Nelly about her dreams she explains that ‘heaven did not seem to be my home’ and that she ‘woke up sobbing for joy’ when she was flung ‘into the middle of the heath on top of Wuthering Heights’, Bronte uses this therefore to signify that Cathy sees Wuthering Heights and the moors as her heaven. Likewise she wants the window open when ill at Thrushcross Grange; here Bronte enforces the theme of imprisonment and entrapment, in a foreign world. Equally Thrushcross Grange has always been an alien and uncomfortable place to Heathcliff as we see when he chooses to grieve on the out skirting grounds of Thrushcross Grange in contrast with Edgar who stays inside. Nevertheless Bronte relates Cathy, a Linton to be, to Thrushcross Grange, a world of refinement and elegance, complimenting Cathy’s own descriptions as she grows into a lady Similarly to Wuthering Heights, Fitzgerald presents the comparison in class of two places, the buildings of East and West Egg in particular. West Egg is seen to be â€Å"the less fashionable of the two,† lacking in conventional aesthetics of refined and classy housing estates. This is shown by the fact Nick’s bungalow is carelessly built in the space between two mansions, this paints a garish image of clashing buildings. Whereas East Egg is ‘glittered’ with houses that are described as ‘white palaces’ with well kept lawns, suggesting well kept, good quality people, over all setting a lavish and opulent scene. Never the less, the houses themselves are concentrated on more so in Wuthering Heights as they are the dominant symbol of the two separate worlds, whereas Gatsby concentrates on the society around East Egg and West Egg, in order to emphasize the difference of the world Daisy and Tom inhabit in comparison to Gatsby’s world. Fitzgerald creates the symbolism of East and West Egg by choosing to rename Great Neck and Manhasset. West Egg is a place of newly rich settled opportunists, many like Gatsby who are seen to have acquired a fortune overnight and boast this through extravagant houses. West Egg has an overall vibrancy shown through ‘spectroscopic gayety’ with this Fitzgerald suggests a bright, colourful and energetic lifestyle. East Egg however is a fashionable part of Long Island, where the wealthy descendants, of a previous money making generation, live. In contrast with the West, they seem to be more withdrawn from enjoying themselves and proud of their ‘staid nobility’, with the exception of a few lapses at Gatsby’s parties. This lack of living for the moment comes across also in the way that they seem to want more in life in the East, but have no intentions of looking for it. Fitzgerald mocks the ambitionless simplicity of life that for example is demonstrated in Jordan and Daisy’s superficial conversation, ‘We ought to plan something’, ‘All right†¦ What’ll we plan? What do people plan? ‘ Similarly people lack genuine qualities, everything is based on etiquette and image, a prime example of this is when Mrs Sloane invites Gatsby to supper out of politeness but doesn’t expect him to actually come. Equally Shakespeare employs the theme of class, as a barrier between Othello and Desdemona, but unlike Bronte and Fitzgerald, he demonstrates the distinction through the discrimination drawn upon Othello. None the less, Shakespeare does use a comparison of two separate locations, Venice and Cypress. Shakespeare accomplishes a dramatic tone in the play Othello through the use of a variation of techniques, for example dramatic irony. Likewise Shakespeare uses contrasting worlds, for instance the contrast between Venice and Cyprus, Venice is portrayed to be a respected origin, it has a positive representation in the play, being the place in which Desdemona and Othello fell in love. Cypress on the other hand is surrounded in conflict, described as a ‘war-like isle’, a direct comparison to Venice; it is also the place where Othello and Desdemona’s love suffers. The two countries are essential to Shakespeare’s comparison between the worlds of war and love and how Othello struggles to find a balance between the two. ‘The warlike moor’ encounters the conflict between the roles of being an inexperienced loving husband and a hardened military soldier. He’s used to of course an all male environment, a soldier’s life style, uneducated in the domestic world of females. He can deal with the ‘flinty and steel couch of war’ yet is ‘little bless’d with the soft phrase of peace. Shakespeare devises Othello’s dialogue to show how he is more comfortable with language from the semantic field of war than pet nick names, calling Desdemona ‘My fair Warrior’. Othello may be respected for his military efforts, after all this is all we see him praised for, no credit is given to the fact he is marrying Desdemona even their wedding celebration is shared with a military celebration. Considering this Shakespeare presents him very much as an outsider, the only black protagonist, he doesn’t qualify as a gentleman, and is included in society purely as he is an acquaintance of Brabantio and Cassio.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Communication Opinion Essay

