Monday, September 30, 2019

Jacksonian Democracy Essay

The Jacksonian democrats saw themselves as the guardians of the United States Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and equality of economic opportunity. However, were they really all they claimed to be? They did attempt to increase the power of lower classes while decreasing the influence of the rich and powerful. Economically, they benefited from governing during a time of huge advances in transportation, which boosted commerce and helped the common man. The Jacksonian democrats portrayed themselves as saviors of the common people, but this is a controversial subject. They were unusually wealthy, supported equality between white men only, enacted devastating economic policies, and disregarded the capability of the federal government. The Jacksonians saw themselves as guardians but as for the people, only a select few may have seen that. During the Jacksonian reign, numerous advancements sped up the growth of the United States. A market revolution occurred as cash-crop agriculture and capitalist manufacturing replaced artisan economy. Despite the prosperity, a split was emerging between the industrializing, urban north, agrarian, rural South, and the expanding West. The Jacksonians passed the Tariff of 1828, which opened opportunity for western agriculture and New England manufacturing, but was damaging to the South. Andrew Jackson believed that the US bank placed too much control into the hands of a wealthy few (Document B). Therefore, Jackson vetoed the bank’s re-charter in 1832. In attempt to benefit the lower, working classes, he placed the federal money in â€Å"pet† state banks. This attempt weakened the national currency. Like most Jacksonian economic policies, it failed. Jacksonians tried to assist only the whites through economic policies but failed in that also. Foreign visitors viewed that in America, every man is free and independent (Document D), but there was great division in American attitude. Disturbances and riots broke out across the country by minorities (Document E), because they were not included in the equality efforts of the Jacksonians, which were focused on white males. Jackson’s hypocrisy and brutality in his Indian removal practices showed the non-universal  principles held by the democrats. The unconstitutional, uneven power in the three branches of government was revealed when Jackson violated chief justice Marshall’s decision on the Cherokee when he forced them out. Resulting in the â€Å"Trail of Tears†(Document G) Fearful of angering Southern voters, Jacksonians veered away from extending equality policies to slaves. Women as well received little betterment during the Jacksonian era. Although viewed as defenders of all common men, Jacksonian democrats shunned minorities and only assisted white me n. Andrew Jackson was the first president to fully use the powers of the executive branch and establish it as an equal if not superior branch. Henry Clay viewed Jackson as dictatorial and unconstitutional and tried to make others see that, but Jacksonian propaganda continued to portray Jackson as a common man. Jacksonian democrats did not keep the three branches of government separate and equal, like it says in the constitution. Jacksonians were strict constitutionalists, vetoing things that did not benefit the whole country and eliminating the bank. However, they also participated in the burning nationalism existing at the time. Jacksonians believed in a firm union. In the compromise Tariff of 1832, they reduced the previous tariffs, but also included a Force Bill, which authorized the President to use arms to collect dues in South Carolina, which goes against the Jacksonian belief in states’ rights and their disbelief in a strong military. Jacksonian democrats were above all outstanding propagandists. They were able to portray themselves as defenders of the common man, while they usually tended to be anything but common. They were wealthy and often thought that ‘common man’ officials were inefficient and corrupt. They also tried to further reform movements but ended up hurting the economic opportunity. Although often supporters of states’ rights and individuality, they also were strong nationalists. Jacksonians strived to preserve the unifying principles that the Constitution contained, but acted in opposition of it when they asserted the overwhelming power of the executive branch. Jacksonian democracy did allow more people to vote than ever before and made government more directly responsible to the people. Finally, they established a strong executive, directly responsible to the people, and  increased faith in government. Overall, Jacksonians honestly attempted to help common Americans.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

“Angela’s Ashes” by Frank McCourt Essay

The autobiography Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt tells the life of the McCourt family while living in poverty in Limerick, Ireland during the 1930’s and 1940’s. Frank McCourt relates his difficult childhood to the reader up until the time he leaves for America at the age of nineteen. Angela’s Ashes has many prevailing themes, but one of the most notable is the settings relationship to the family. The setting of the book ultimately influences the choices and lifestyle of the McCourt family in many ways. Living in poverty and not being able to meet basic needs leads the characters to result to desperate measures, such incidents as stopping Frank McCourt’s education and taking a job to support the family. Frank is forced to take the job mostly because his father is an alcoholic and uses all the money to buy beer instead of feeding his family. Frank describes this pattern of drinking away the money by saying † when dad comes home with the drink smell there is no money and Mom screams at him till the twins cry†(42). This situation lasts until Mr.McCourt leaves to work in England and is never heard from again which forces Frank to take a job at fourteen years old. Frank takes on the role of the head of the family proudly and comments † Its hard to sleep when you know the next day you’re fourteen and starting your first job as a man†(309). Frank’s ability to provide financial stability leads to greater comfort and living conditions for his fami ly. The members of the McCourt family are also forced to beg and steal in order to help the family’s well being. Mrs.McCourt begs charities especially the St.Vincent de Paul Society for help with basic necessities for the family such as food, clothing, and furniture. Mrs.McCourt is even forced to beg for the family’s Christmas dinner. The butcher who she begs to tells her † What you can now missus, Is black pudding and tripe or a sheep’s head or a pig’s head†(97). Mrs.McCourt reluctantly accepted the pig’s head and is ridiculed walking home with it. Also, the children are forced to pick up scraps of coal for the fire from the road on Christmas Day. Frank describes the children’s humiliation by saying, † Even the poorest of the poor don’t go out Christmas Day picking coal off the road†(99). Despite Frank McCourt’s horrid poverty, tiresome starvation and devastating losses, Angela’s Ashes is not a tragic memoir. It is in fact up lifting, funny and at times triumphant. â€Å"When I look back on my childhood I wonder how I managed to survive at all. It was, of course, a miserable child hood: the happy childhood is hardly worth your while. Worse than the ordinary miserable childhood Is the miserable Irish childhood, and worse yet is the miserable Irish Catholic childhood†, writes Frank McCourt of his early life Although Frank McCourt’s autobiography, Angela’s Ashes, paints a picture of both terrible poverty and struggles, this text is appealing and up lifting because of its focus on both humor and hope. McCourt’s text shows the determination people living in dreadful conditions must have in order to rise above their situations and make better lives for themselves and their families. The effect of the story, although often distressing and sad, is not depressing. Frank as the young narrator describes his life events without bitterness, anger, or blame. Poverty and hardship are treated simply as if they are a fact of life, an d in spite of the hard circumstances, many episodes during the novel are hilarious. Frank McCourt was born in Brooklyn in 1930, just after the beginning of the Great Depression. During this time, millions of people around the world were unemployed and struggling to survive. Franks father, Malachy McCourt, struggled to obtain work and lost it easily due to his alcoholism. His mother, Angela McCourt, being a good catholic wife produced five babies in four years, leaving her unable to provide the most basic care for her children. When the baby, Margaret, died due to the shocking living conditions in Brooklyn, Angela subsided into clinical depression, which went untreated. Other women in the building where the McCourt’s lived looked after the children until Angela’s cousins arranged for the family to return to Ireland. Life in Limerick was considerably poorer, with a less supportive population than Brooklyn. The McCourt’s lived in a succession of substandard flats and houses characterized by poor sanitation and lack of electricity. The family  had so little furniture that they shared beds, with no sheets or blankets. When Malachy McCourt took his family back to an impoverished Ireland he chose to live in the south, where he was discriminated against because of his northern name and accent. He was unable to find work and when he finally did it was too late. He had become an alcoholic, unable to control his drinking and conform to the demands of a job. This meant that his family was reduced to existence on the dole and as a result, his children starved, and were forced to pick coal up from the side of the road in order to keep the fire burning. When Malachy left for work in England he sent no money home and Angela was forced to beg for food. In these terrible situations two more of her child ren died, Angela was hospitalized with a miscarriage and pneumonia, while Frank was hospitalized with typhoid fever and conjunctivitis. Survival for the family was clearly difficult and life only improved when Frank found full time employment as a telegram boy. His sense of responsibility guided him to give his mother his wages in order to support the family. Life in Limerick was often associated with humor. A lot of laughter derived from religious practices such as taking the wafer at mass. Since the wafer regularly stuck to peoples tongues, the boys at school had to practice sucking pieces of newspaper, sticking their tongues out for the teachers. The sins that the children confessed were also often sources of humor for the priests, and when grandma’s demand to know if she should clean Franks vomit up with Holy Water is pure mockery. â€Å"bless me father for I have sinned, its been a minute since my last confession†, becomes a sarcastic comment on Grandma’s ignorance. Poverty itself reduced the family to other slapstick situations. Pious Grandma’s deliberate lie to the real estate agent when she denied that there had ever been two rooms upstairs in Angela’s house has a savage humor in light of her piety. For the children Grandma was often the source of unintentional humor from the moment they heard he r accent. There is humor in the situations caused by Roman Catholic censorship. On one occasion Frank is evicted from the public library for reading a book about sex left on the table. The irony here is he really wanted to read Butlers  Life of the Saints but was enticed by a book that shocked the librarian. From an early age Frank promised to support his family. To do this he dreamed of returning to America. During the novel there was discussion between Frank and his father about the difference in economies of the two countries when his father discussed this over the paper he encouraged him to get a good job in the land of opportunity. These discussions were placed in the context of the English oppression of Ireland. It is the symbols associated with New York that really sustained Franks dream over the years. The images of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island which he kept as he left New York as a small boy were so clear that he recognized them on his trip back. McCourt’s hope of a better future was shared by his father, brother Malachy and hisUncle Pa Sheehan. However, it was Frank that had the determination to work at any job available and to save money even id his family starved, in order to make the dream real. There is no magic in Angela’s Ashes. Poverty and despair are cured by both hard work and breaking the law. Not everything that Frank did to save his fare was honorable, but his choices were made with long term goals in mind. Angela’s Ashes depicts unrelenting poverty and the terrible consequences for individuals living in dirtiness. However, Frank McCourt shows that there is always humor in life, no matter how desperate the situation is. Combined with this is the hope that sustained McCourt and drove him to seek a better life in the USA.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Biomedical Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Biomedical Ethics - Essay Example This paper is going to discuss and analyse the dignity of human life in relation the different concepts, views and ideas proposed by some philosophers and scientists. Looking at the video ‘The Island’, significant science fiction themes are clearly echoed in todays culture of medical ethics, class conflict and organ transplantation. Corporate ethics and prison populations are also reflected in the video. The main theme in the video is corporate abuse of human beings. Starred by Ewan McGregor, the video slowly builds up the theme and displays how the wealthy class engages in immoral activities in the hope that, they might be turned into immortals. By not fearing to destroy their vital body organs by engaging in drug abuse, excessive drinking, smoking and eating junk foodstuffs, these people show how wealth can be used to manipulate the good values and morality in humanity. The Island is an organization in the contemporary corporate world that makes its clients believe that it produces entirely new body organs in the laboratory yet this is not the case. It instead clones the clients and grows exact human beings whose body parts will be used in case of transplantations. The video is a true reflection of what is taking place in the contemporary world. The wealthy people and organizations are abusing corporate ethics in order to fulfil their desires. According to Kateb (2011), some doctors, including the highly revered Harry Sharp believed that social failure was a medical problem. This was in support of the scientific Eugenics movement sought to do away with some vices and immoral acts among human beings. Poverty, alcoholism, prostitution and criminal behaviour were the core vices that they sought to eliminate. Others included schizophrenia, rebelliousness and weak mindedness. Heated debates and arguments have however emerged concerning some of these

Friday, September 27, 2019

European politics and Economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

European politics and Economy - Assignment Example This has forced political actors in Europe to stake out positions on two fundamental issues: the structure of political authority in Europe, and the role of the state -- at whatever territorial level -- in the economy. To what extent should market activity be regulated at the European level, and to what extent -- if at all -- should the European Union redistribute from rich to poor In short, what form of capitalism do Europeans want The institutional design of current cohesion policy has broad-ranging implications for EU governance. At the meso-level, it promotes a change in governance from public steering of social processes to self-governing networks of public and private actors. Public authorities provide the institutional framework that reduces transaction costs and encourages highly organized social subsystems to mobilize indigenous resources (Kohler-Koch 1996, 1998). The result is that authoritative actors at European, national or subnational level are compelled to collaborate with private actors. At the macro-level, current EU cohesion policy is designed to give shape to a multi-level polity. It opens up intergovernmental bargaining among national governments to other governmental actors, and it upgrades limited collaboration among all these actors to more intensive, and more binding, commitments. This challenges state-centric governance in three ways: European institutions set general rules and co-ordin ate; subnational authorities participate in making decisions; and the three parties are in a relationship of mutual dependency rather than hierarchy (Marks, 1996). From the vantage point of traditional social policy, the objectives of the 1988 reform are modest. For one thing, the reformed EU cohesion policy gives priority to one type of cohesion problem: spatial economic disparities among regions (and to a lesser extent, local areas). Almost no emphasis is put on disparities between social groups and individuals within states, regions or local areas (McAleavey and De Rynck, 1997). Furthermore, the 1988 cohesion policy may actually impede efforts to create EU citizenship, because it supports programmes only to the extent that it helps economic functionality or alleviates particular financial needs, and it does not justify cohesion efforts as a social entitlement (Anderson, 1995; McAleavey and De Rynck, 1997). One might therefore argue that current cohesion policy is merely the least bad solution in an opportunity structure inhospitable to European social policy.[2] However, the purpose of European regulated capitalism has not been to emulate tr aditional social policies at European level, but to formulate a viable alternative to European neoliberalism as well as to ineffective national welfare politics (Hooghe and Marks, 1998). From that perspective, current cohesion policy appears far more effective. The most influential advocate of European regulated capitalism has been former Commission president Jacques Delors (Delors, 1992; Ross, 1995). Most centre-left and, selectively, Christian Democratic parties in Europe have come to support the project, but the coalition also includes trade unionists, environmentalists, local and regional governmental actors, and even certain business representatives at