Effective communication plays a significant role in providing proper care for patients. According to Cheesebro, O’Connor, and Rios (2010) â€Å"Communication is sometimes defined as the process of sending and receiving messages† (para. 14). For the communication to be effective both the sender, and the receiver must understand the message. The way individuals communicate is altered according to their audience or environment. For example if an instructor is communicating through small talk his or her tone and vocabulary would differ from communicating through informational talk. The same goes for when an individual communicates with children or adults. Even though the tone and style of communication may be altered to fit the audience, the process of communication has to stay the same to be effective. Effective communication allows health care professionals to gain trust in a reluctant consumer and handle cultural differences among patients. The four basic elements of the communication process include a sender, message, receiver, and feedback. In effective communication the sender constructs a message that is appropriate for the receiver(s). According to Haycock (2003) there are three elements called the ‘3Ts’ that the sender should consider when constructing an effective message. The ‘3Ts’ are tone, tools (computer, video, note, etc. ), and tactics. It is important to think the message through before sending it to be sure it is as clear and concise as possible. In effective communication the receiver should be able to understand the message completely. The receiver may have to decode the message to gain full understanding. If he or she still does not understand the message, the receiver should use feedback to ask the sender for clarification. Feedback is an important part of effective communication because the sender learns if the receiver understood the message or not. If the receiver did not understand the message feedback allows the sender the opportunity to elucidate the message. â€Å"In short, feedback is the primary means of increasing personal awareness and establishing a shared understanding. You should give and get as much feedback as possible† (Cheesebro, et. al. , 2010, para. 23). Health care communication encompasses the four basic elements of communication. However, the basic rules of health care communication are a little more complex. According to du Pre (2005) â€Å"People are actively involved in health communication. They are not passive recipients of information† (pg. 9). Providers specifically focus on the tone and presentation of the message to ensure patients’ satisfaction. The ultimate goal in health care communication is to develop and maintain a shared understanding between health care professionals and patients. Physicians may use the biomedical or biopsychosocial model when communicating with patients. With the biomedical model, physicians use short and to-the-point questions or statements. This limits the patient input, which can cause the patient to feel dissatisfied with the care or diagnosis. The advantage of using the biomedical model is that it will save time. Although the biopsychosocial model does not save time, it is more effective when communicating in the health care setting because it focuses more on patient’s feelings. This reduces the risk of malpractice lawsuits, therefore saving money in the end. Whether health care professionals use the biomedical or biopsychosocial model, they will still encounter reluctant consumers. A provider may encourage a reluctant consumer to communicate candidly by validating the patient’s concerns, uphold complete honesty, and share plenty of ideas or information. When a consumer is reluctant, he or she can have a bad attitude and less willingness to listen. To encourage the reluctant consumer to communicate candidly it is extremely important that the provider maintains patience yet remain slightly persistent. The tone and presentation delivered by the provider makes a significant difference when persuading consumers to communicate openly. A patient may be reluctant to share open communication with a provider because of cultural differences. Some individuals feel extremely strong about their cultural beliefs, which can make it difficult for physicians to discuss cultural differences with patients. Providers generally share the same main goal, which is to help improve patient’s health. When the patient’s cultural beliefs go against certain tests and treatments it can sometimes prevent providers from doing reaching this goal. When providers cannot help improve patient’s health it an be very difficult. However, providers must respect patient’s wishes. â€Å"To be effective, health communicators must be concerned enough to pay close attention to people’s behavior and knowledgeable enough to recognize cultural and personal preferences that make people different† (du Pre, 2005, pg. 8). Barriers can arise in health care because of reluctant consumers or patients with strong cultural beliefs. Effective communication through the sender, message, receiver, and feedback can aid in breaking down these barriers. Once patients and providers can break down barriers it permits more open discussions and proper health care. Communication, especially in health care should be thought out, sensitive to feeling, clear, concise, and appropriate. According to du Pre (2005) â€Å"Communication, then, is an ongoing process of sharing and creating meaning. The challenge is not merely to put thoughts into words, but to cooperate with others in developing a shared understanding of what is happening and what it means† (pg. 10).