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Are all waste products simply resources that have not been used yet Essay

Are all waste products simply resources that have not been used yet - Essay Example Waste products are made resources by the process of section, transportation, recycling and treatment. In addition, the system disposal is applied in determination of the number of recycle bins required to facilitate garbage collection at the curb. Nevertheless, the paper focuses on determining whether the waste products can be considered resources that have not been exploited. There has been a significant growth of governmental investment, among industrial sectors leading to increases of interest concerning Municipal Solid Waste MSW management projects. In this case, MSW management offers a vital opportunity for conversion of waste materials to resources. On the other hand, in order to convert waste materials to resources, there is need to understand the current situation experienced in MSW management (Hongtao & Yongfeng, 2001, 255). In fact, there are substantial factors playing a vital role in generation of MSW, which entail economic development, consumption rates, administrative s ystems, urban population and geographic location. However, the most important factors include the urban population and economic situation, which are considered a contributor to improvement of MSW quality. Waste products have been converted to resources through MSW for the last twenty years, thereby resulting to a change in the waste composition and an increase for waste. Therefore, value of waste based on increases of reusability is influenced by impacts of MSW components. Moreover, this entails domestic fuel used and other living standards, which are associated with the levels of composition. Some of identified sources of MSW include residential, municipal, institutional, commercial, and other attributes of the city that entail size, location and economic condition. There are high recyclable content gathered through MSW in exclusive residential districts; for instance, there are percentages of kitchen waste, ash and dirt, which are lesser than regular to inhabited district (Hongtao & Yongfeng, 2001, 259). On the other hand, there are other fractions of kitchen residue, thereby making up a higher portion of waste disposed by residential district. There is waste gathered from neighborhood as a high moisture content that has a lower calorific value. Historically, there is influence of waste composition based on the living standards of people living is various regions. Therefore, management of MSW has become a global issue due to its significance based on judgment made by mayors, county executives and city and country council broads. In fact, this decisions made by these actors has led to a significant impact on the emissions of greenhouse gas (GHG), thereby contributing to climatic changes (Weitz, Thorneloe, Nishtala, Yarkosky & Zannes, 2002, 1001). Waste caused CH4 emissions emanating from decomposition of biodegradable elements present in waste streams such as food scraps, yard trimming and papers, they have led to increased potential for global climatic chang es (Weitz, Thorneloe, Nishtala, Yarkosky & Zannes, 2002, 1002). Moreover, this is associated by the release of GHG, which is debated in the country and in other countries around the world. MSW management program is applied as a resource for reduction of GHG emission, whereby it is

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 99

Assignment Example I will prepare an aquarium with water, a total of five. I will prepare first 5 various water samples with varying degrees of dissolved oxygen: 0, 2, 6, 12, 18 ppm. Then I will put in several fish in each of the 5 samples of water, perhaps 15 each and count the fish that will stay alive in it after 6 hours or so. The independent variable is the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water because it does not depend on any factor and it is the one being manipulated for the experiment. The dependent variable is the number of fish because it depends on how much dissolved oxygen is in the water. The control group is the one which is marked 18ppm, assuming that this is the average amount of dissolved oxygen in water. It depends on the average value of dissolved oxygen in water and that should be the control group. The purpose of the control group is to serve as the basis against which other experimental data will be compared. 6. (1 point) What type of graph would be appropriate for this data set? Why? See p. 18-19 and the two types of graphs. Dont forget that the x-axis (horizontal) represents values for the independent variable (the factor you change or that you want to see what effect it has on a specific outcome) and the y-axis (vertical) are values for the dependent variable (the factor that you predict will change). 7. (2 points) Graph the data from Table 2. Explain the reason for the type of graph you selected and dont forget to include a title, labels for the x-axis and y-axis (include the units). You may submit the graph as an Excel or other attachment. 5. A local grocery store was holding a contest to see who could most closely guess the number of pennies inside a large jar. The first six people guessed the number 735, 209, 390, 300, 1005, and 689. The grocery clerk said that jar actually contains 568 pennies Part 2: Write the numbers below in scientific notation, incorporating what you know about significant digits. For the exponents use

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Case Presentation Write Up Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case Presentation Write Up - Essay Example oundation saying that he does not think there is any restaurant chain in the US that has successfully created a culture on how they treat their staff and employees. The restaurants are operated with low advertising budgets and instead, they have decided to let their services advertise them. The business is also known for use of biblical principles in their operations. The incorporation of these principles might be the reason behind its success making it the second largest chain or restaurant in America. According to Blackaby and Blackaby (142) the top management at Chick-fil-A is strongly rooted to Christianity. Truett Cathy, the founder of the franchise, was a very spiritual man who built his personal life and business operations on Biblical principles. The restaurants are never opened on Sundays as the management believes that their employees deserve a day off with their families and friends. The history of Chick-fil-A can be traced back to 1946 with establishment of The Dwarf Grill. The restaurant was founded by Samuel Truett Cathy who was greatly inspired by family business. The launch of Chick-fil-A in 1967 was highly marked by the invention of chicken breast sandwich. This became Chick-fil-A trade mark. After the first restaurant in the food court of the Greenbrier Mall, the chain focused on opening more franchises in more food courts. In 1986, the company opened its first freestanding franchise. The success of this franchise made the chain switch from food courts and worked more on independent franchises. Since then, the chain has continuously made progress in expanding all over the US though majority of its franchise is found in the Southern parts. The Franchise can also be found in major airports, hospitals and some universities. This happens through agreements with the concerned authorities in these institutions. The chain is known to have very strong religious culture. The operations in the chain incorporate both business principles and Biblical