Nepotism Essay

Workers who are the most innovative or productive or those who possess visionary leadership are inevitably propelled to the top of the working ladder. This is the image many people have of the workplace. In reality, the practice of favoring and promoting relatives, more commonly known as nepotism (Employee Issues), is widely practiced in companies large and small across the country. The dangers of nepotism to your company shouldn’t be overlooked. It is not only wise to promote antinepotism policies but also to regularly monitor ones staff to ensure that such relationships have not developed. Some problems nepotism can cause is a disruption of the work day, unfair treatment between employees and unfair job opportunities, and favoritism. One of the chief complaints in a company that operates through nepotism is the obvious lack of fairness. Perceived favoritism of a relative can cause dissatisfaction amongst the workers and it can lower morale in the workplace. Employees may have less incentive to perform their jobs diligently and proficiently if they feel that the path to promotion is undermined by nepotism. Although, a company employing such tactics may find its more valuable employees seeking new employment where their talent is better recognized. At a minimum, workers will likely complain and become bitter and less productive in the face of blatant nepotism. Gill Corkindale, a writer for Harvard Business Online, described a typical workplace scenario involving nepotism at a newspaper for which she used to work. A young, inexperienced colleague was hired in her department, and she actually spent several months helping him adjust to his role at the paper. Soon after, the young colleague was promoted to become her b oss. Only then did she discover that he was actually an editor’s nephew. Given the nephew’s effortless and unwarranted promotion, Corkindale ended up leaving the paper (Corkindale). Another disruption to workflow in a business is the worry and risk of lawsuits. Even though very few laws regulate nepotism at either the state or federal level. In fact, some states have no laws prohibiting the practice. Nevertheless, the consequences of nepotism may increase your risk of being sued for discrimination or hostile work environment. For instance, personal  relationships and fraternization between coworkers often lead to over the top breakups and emotional trauma at the office. One of the parties may accuse the other of sexual harassment or of creating a hostile work environment, especially if one of the parties is a supervisor. It can also have a bad effect on the management position. Subordinates will likely take a dim view of an employer’s ethics and judgment when they hire their friends for job openings. Cronyism, a partiality towards hiring close supporters, may suggest that the employer is weak, insecure and requires a network of allies to support their decisions. In addition to inspiring little confidence in their power and authority, a boss who embraces nepotism is deemed unlikely to make fair assessments of others’ accomplishments, especially when it comes to promotional opportunities. Nor will workers think such an employer can be relied upon to dispense appropriate discipline if the guilty party happens to be a friend. There are, of course, exceptions to this train of thought. Hiring someone you know means that you are already attuned to their strengths and weaknesses and feel comfortable that they know how you think. If the friendship is longstanding and secure, they have a vested i nterest in not letting you down and in maintaining the professionalism to keep both halves of your lives appropriately separate. The employee that is â€Å"favored† is also at risk of judgment. Even if the friend of the employer is truly the best qualified in the candidate pool, they enter the workplace equation under an immediate cloud of suspicion. Everything they do could be scrutinized for signs of incompetence. Every decision they make could be challenged to test their allegiance. Every friendship they attempt to make could be interpreted as just a ploy to learn secrets and report back to the boss. Although the respect of their coworkers may eventually be won if the worker proves himself worthy, the stress of being watched, judged and distrusted in the interim can take an emotional and physical toll. One should not forget about a very important aspect of any work place. This aspect is, of course, the worker’s morale. Having good or bad morale can easily make or break a company. Nepotism can foster hostile feelings of  inequality that employees may react to in one of two ways. The first is to repeatedly undermine the favored worker’s capabilities and attempt to sabotage their projects. These efforts to get them fired, however, can result in costly mistakes and loss of time which can then potentially impact customer relations. The second reaction is an attitude of defeat. If employees assume that promotions and perks will always go friends of the boss, they will likely feel less inclined to do their best work to distinguish themselves. Resentment and indifference can lead to reduced productivity as well as employee turnover if workers decide that nothing will ever get better. According to Dr. Stephen Asma, who is in full support of nepotism, favoritism(nepotism) is used more as a scapegoat. He states that â€Å"fairness† is redirected to words like tolerance and generosity, as opposed to â€Å"favoritism† which is related to words like corruption and prejudice. He says having these preconceived notions automatically labels the situation as good or bad, people just automatically assume that it’s a bad thing that the new employee is related to or has a close relationship with the boss (Asma). Adam Bellow states in his book In Praise of Nepotism that â€Å"Americans censure nepotism on the one hand and practice it as much as they can on the other. There’s much to be said for â€Å"good† nepotism, which is fortunate, because we’re living in a nepotistic Golden Age† (Bellow). In his book he talks heavily about politicians and how a lot of them were born into their roles. Along with being pretty talented politici ans, they have the extra help coming from their status their parents had built for them, but he doesn’t state that this is a bad thing. Bellow says that having that image put on them, gives them the attention they need to get their ideas across, which has been a great gateway to finding a lot of our most famous politicians in history (Bellow). When it comes to something as touchy as favoritism or nepotism in the workplace, there are definitely many opinions on the topic. Each side can give a relatively solid argument but when it comes to most people, especially employees of businesses, they are wanting fair treatment between everyone. In my own opinion, I feel nepotism has no place in the workplace,  every employee should have the same treatment and opportunities available to them. In conclusion, this essay has went over how nepotism affects the workplace in most every aspect, the unfair treatment between employees and unfair opportunities it can create, and what favoritism does. A person chooses a career because they really enjoy that field of work and they want to be successful in it, but when an obstacle enters the picture and stunts your ability to move forward in your career it can have dire consequences. Lastly, looking at all the evidence and facts, I feel nepotism should be a very closely watched incident in ever y business as to ensure fair treatment between all of the employees. Works Cited Asma, Stephen. â€Å"The Upside of Nepotism.† Psychology Today. 12 January, 2013. Web. 3 December, 2013. Bellow, Adam. â€Å"The Atlantic.† Editorial. Atlantic 1 July 2013: The Atlantic. The Atlantic, 1 July 2003. Web. 03 December, 2013. Cammeron, Brenna. â€Å"Six Tales of Top-level Workplace Nepotism.† 21 August 2013. Web. 12 November 2013. . Corkindale, Gill. â€Å"Nepotism: Wrong for the Workplace?† Harvard Business Review. Harvard, 17 October 2007. Web. 3 December 2013. Edwards, Timothy. â€Å"Issue: Whether Nepotism Constitutes a Conflict of Interest Under the Code of Ethics?† Advisory Opinion 95-11-1133. King County, Washington – Department of Information & Administrative Services, 18 June 1998. Web. 12 November 2013 Goff, Keli. â€Å"In Defense of Nepotism and Classism at the New York Times.† The Huffington Post. 21 August 2013. Web. 12 November 2013. . Green, Michael Z. â€Å"D o Anti-Nepotism Policies Avoid or Create Unfair Treatment?†, 1998. 12 November 2013 Huerta, Timothy. General Manager, Associated Students, Inc. – California State University, Los Angeles. 4 April 2000. Recorded Interview on the topic of Anti-Nepotism. 12 November 2013 â€Å"Nepotism† Employee Issues. Web. 12 November 2013. Risser, Rita. â€Å"What are Legal Risks of Anti-Nepotism Policies?†, Fair Measures. Santa Cruz, 1997. Web. 12 November 2013. Shawe. â€Å"MD Court of Special Appeals to Determine Lawfulness of Employer’s Anti-Nepotism Policy†, Network Publication Inc. 2.97. Baltimore, MD. 1997. Web. 12 November 2013