Monday, September 23, 2019

Head On and Tylenol Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Head On and Tylenol - Annotated Bibliography Example 2011. The book provides a one-kind-consumer guide that provides solutions to over 500 over-the-counter medications. It provides symptoms for common problems followed by over-the-counter prescriptions to alleviate the conditions. 3. Maryanne, H., & AARP (2006). The AARP guide to pills: Essential information on more than 1200 prescription and nonprescription medicines, available through Medical Databases Online, General Databases, accessed 20th Oct. 2011. The book addresses the problems of adults over the age of 50 years. The book also simplifies the effort to find information about certain drugs by presenting generic drugs in a logical A-to Z organization. It also provides a close reference to related brand new drugs. This information has been vetted by a board of con tent specialists from the finest institutions in United States. 4. King, L., & Mary, C. (2009). Pharmacology for Women’s Health, available through Medical Databases Online, Nursing Databases, accessed 19th Oct. 2011. The article includes an insight into the basic pharmacodynamics principles that allows health professionals to understand and know hoe to prescribe drugs. It includes chapters that describe pharmacology of various drugs that are used in wide variety of illnesses. The arctle provides fundamentals of nursing, Introduction to Nursing and Critical Thinking. It contains concrete examples which allow studentds to understand and apply the five steps of nursing process in the expanding world of healthcare. The book provides a user friendly step by step work-book like approach to the five steps of nursing process. It also offers good solutions to the most difficult part of nursing, diagnosis. It also contains exercises that allow the reader to practice what he has learnt. The book focuses on the choices which have to be made while designing a drug for newly

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-troubled countries Essay

The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-troubled countries - Essay Example ionality, the reasons why the IMF indulges itself into helping poor and debt troubled countries, the ethical issues involves, and the effects of IMF loans on a country’s economy. The IMF seeks to help poor and debt troubled countries so to stabilize the countries’ recovery from balance of payment deficits, and to stabilize exchange rates. The IMF also performs evaluation and compilation of its member countries’ economies, and in the case of financial crisis, the IMF intervenes by providing loans on conditions for restructuring economies to avoid future crisis. The IMF lends itself to developing countries so to ensure the â€Å"revolving character† of the Fund whereby, the funds given to a certain country can be made available to another country in need. The policies’ structure and corrective measures are designed in such a manner that ensures the funds will be repaid, and availed to other members of the Fund in future. According to the IMF, conditionality refers to the policies that a member country should follow in order to gain access to the Fund. That is the conditions that the members are supposed to abide by, so to access the financial resources of the International Monetary Fund. Some of the conditions that the IMF implements is that a country must change its financial policies to get support; the bigger the country, the bigger the financial need, therefore, the more stringent the policy formulations. In a loan approved for Niger in 2005, the fund asked for an â€Å"extension in VAT on processed foods including; sugar, milk, wheat, flour†, a reduction in tax exemption on necessities such as water and electricity, and an increase in excise tax on sodas and other soft drinks. The IMF closely monitors how these funds are used in a bid to ensure that the funds are used as agreed, and not for any other purpose. 1. The member country is the national owner of its political and other resources; therefore should partake in the formulation of policies for the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How a Firm’s Resources Limit Its Search for Opportunities Essay Example for Free

How a Firm’s Resources Limit Its Search for Opportunities Essay In this essay I will describe how a firm’s resources limit its search for opportunities. I will also provide two examples of how a firm’s resources may be limited by its opportunities. Firms may be limited by strengths and weaknesses of their available resources due to lack of one or more combinations of the following sources: production capabilities, cost(s) of research, marketing, management, and available or dedicated finances (Perreault, W.D, Cannon, J.P, McCarthy, E.J., 2010). In order for a firm to determine if it has the resources to expand on new opportunities, they must have a variety the sources mentioned above. Firms must first establish the direction and what market(s) that they want to pursue and target (Perreault, W.D, et. al, 2010). Once a firm has an idea of the targeted market and products/services they wish to offer they can move forward to the next step of establishing new opportunities. The first specific topic resource that may limit the search for new opportunities is marketing. If marketers for the firm do not target the right combination of prospective customers it can be a challenge to get a new firm to earn a reputable standing against pre existing and established firms. When a firm ventures out to expand or offer something totally new they have to prepare a variety of marketing. Marketing requires financial resources and research (Perreault, W.D, et. al, 2010). The second specific topic resource that may limit the search for new opportunities is production capability. If companies don’t have the necessary finances to conduct research and development (RD) on the product or services they wish to offer they may not get past the process of brainstorming (Perreault, W.D, et. al, 2010). A firm may also be limited to new opportunities if they cannot keep up with the demand of products (production) and/or services (Perreault, W.D, et. al, 2010). References Perreault, W.D, et. al,. (2010). Essentials of Marketing. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Thomas Hobbes Book Leviathan Philosophy Essay