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Annotated Bibliography on Tacrine

Annotated Bibliography on Tacrine Sathyan G et al (1995) studied the effect of solvents such as water, propylene glycol and ethanol and their mixtures for transdermal drug delivery on in vitro permeation of tacrine through rat and human skin. Largest flux and permeability were observed from ethanol-propylene glycol and water-ethanol binary mixtures, respectively. Excellent correlation between the rat and human skin data was observed. The formulations were found to be devoid of skin irritancy property. Ethanol-propylene glycol (1:1) mixture with a flux of 98 Â µg/cm 2 through rat skin was found to be a promising solvent system for the transdermal delivery of Tacrine. Yanq Q et al (2001) formulated microparticles of tacrine using poly (D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLG) by solvent evaporation technique. Effect of formulation variables on Encapsulation efficiency and release was studied. Results showed an increase in encapsulation efficiency by 10 times and decrease in rate of release when molecular weight of polymer was changed from 8,000to 59,000 and 155,000 The study indicated that tacrine microparticles have a strong potential for long term treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Kankkunen T et al (2002) investigated the iontophoretic delivery of Tacrine on 10 healthy adult volunteers by comparing a commercial LOGEL electrode with an ion exchange fibre formulation. Clinically significant plasma concentrations 21.3 + 5.9 ng/ml was achieved by commercial system whereas 14.9 + 2.6 ng/ml was achieved through ion exchange fibre system. The study showed that iontophoretic delivery of Tacrine is safe .Serum alanine transferase levels