Thomas Hobbes Book Leviathan Philosophy Essay Thomas Hobbes focused on the human nature regarding as state of nature. Hobbes thinks that there is always fight in state of nature because of equality between men. He asserts that human being is equal both bodily and mentally even if it is seemingly. At first, Human nature makes people to think about being strongest than anyone in terms of body. For example, the strongest one thinks that he can kill everyone who are weak than him, however, the weaker one can beat the strongest one through confederacy of with others. (Hobbes, 183)Therefore, it can be said that everyone in society is equal with each other one way or another. Additionally, Hobbes argues that men are equal mentally too. This equality comes from wise. In state of nature, everyone see themselves wise, however, they do not accept the others wisdom and they do not believe that they have wisdom. That is to say, all of them are satisfied with their wisdom and they ignore others wisdom so this means that it is not inequality a ctually it means equality. (Hobbes, p.184)Therefore, this equality causes insecurity in society. This equality makes us to attain our ends. However, if they desire same thing, they become enemy with each other. (Hobbes, p.184) To give an example, every person around the world has desires to live in extraordinary place such as palace. Lets thinks about that there is only one gorgeous palace all over the world and a group of people try to get it, at the end while trying to get it, there will be conflict situation. The ambition of getting what they desire makes them enemy and it leads to war amongst them. Additionally, in the nature of man, we find three principles which are competition, diffidence and glory. (Hobbes, p.185) These feelings lead to war because these feelings make people to fight for gain, safety and for reputation. Shortly, in order to provide a peaceful society there should be an authority. If there is no absolute power at the top, there is always fight in society. Hob bes underlines this issue as state of nature is a state of war of all against all. (Hobbes, p.185) In this situation, that is to say, if there is no common authority, there is no justice because we cannot talk about true or false or anything contrary to law. Moreover, in such conditions, as Hobbes argues, there is no place for industrial development or art or anything making people to be civilized. Thus, life of men is solitary poor, nasty, brutish and short. (Hobbes, p.186) This situation can be a block to live in a good society because people need an absolute power who can keep down them. Also this can shows us the necessity of commonwealth. Right of nature has an important role for necessity of absolute power in terms of rights, rules and prohibitions. Right of nature gives the right man to do anything what he want and at any time to protect himself from the others who may damage him. That is to say, right of nature is a kind of freedom to what is wanted to do. Because of the state of nature, every men have right to do anything, even he can kill somebody else to protect himself.(Hobbes, p.189) Actually, in state of nature, there is always risk of injury and death so people are ready to preserve themselves from possible attacks. For example, if a man, who is threatened by someone, can intimidates and can kill that men. If he could not, he could be killed. This creates chaos in society. The law of nature can be thought the opposite of right of nature. Thanks to law of nature, people give up their some rights and think about the others right in order to protect both themselves and peace in society. (Hobbes, p.190) It is im portant that, thanks to the law of nature, people cannot harm themselves and others. It is a stage of providing peace among people. The only way to attain this peaceful environment is transferring of rights by covenant. At this point, the importance of rules which are made by absolute power can be understood. As Hobbes suggests, human nature needs an absolute power in nature because the ultimate purpose of mankind is to protect them from others possible attack, to be happy and to live in comfort. (Hobbes, p.223)Therefore, the only way is to accept to be put under restraint by a sovereign. The necessity of a sovereign is also about how to establish a commonwealth system. According to Hobbes, the only way to establish a commonwealth system is based on transferring their rights to one person, one assembly or one committee. Hobbes suggests the way of establishing a commonwealth is making a covenant with every man. By making covenant, every man gives their right of governing themselves to a sovereign. Although some people in society vote negatively, they also authorized the sovereign to govern them. (Hobbes, p.227)Therefore, by transferring rights and will, the commonwealth system occurs. The sovereign who has unlimited power has to make rules and execute them. These rules should be in accorda nce with the necessity of common wills. There should also be fear of absolute power because if people in society do not afraid of absolute power they can break rules. Obeying rules is important for society in terms of order and peace. The covenant can be thought as the constitution of parties because parties make an agreement and they make rules for themselves and for the security of society. Thus, if there is an injustice or injury, the person in charge is not to be the sovereign. The injustice or injury reasoned by sovereign is not the outcome of sovereigns own decisions or actions because of covenant. According to Thomas Hobbes, if a person complaining about injustice, this means that person is complaining about his/her sovereign and this person cannot accuse someone else even he cannot accuse himself because of the covenant. That is to say the person who make a covenant and who make rules cannot injure himself/herself. (Hobbes, p.232) Again Hobbes says that since the people in society are the governor of the actions and decisions, the actions and decisions which are made by sovereign cannot be named as injustice because people in society authorized the sovereign to govern themselves. (Hobbes, p.232) The sovere ign should implement the rules and punishment. To give an example, think about a rule which is related to protect society order, for example burglary, murdering etc. and think about the punishments of these abuses. If a person kill a man or steal someones property there will be a violation of the order. The reason why to implement these rules, prohibitions and the punishments by the sovereign is to be rescued from state of nature and to reach peace in society. Thus, the sovereign must implement the rules, prohibitions and punishments. Although people in society can be punished because of their actions, the sovereign cannot be punished because of his decisions or actions because the sovereign authorized to do anything to preserve the society and maintain the commonwealth system. Thomas Hobbes underlines that sovereign shouldnt be punished if he breaks the agreement because he is tasked with to govern and execute the state. The sovereign has unlimited power and he has decisions and actions according to covenant which is made by people. As Hobbes underlines, the liberty of the subject consists with the unlimited power of the sovereign. The liberty of subjects doesnt mean that the power of sovereign for life and death abolished or limited because whatsoever he does can be called as injustice or injury. (Hobbes, p.264) For example, if a subject who attempts to depose his sovereign can be punished or killed because he is the author of his punishment. (Hobbes, p.229) Moreover, a subject can be killed so neither sovereign nor subject can be called as injustice. (Hobbes, p.265) Additionally, the actions of the sovereign cannot be criticized by subjects because anything what he does cannot called as injustice and subjects cannot charge sovereign with being injustice. As Hobbes states sovereign can be cruel but they cannot be unjust. (Hobbes, p.232) Moreover, the sovereign cannot be judged with his decisions and actions thanks to the covenant. In conclusion, Thomas Hobbes starts with analyzing human nature and comes to this conclusion by reasoning necessity of commonwealth system. As he argues in the state of nature men are always in danger and there is no security. People in society are always fighting with each other, they are always competing with each other because of their desires and this makes their life full of horror. Therefore, Thomas Hobbes suggests that there must be a sovereign to control and to provide security in society in order to live in comfort. By transferring the rights to the sovereign they make covenant and at the end the commonwealth system establishes. The sovereign who is authorized by the subjects makes decisions and governs the society and so according to Hobbes the sovereigns decisions and actions cannot be called as unjust. Although, Thomas Hobbes asserts that his decisions and actions are not unjust, the sovereign who has unlimited power should be restricted. If his decisions and actions cann ot be restricted there will always be injustice because there is only one person who decides in the name of subjects. Additionally, the subjects who didnt vote for that sovereign should be thought because they are also under the decisions and actions of that sovereign even if they did vote negatively. Although, the commonwealth system has benefits such as unity, safety and comfortable lives in society, after transferring rights to the sovereign the only decision maker become sovereign and this makes conflicts in society. Subjects give their will to sovereign however, in some points subjects should have the right to analyze and criticize acts and rules of sovereign. Society may hand over its will but it should not be in all areas. Society could be interfere what is done by sovereign. Sovereign cannot be true in all areas and acts.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Essay --

Rahim, Sheikh Mr. Seed English III, 6th period 12 NOVEMBER, 2013 In The Zoo If a dwelling place is uncomfortable or people who live there do not like the place, then the house seems like a cage to them. They feel like they are in a zoo which makes a child feel like their own identity is absent. Author Jean Stafford went through this kind of situation in her childhood. Stafford’s personal life was often marked by unhappiness and struggle. Her personal life had a great influence in her stories. â€Å"In The Zoo† by Jean Stafford shows how impactful childhood is to the adult person by using symbolism and characterization. The author uses the zoo to represent a surrounded situation where people are forced to rely on others. In the zoo, animals are kept in cages for entertainment and amusement of people, but the wild animals who are born independent don’t like the environment in zoo. These animals spend most of their existence trying to escape. The author uses the animals in Denver zoo to represent various people from the childhood of the two sisters. In ...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Radioactive Frequency Identification: A Threat to Privacy :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument