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Interest Groups Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Interest Groups - Essay Example Politicians are well aware of the popularity of interest groups and their ability to sway public opinion, which is very important to their election success. The political process dominated by the political parties but kept in check by the presence of interest groups is more favorable than the reverse. This is because politicians are elected to govern with the mandate of the people in diverse areas, which makes them accountable to the public. Interest groups are not elected officials and it is very difficult to hold them to account for their actions since they represent opinion. Also, interest groups depend on lobbying, which includes a lot of lawsuits, which would conflict with legislative agendas of politics. Interest groups serve the purpose of putting pressure on political parties in order to bring about change through amassing public support. If interest groups were to dominate the political process then they would most probably push only those interests that they find important producing a skewed type of governance. Politicians are best positioned to lead the governance process as they have more to lose and will naturally find balance through political pressures both the interest groups and other rival political

Monday, August 12, 2019

How the eye is suited for the purpose of converting visible light into Essay - 1

How the eye is suited for the purpose of converting visible light into neural activity and how visual information is then conveyed to the visual cortex - Essay Example The paper will also highlight some of the challenges the eye faces while it performs its functions. The eye’s first adaptation to its interaction with light is referred to as the papillary light reflex. When responding to different levels of light, the rods and cons work independently but back up each other. This modus operandi espouses the eye’s adaptation to dark light.. While the rods are sensitive to light, they have the tendency to take a significant amount of time to adapt to darkness, in this case the rhodopsin, situated in the photoreceptors take full charge through photo bleaching. On the other hand, the regulation of the eye’s sensitivity eye’ s to light is espoused by the changes in the intracellular calcium ions. In order to adapt to light, the eye first adapts to the background so that it is capable of detecting and distinguishing the background objects; the entire process of adaption to light takes a period of approximately five minutes Whenever light is reflected on a surface or remitted from an object, the eye detects the light that first encounters the cornea; from here, it is then focussed to the lens. The lens in turn functions to vary the focus depending on the distance that exists between the eye and the object. The focal adjustment of the light by the lens is called accommodation. The lens alters its shape depending on the distance of the object; for objects that are distant, it elongates, flattens and pulls out whereas for objects that are close by, it only needs to assume its natural round shape for clear vision. The light first passes through the space between the cornea and the lens that is filled with fluid called aqueous humour. It consequently goes through the t pupil ‘s circular aperture that is surrounded by the iris diaphragm muscles prior to going through the lens (Jones, et al 2004). However, the quantity of light that passes through the pupil is determined by the pupil’s diameter a nd still goes ahead to be

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Power of query optimization Asystematic Approach to cost-Based Dissertation

Power of query optimization Asystematic Approach to cost-Based optimization in Data Mining enviroment - Dissertation Example Up till now, there has been extensive research done in order to give database support to the mining operations. Nevertheless, the emphasis in such endeavors has been, most typically, laid upon the mining of a single data set although, most of the times, the user has to look up for multiple data sets that are acquired from various data sources. Thus, for such cases, it is extremely essential for the KDD process to compare the patterns from various data sets and comprehend their relationship with each other. For this purpose, the multiple data sets in a KDDMS require support for the complex queries. Due to this reason, new functionality and optimizations are needed that particularly emphasize over the frequent item set mining. Faster response to queries is the prime function of the query optimization. The data is better known to the semantic optimizer rather than the user. Thus, the semantic optimizer is able to replace the query of the user with another query that provides the same ou tcome more efficiently in lesser time. The efficiency of the new query is due to the execution of less work for the retrieval of the selected result tuples from the data base. The most advanced query optimizers select the one â€Å"best† plan during the time of the compilation to execute a given query (Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, 2000). The cost of execution for the alternative plans is calculated, out which the one is selected that has the overall cheapest cost. Conventionally, the cost is determined on the basis of the average statistics of the overall data since the prime purpose is to identify a single plan for all data. Nevertheless, the significant statistical variations of various data sub-sets may yield poor performance of the query execution (Christodoulakis, 1984). The basic disadvantage is the highly coarse optimization granularity in which just one execution plan is selected for the entire data. Important opportunities for effective query optimization are left out be cause of this sort of â€Å"monolithic† approach (Ramakrishnan and Gehrke, 2000). Thus, the research problem is to augment the cost-based optimization in data mining for patterns, in single and multiple databases. Therefore, the present study will focus on the cost-based optimization of the queries in data mining. 2. Topics covered There are numerous research papers that have been published in the area of Data mining, Data ware-housing and Query Optimization Techniques however the researches in the past do not clearly specify the conditions under which, what kind of query optimizer will probably possess more weight or points than the others. According Yu and Sub (n.d.), rules are deduced from the restriction clauses of the queries that are received at the database and also, from the outcome that they generate. It can also be stated that the cost of each query is different for the approaches through which the two syntactically distinct queries generate the same outcome. Ullman (1998), in his research, explained the principle of semantic query optimization that refers to the use of semantic rules, for instance, to re-generate a query into an equivalent but less expensive query, in order to minimize the cost of query evaluation. Subramanian and Venkataraman (n.d) in their work suggested the architecture to process the queries of complex decision support that incorporates various heterogeneous data sources and puts forward the concept of transient-views and moreover, formulates a cost-based algorithm that requires a query plan as an input and develops an optimized â€Å"covering plan† through reducing the redundancies in the original-input-query plan. According to the research work of Stefan Berchtold (2001), the problem of extracting all objects