Radioactive Frequency Identification: A Threat to Privacy As technology advances and the government continues to attempt to control us, an idea that was once thought ridiculous is now coming back with full force. The idea of RFID chips (Radioactive Frequency Identification) has already been put into place by many large companies and businesses however most civilians don’t even know they probably own products or clothing with RFID chip implanted in them. The government has not effectively publicized and made the information as available as they should have to educate people about this new technology. Radioactive frequency identification tags are very similar to barcodes in that they both scan onto computers to read information about a specific product. Experts say that eventually RFID chips will take over barcodes and be used in every store worldwide. RFID chips are also manufactured to use a certain frequency range. â€Å"Early RFID pilots have shown that other radio-frequency-based technologies often clash with RFID readers when frequency ranges overlap. As a result, companies have experienced difficulties during RFID pilots with bar-code scanners, cordless phones, push-to-talk devices, wireless networks, security systems, and other RF-based technologies† (Smart 4). As technology advances, we will see how RFID chips will take control of the market take the place of bar codes. Since the idea of RFID chips are new and haven’t been explored much, we have limited examples and uses available to us. However, we have to accept that RFID is going to take effect because large companies have already begun putting them to use in the products they sell. Eventually almost every product you own, wear or see will be implanted with an RFID chip. Sounds easy and helpful right? It is only going allow the government and monopolies to control customers and take away the little privacy we have. Granneman agrees that †by implanting RFID chips into everything we buy, the government will be able to track everything we do from which products we bought to where we went and what we did with them† (17) The concern here is that. â€Å"Whatever direction the industry at large takes, your business must operate on the Spider-Man principle: With great power comes great responsibility. Where privacy and data collection are concerned, privacy professionals understand that with more data comes greater responsibility and legal risks. If the industry reaches a point where it can somehow use RFID tags to track a product all the way into consumers' homes and beyond, the industry also must ensure that it's protecting the privacy rights of the individuals who buy that product.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Intelligences and Michael Jordans Career :: Basketball Science Papers

In Creating Minds, by Howard Gardner, three organizing themes are introduced. Gardner proposes that the creative activity of an individual is broken down into relationships: between the child and the master, between an individual and his work, and between an individual and other people. When studying Michael Jordan, three key moments in his life appear to represent these three principles and explain his success. First, proof of his level of dominance should be presented. Michael Jeffrey Jordan has experienced success at the highest level of his domain. Jordan began his career as the National Basketball Association Rookie of the Year in 1984-85. He led his team to six NBA championships, and was named the Finals Most Valuable Player each time. Jordan won ten scoring titles, including seven straight from the 1986-87 to 1992-93 season. He also received the regular season MVP five times. In the year 2001, a panel of sports experts was organized in order to vote for the greatest athlete of the twentieth century. This distinguished 48-member panel voted Michael Jordan number one ahead of such greats as Babe Ruth and Muhammad Ali. What does it take to be the greatest? In order to be a master of any domain, you must possess an added characteristic that your peers do not. There may be another person who can jump as high as you can, or who can run as fast as you, or who can bench press more weight than you. But you can make sure that there is no one who practices more than you. The ability to push yourself to your limit and maybe a bit further is going to give you the advantage over your competitors. This is an aspect of the intrapersonal intelligence discussed by Howard Gardner is his book Creating Minds. I propose that Michael Jordan’s success is not solely due to his athletic ability, but rather to the interaction between his bodily/kinesthetic and intrapersonal intelligences. One without the other would not have allowed him to accomplish all that he has in his career.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Criminology Gender Blind

‘’Is criminology â€Å"gender-blind† : women and crime’’ Brilly Amancio 04-10-2013 Criminal Justice 212 Criminology Prof: Christopher Geraghty Brilly Amancio Is criminology â€Å"gender-blind† : women and crime( by and against) Woman in Criminology has a really big change from back in the days till now. Before woman where not that involved in crime either if it was in the good side like being a cop, detective, lieutenant, or of it was in the bad side, as to being the one committing the crime. Criminology, as with all academic disciplines, was a male-dominated sphere.Men regarded the world through a very narrow lens, and the experiences of women rarely provoked serious interest. Back in the days woman where more likely to stay home, cook, take care of kids and wait for their husbands to get home, not even work. Woman were not much socialized with society other than other woman and did not spend much time in the streets as men did. Woman were no t viewed as a big factor in society rather than the male which was the man working to bring food home. There were not much activity for a woman to be out in the streets much as too like sports and obs. Very few of them would practice one of those options. Where woman were mostly considered as as a criminal was with prostitution. This was the most popular crimes for woman since it was hard to find a woman or a young girl being in a gang since back in the days there was more discipline with kids and woman depended on their husbands. Men were more involved in crimes since they were in the streets more, hanging out with friends, playing sports or working since women were not really able to work much or just believes were much different back then. Most police officers, etectives, judges or anything involved with law enforcement were men. Now a days everything is equal, there is as much woman involved in crimes and the law enforcement just like men. Ever since woman became more independen t they have been more involved in crimes as such as stealing, murdered, kid napping and a ton of different other crimes. When woman first started getting more involved in crimes was more with an influence of men. Either a lover or close friends. Now they make their decisions to be involved in crimes by themselves just like men do. Accordin g to www. ukdissertation. om and this is their explination of why there are more woman in jail right now ‘’ Carlen summarises the responses given as thus: (1) more women are committing violent crimes; (2) more women who would not have previously gone to prison are going due to increasing involvement with drugs; (3)more black women are going to prison so racism may be the key; or (4)prison is being used to incarcerate the same social categories for women that it always has – the destitute, the most obviously gender deviant, and the mentally disturbed – but the numbers of women presenting themselves in these categories ave increased with growing economic inequality (Carlen, 1998: 51). Another explanation is that women are becoming more violent, indeed the proportion of female prisoners under sentence for crimes of violence against the person was indeed (at 20 per cent) only two present less than the proportion of male prisoners. Fletcher (1975, in Carlen, 1998: 52) supports this view: ‘It is undoubtedly the case that the level of convictions of violence against the person has increased among women. ’ However, he also points out that, ‘the female prison population has †¦ risen steeply whilst serious convictions have actually allen’; suggesting that this may be due to longer sentences being served. As will be seen later, it is much more likely that it is the increase in more punitive sentencing for trivial crimes that is more likely to offer an explanation. Things have changed a lot over the last couple of years. But this does not mea that woman are punished just as the s ame as men are. According to Wikipedia men are more likel to become incarcerated then woman would and this is their their facts ‘’ In the United States, men are much more likely to be incarcerated than women.Nearly 9 times as many men (5,037,000) as women (581,000) had ever at one time been incarcerated in a State or Federal prison at year end 2001. However, women are the fastest-growing demographic group in prison. [1]. In 2004,  males  were almost 10 times more likely than  females  to commit  murder, including rape-homicides. However, men are also far more likely than women to be the victims of violent crime, with the exception of rape. There my be a lot of explanations for this like men are more likely to be more aggressive than woman so they tend to get in more altercations and tend to act out of rage more than oman do. Young teenagers have become really popular in the juvenile system. The number of female teenagers has increased a lot in the juvenile sys tem as to the number of female teenagers that are dropping out of school or just kicked out for their irrational behavior. Still so male is the biggest crime predator in everyone’s eye, everyone is conscious of how the number of female criminal has increased men is still the number one target. I this unfair? Yes it is yes in a lot of cases woman are treated harshly but like like in every case that males do. Bibliography: http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/Sex_differences_in_crime http://www. routledge. com/books/details/9780415644174/ http://www. roxbury. net/womencrime. html http://www. law-essays-uk. com/resources/sample-essays/criminology/gender-and-crime. php http://books. google. com/books? id=r3IMdD2xZ8MC&pg=PA265&lpg=PA265&dq=Is+criminology+%22gender-blind%22+:+women+and+crime(+by+and+against)&source=bl&ots=AZphi3RxKq&sig=BaNiS4rUFnLVygUIWcLrQSjtWeI&hl=en&sa=X&ei=BJNkUezPK87y0wGF74EQ&ved=0CG4Q6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=Is%20criminology%20%22gender-blind%22%20%3A%20women%20and%20cri me(%20by%20and%20against)&f=false

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Special Needs Prisoner

Special Needs Prisoner David Thompson University of Phoenix Special Needs Prisoner The American penal system is comprised of every element of society imaginable. There are people from all walks of life being held in one prison or another across our great country for crimes they’ve committed or allegedly committed against mankind. Be it at the state, federal or county level, the U. S. prison system does not discriminate with regards to those who are physically challenged.Be it a prisoner who is mentally challenged or one whom is confined to a wheelchair, if they have committed a crime and are found guilty of such, they will be sentenced to facility that under most circumstances are equipped to handle prisoners with special needs. Take for example the criminally insane or those suffering with various kinds of mental illness: Round about 1955 the number of mental institution experienced a drawdown of types, in that they were not building any new facilities, despite the fact that approximately forty of the existing one’s had been shut down or were scheduled to be shut down.This change prompted the prison system to take over the role of caring for mentally ill inmates. As more and more prisons grew so did the role of the prison system to care for the influx of the special needs prisoners. Prisons were able to house and care for some 45,000 prisoners including those who were mentally ill, compared to that of a mental institutions ability to house some 3000 in a mental hospital. Perhaps one of the biggest drawback or downfalls related to this concept is that of the ability to rehabilitate the mentally ill.Because the prison system was/is not geared for actions such as this, many of those who are diagnosed with a mental illness usually find themselves serving their time, only to return to confinement a few years later, due to the prison systems inability to adequately treat and card for their sickness. But let’s not throw this all on the prison sys tem, as the private sector has just as much responsibility for this shortfall/s as does the penal system.Many communities simply do not have the funds necessary to open and operated programs to take care of the mentally ill. For those that do have something in place to combat the problem, their efforts seem to fall far short of the need. There seems to be far more people in need of help than the help that is available, and the more we look into the problem the more we see that this is not just limited to adult men and women, but children as well.The end result of which is the criminally insane sometimes find themselves back on the streets, as does many of the mentally ill. While incarceration may be somewhat more difficult on someone with a mental illness, prison officials try and combat this by housing the mentally ill in separate wards, to reduce violence, combat stress, and maintain order. Prison officials today try and provide specialized training and equipped to those who work with the mentally ill.Although improvements have been made, there is still much to accomplish as some patients do not transition well into some of the rehabilitation programs made available to them; for example the Drug and Alcohol program, many officials think that mentally ill patients can and does usually become extremely disruptive, during counseling sessions, which causes setbacks and limits the progress of others. Therefore, many of the disable, mentally ill, or otherwise hard to reach inmates/patients are turned away from rehabilitative parts of the program built around small group settings.Honestly speaking, there is very little room for care of the mentally ill within the prison system, as few places are equipped with the staff and specialist needed to care for these special patients. Try as we may, we can’t effectively make the connection needed to make a difference in these individuals lives. Not to mention the attitude/s the outside community takes towards those s uffering with mental handicaps.The lack of compassion, care and concern towards these less fortunate individuals does little to help the situation inside or outside prison walls, as we’re all struggling to make the best of a bad situation. We must stay focused and be extremely flexible as we seek to make changes in this area, in particular in that every failure has the potential to have widespread affects on everyone, including the department, and the community into which some of these people may be released.Taking a lackluster attitude towards helping these people rebuild their lives simply will not work. We must be committed to the care of prisons with special needs just as if they were able to afford whatever treatment is available. Combating mental illness is not easy, but in most cases it can be done. References: The Sentencing Project (Washington, DC), (2002), Mentally Ill Offenders in the Criminal Justice System: An Analysis and Prescription, John D. and Catherine T. M acArthur Foundation http://nicic. gov/Libary/017558

Goals for Chefs Essay

Goals are what shapes everyone’s lives to what they are. Whether it be an abundance or lack of them. Myself, I have planned many goals so I can become who I really wish to be. Without my little goals to guide me along the way, who knows where I could end up in this world? Many of my goals are simple small ones like, get an A in English, perfect my cupcake recipe, or do well on the SAT’s; that add up to much larger ones such as get accepted to a good college and become a well known pastry chef. Well my goal of being accepted to a lovely college has already become true. In the fall I will be attending Johnson & Wales University for baking and pastry. My main goal at the moment however is to secure as much help as I can from people such as yourselves so it can be possible. Even though honestly I’m not the type to ask for help about anything, I need it. My goals mean so much to be to become someone and reach the education I need and deserve. Without it, how could anything else I wish to attain with my life become possible? Without knowledge and experience, how am I supposed to compete with highly trained chefs for jobs in such a competitive industry? Teaching yourself can only get you so far. I yearn for the knowledge about not only classical but modern techniques I could never figure out all on my own. Before my goal of becoming a great pastry chef can come to be, I must satisfy my wishes and goals to learn all I can. My goals to master the art of sugar sculpture, cake baking, and chocolate work. Granted yes some things I have learned already on my own such as gum paste manipulation and basic baking, but how would I ever learn how to create creatures out of sugar so delicate the tiniest touch could snap them? It would never be a possibility in my tiny kitchen; it takes so much room in there to even bake a cake. Just basically what I’m saying is this; without help to reach my education the goals I plan wouldn†™t even matter. They would be impossible to reach.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Triple Jump Phase