Saturday, August 10, 2019

History Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

History - Coursework Example Slaves were assigned a first name only, and after Reconstruction, many of them took on new names, as did Lewis Evans, who said â€Å"the white folks gave me a new name†. America missed the opportunity to create a multiracial society. First, Lincoln missed that chance by legitimizing pro-Union governments in the South that only allowed white men to vote. After Lincoln was assassinated, the new President, Andrew Johnson, took power. He was extremely racist, saying â€Å"Damn the negroes† (textbook, 474). As someone with a class chip on his shoulder, Johnson quickly returned the southern states to the Union, allowing them to enforce Black Codes of law that kept African Americans without property, and with very few legal rights. The former slave narratives include the story of Henry â€Å"Happy Day† Green, Sarah Gray, Lewis Evans and Measy Hudson. Henry Green reports that he voted. The right to vote was an important symbol of freedom. Sarah Gray’s voice did no t come through in the interview, perhaps because of the interviewer, Minnie Ross’s, condescending attitude: â€Å" [it gave] her as much pleasure as a child playing with a favorite toy†. All that Miss Ross seems to have found out is that Sarah Gray thought she was well-treated in slavery. Lewis Evans speaks of his house, and garden lot, his own land on which he raises a garden and chickens. This is important because along with his small pension, it provides his livelihood. Measy Hudson describes working as a laundress, being married and voting twice, all important parts of freedom. I think the slaves’ narratives are accurate when their actual words are faithfully recorded, because they were there, and experienced these events first-hand. ELECTIONS OF 1912 Roosevelt espoused Progressivism, which believed in reducing the power of giant trusts(corporations). Progressivism wanted to remove the influence of special interest groups to form a â€Å"pure democracy† where people had a more direct voice in the central government. He proposed to limit the power of the judicial system by allowing a popular vote or referendum to overturn court decisions. Wilson, a Democrat, espoused antitrust measures and state regulations to control the powers of giant trusts. He also espoused small government. Taft, the incumbent Republican President, espoused the protection of the judicial system from popular votes intended to overturn rulings. He believed that checks and balances were written into the constitution to prevent mass hysteria in governance. Taft believed in protection of the environment and safety standards for mines and railroads, as well as an 8-hour workday, all of which he put in place while president. Eugene V. Debs espoused the organization of workers into unions. He ran on the Socialist Party ticket and was one of the founding members of the International Labor Union. The outcome of the election, with Roosevelt’s victory, says that Americans wanted to have a more direct influence on their national government, and that many of them were in favor of the various reform movements of the time. WORLD WAR 1 PROPAGANDA The U.S. Food Administration sent the message in its propaganda posters to conserve food, especially meat. A poster for navy recruiting week listed the dates to attend. The president lent his image to say conserve food, as well as to say that we must conquer the enemy, and stay united in the war effort. The Armenian and Syrian Relief Campaign’

Friday, August 9, 2019

First amendment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

First amendment - Essay Example There have been a number of issues posing questions as to the effectiveness and extent of the provisions in the First Amendment. One of such is the Citizens United case popularly referred to as the ‘Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission’, in which the US Supreme Court, following a 5-4 decision, ruled that corporations and unions have similar political speech rights as individuals under the First Amendment. Being a conservative non-profit organization, Citizens United claims its commitment to restoring the control of the United States government to the citizens, as well as to emphasize American principles of limited government, autonomy of enterprise, strong families, and state sovereignty and security. Citizens United produced a documentary named Hillary-with respect to the then Senator Hillary Clinton, which was the main issue of the court case. The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971, which controls the financing of political campaigns, was amended by the Bi partisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 (BCRA). Following the amendment, this federal law prevents corporations and unions from spending their general treasury funds towards independent expenditures for a speech referred to as an ‘electioneering communication’, in other words a speech that concerns elections or one that portrays endorsement or disapproval of a candidate in the elections. As defined in the constitution, an electioneering communication ideally refers to any broadcast, cable, or satellite communication that refers to an openly identified candidate for Federal office and is created in 30 days of a major election or 60 days of a common election, (2 U.S.C.  § 441b), and that is publicly distributed (11 CFR  § 100.29(a)(2)). The documentary-Hillary was released at a time when Hillary Clinton was running for the Democratic presidential nomination, and as such, it conveyed opinions on Hillary’s suitability for the presidency. Not only did Citizens United avail the documentary in theatres and on DVDs, but also planned to make it accessible through video-on-demand. Further, Citizens United went ahead to produce television advertisements to endorse the movie and planned to run them on broadcast and cable television. However, the advertisements and the video-on-demand distribution had to be paid for, and as such, Citizens United opted to spend its general treasury funds. Consequently, Citizens United’s production and initiative was reflective of a violation of  § 441b of the constitution. Realizing the looming threat of facing possible civil and criminal charges, Citizens United rushed in to seek an injunction in federal district court, against the Federal Elections Commission (FEC), posing various arguments. First, Citizens United presented an argument claiming that  § 441b is unconstitutional with regard to the movie Hillary; a motion that the District Court denied and instead granted summary judgment to the FEC. In additi on, it argued that, as applied to the movie Hillary and the ads endorsing it, BCRA's disclaimer and disclosure requirements (BCRA  §Ã‚ §201 and 311) are also unconstitutional. According to BCRA

Scrum Methods in Software Development Research Paper

Scrum Methods in Software Development - Research Paper Example In this scenario, many researchers present the common description of the agile manifesto. According to researchers such as (Lucia and Qusef; Paetsch, Eberlein and Maurer; Kavitha and Thomas) agile methodology its family members are based on the following principles (Lucia & Qusef, 2010; Paetsch et al., 2003; Kavitha & Thomas, 2011): Without a doubt, agile software development methodologies have been developed to deal with the issues of delivering high quality software promptly under quickly and continuously changing business environment and requirements. In fact, agile software development methodologies have an excellent reputation in the IT and software sector. The research has shown than more than 69% of IT firms are adapting one or more agile methodologies for use in common project management as well as organizational development (Lucia and Qusef). Previous researches that have been conducted to determine positive and negative impacts of agile software development methodologies are mainly based on unreliable and subjective verification instead of logical and experimental assessment. However, at the present, there exists a large amount of facts and proofs on agile software development methodologies in various forms such as case studies, experiments and experience reports carried out on a wide variety of aspects of agile approaches taking into consideration different software development scenarios. In addition, a number of survey studies have been carried out by different researchers which present a broader and general idea on the position of agile approaches in various software development firms. In this scenario, the results of the Forrester survey revealed that whereas to the extent that more than 14% of European enterprises and North American are presently making use of agile approaches, on the other hand more

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Film (movie) analysis paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Film (movie) analysis paper - Essay Example But because of the desperation of losing her job as a florist and being impregnated by boyfriend who hesitated to marry her, she took the risk and became a drug mule. The backdrop of the movie provides a broad understanding of the life in rural Colombia, where Maria spent her earlier life. The plot of the film gives a dark feel of the life in the rural environment which includes the overpopulated rural households that struggles to fend for themselves in a country where social mischief caused by drug trade has slumped economic progress. Poverty, socio-political injustice, and violence continue to play a significant role in shaping the social wellbeing of the small country and served as a justification why such a nice girl such as Maria is driven into the drug trade. In addition to the socio-cultural background of poverty that drives people into drug trade, Joshua Marston, the movie director also oriented the audience about the kind of environment Colombia has that induces people to part of the trade etiher as a pusher or a mule. It depicted the pervasiveness of the drug in the country that made the industry so accessible to anyone in despair. It provided the audience understanding that people are not really born drug mules or drug addicts but rather they are just induced and conditioned by their surrounding. Columbia has such an unhealthy environment that makes drug so common that the fear of the criminal and health consequence of being involved in the trade is dulled by its commonality. And this explains why Maria who is such a nice, smart and driven girl would go into the dangerous and illegal drug trade. In contrast, the film also showed the environment of New York to underscore how abject the environment of Colombia is. The greener pastures presented by New York City also inspired the young Colombians to engage in the perilous business, in the hope that one day they will

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Applications of seven habits by Steven Covey Essay Example for Free

Applications of seven habits by Steven Covey Essay This classic best seller for management, organisations and personal development encapsulates Steven Coveys research on 200 years of success literature since his doctoral program. It is perhaps the most influential book for managers and organizations to learn the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, as the title suggest. It begins with the concept that people perceive the world differently, and we form our own paradigm how we view the world with our own unique lens. Covey explains that paradigms are the source of our attitudes and behaviours. Part of achieving insight involves making a paradigm shift which causes us to perceive things differently. Our paradigms will affect how we interact with others, which in turn will affect how they interact with us. Covey argues that any effective self-help program must begin with an inside-out approach, rather than looking at our problems as being out there (an inside-out approach). We must start by examining our own character, paradigms, and motives. Hence, character and principles are keys to success, effectiveness, and happiness in life. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People points out: Principles are guidelines for human conduct that are proven to have enduring, permanent value. The seven habits divided into two main groups: private victory (independence) and public victory (interdependence). Habits of Independence: Habit 1: Be Proactive We must use our resourcefulness to work toward our personal goals. Everyone has both a circle of influence and a circle of concern. Worrying endlessly about things outside of our circle of influence isnt particularly productive. Working within our circle of influence is productive. Further, the more effective we become, the more our circle of influence will expand. Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind What do we want people to say about us at our funerals? How will we be remembered? To succeed, Covey suggests visualizat ion. Every successful outcome is created twice; first one plan and second on implementation. Habit 3: Put First Things First The key to putting first things first is to understand that we have many things we can do which will have a significant, positive impact on our lives. Covey stresses that we must balance Production (P) with Productive Capability (PC). We must keep the golden eggs, but also maintain goose. Prioritization is the essence of time management. Interdependence The remaining habits in The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People are habits of interdependence. Rather than being dependent upon other people, or trying to be totally independent, we learn how to be more effective by effectively working with others. Habit 4: Think Win/Win Thinking Win/Win means seeking mutual benefit in our human interactions. To be successful in the long run, we should learn to consider others win factors besides our own. Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood Most people talk more than they listen. Until we listen actively and seek to understand others, we would n ot be understood. Active listening is about sensing the three modes of communications, i.e. visual, vocal and verbal. Habit 6: Synergize It means that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Combining the strengths of each individual yields multiple outcome beyond expectations, simply 1+12. Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw Just as a machine will wear out quickly if not properly maintained, the same is true for our own personal productivity. We must take care of ourselves. The four dimensions are physical, mental, social/emotional and spiritual renewals. To me, the first concept on paradigm is profound. I agree that when we change our perspectives, our attitudes and behaviours will change. To achieve enrichment in life, we need to understand our own paradigm, crystalize and anchor our principles. I have adopted these principles and find peace in self-awareness, social relationship and professional communications. Covey has successfully synthesised the successful habits of leaders, crystallised and organized them into two progressive segments. In line with child development from birth through death, one indeed grows from dependence to independence in early childhood to adolescence . We then mature to adults, where we progress from independence to interdependence. The seven habits are indeed proven to be critical for any individual to attain private and public victories. Hence it is no surprise that whenever I business leaders within my network on which are some books they would read to enrich their management knowledge, this book is voted as the most influential book that changed their lives. I have personally adopted these habits in my personal and professional communications and testify their effectiveness. I have sharpened my strengths in strategic thinking and leadership by adopting the habits of Begin with the end in mind and Synergize. For instance at the Polytechnic, I mooted the idea of Young GEMS(Go-the-Extra-Miles-for-Service) camp for upper secondary school students to build our prospects for future enrolment. Upon approval from management for the Young GEMS camp, I formed a program team and successfully lead it to implement the camp through skilful synergy of the individuals competence. This book has provided comprehensive coverage on the why and how of each habit. The only gap I see is that the context are US-based. It would be better if there is an Asian version with case studies of local enterprises and leaders, for the benefit of Asian readers. For instance, unlike Americans, Asians are generally weak in questioning skills to seek to understand others. It would be helpful if there are some recommended strategies in questioning to gain insights of others perspectives. Also, Asians tends to individual and less apt to working in teams, particularly in appreciating individual strengths, expressing diversified opinions openly. Asian case studies on Win-win and Synergize would certainly be helpful. There is no doubt that all seven habits are pivotal in todays managers and organisations. I personally have benefited as an account manager in Hewlett-Packard Singapore Sales when I was sponsored to attend the Seven Habits of Highly Effective People one-week course. It has significantly increased my self-awareness, strategic thinking skills, time-management skills and revolutionizes my perspectives in life. I can testify that the Habits are practical prescriptions for building trustworthy and lasting relationships, hence empowering managers to be effective leaders who could develop the most conducive working environment that attracts and retains like-minded talents for the good of society.