Montrail Brooks Dr. Livingston AES 364 Muscular Analysis Introduction Block starts was create first created to help the grounds keeper take better care of the running surface with was made of clay or cinder. Starting blocks has came a long way from being a single holes dug in the ground to the high tech, lightweight, but yet expensive running aid their now. To properly observe and describe the breakdown of the hop, skip, and jump phases, while determining the muscles that cause these movements.The triple jump, referred to as the hop, skip and jump, is a track and field event similar to the long jump. The only difference between the two is that the hop, skip, and jump involve a hop and a step, whereas the long jump involves just a jump. In the first phase of the triple jump, the competitor builds momentum by sprinting down the runway, planting their lead foot at the marked board, and â€Å"hops† into the air, cycling one leg around into phase two.After completing the cycle, the lead foot strikes the ground again initiating the â€Å"skip†, where the opposite leg is brought up and the body goes into the bounding position. Finally as the body is coming out of the bounding position, the opposite leg hits the ground in order to propel or â€Å"jump† the body forwards, aiming for distance rather than height, into the pit. [pic] The phases In the triple jump, there are three joints that aid in movement of the hip, the knee, and the ankle. Together the three joints allow optimum distance and proper stability for the jumper.The hip, which holds the femur and pelvis, allows the jumper to extend as his foot strikes the board. While keeping the knee in flexion, he pushes off into the cycling pattern. In the skip phase, the hip will remain in a flexed position as the trail leg goes into extension. When in the jump phase, the hip allows the leg to go from an extended position, to a partial flexed position. The knee, which hold the fibula, tibia, femur, a nd patella, just like the hip is a very important part of the triple jump process.In the initial â€Å"hop† phase, the knee extends, but quickly switches to flexion throughout the cycling pattern. During the â€Å"skip† phase the knee will remain in flexion, while extending the opposite leg. Following the second phase, the lead leg switches to the trail leg, which remains in flexion for the final â€Å"jump†. Finally, the ankle is made up of three separate joints: the talocrucal joint, inferior tibiofibular joint, and subtalar joint. These joints, just like in the kinetic chain, are where the power originates from.In the â€Å"hop† phase, the ankle of the lead leg will remain dorsi flexed, and the trail leg will be slightly plantar flexed, but will quickly draw up into the dorsiflexion. As the jumper enters into the â€Å"skip† phase the ankle will remain dorsiflex, while the trail leg switches to the front. This will allow the trail leg to go dors iflex, and the lead leg to deliver a powerful push-off into plantarflexion. [pic] The muscles and their functions in the Hop, Skip, and Jump phase.The muscles involved in the triple jump are the quads: rectus fermoris (allow hip concentric flexion and knee eccentric extension), vastus lateralis, medialis, and intermedius (helps the knee eccentric extend); the hamstring muscles: semimembranosus, semitendious, and biceps femoris (allows the jumper to extend the hip and normally pair with the help of the eccentric gluteus maximus); and finally, the lower leg muscles: concentric tibialis anterior, the concentric extensor digitorum longus (which provide the ankle with the ability to perform dorsiflexion), the peroneus longus, soleus, and gastrocnemius (which allow eccentric planterflexion for that last jump push-off). The main stabilizer, the gluteus medius, acts as a front plane stabilizer and restricts the leg from turning in vargus or valgum, allowing the leg to plant. Conclusion An i mportant factor in determining the power and momentum developed in the sprint start is the angle of the front leg in the set position.Most literature accepts that an angle close to 90 degrees is the ideal angle in this position. It allows the knee extensors to work best at the correct time for maximum power and momentum to be developed. An angle in excess of 90 degrees may allow a faster leg speed out of the blocks but will not develop the same power and momentum. Borzov (1980) in his investigations into an optimal starting position varies a little, with a suggested ideal front leg angle of 100 degrees. Opinions on rear leg angle vary between 110 degrees and 135 degrees. Tellez & Doolittle (1984) suggest an optimal angle of about 135 degrees for the rear leg because it allows the lever to move more quickly and allows greater impulse from a static position.They also suggest that an early body velocity provided by the rear leg drive past the front leg is a better mechanical position t o accelerate through a more prolonged application of force. Conclusion An important factor in determining the power and momentum developed in the sprint start is the angle of the front leg in the set position. Most literature accepts that an angle close to 90 degrees is the ideal angle in this position. It allows the knee extensors to work best at the correct time for maximum power and momentum to be developed. An angle in excess of 90 degrees may allow a faster leg speed out of the blocks but will not develop the same power and momentum.Borzov (1980) in his investigations into an optimal starting position varies a little, with a suggested ideal front leg angle of 100 degrees. Opinions on rear leg angle vary between 110 degrees and 135 degrees. Tellez & Doolittle (1984) suggest an optimal angle of about 135 degrees for the rear leg because it allows the lever to move more quickly and allows greater impulse from a static position. They also suggest that an early body velocity provide d by the rear leg drive past the front leg is a better mechanical position to accelerate through a more prolonged application of Reference: Track and Field News Presents: Technique and Drills for the Long Jump and Triple Jump. Gary Derks. Fundamental Aspect of the Triple Jump for Dummies By: Fritz Spence and Gerald Masterson, PH. D.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Dreams Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Dreams - Essay Example Scientific theories have ranged from speculation that we dream as a means of learning more about ourselves through the revelation of repressed desires to the concept that dreams are a means of the subconscious providing the conscious mind with seemingly prophetic warnings developed through thousands of unconscious signals received during the waking hours. Other theories have suggested that we dream as a means of further developing our mental abilities and spiritual concepts, slowly assimilating what we’ve learned into our established worldview while still others have indicated that we dream as a means of dealing with our daily experiences by either getting rid of the memories or storing them away in our mental memory banks. What the various scientists have revealed in their dream studies is that there are a wide variety of ways in which dreams might have meaning to an individual, whether they realize it or not. However, it seems plausible that dreams will have more meaning to an individual who has a particular belief regarding what they might mean than an individual who reports they don’t dream at all or who believes that dreams have no meaning and doesn’t bother to remember them. Sigmund Freud is perhaps the most recognized individual in the field of dream theory. In developing his model of the mind, Freud determined that the dream functions as a sleeper’s defense against the disturbing thoughts and emotions of the subconscious mind (the id) by acting as a censor (Wilson, 2005). Unlike Freud, who felt that dreams were less frightening manifestations of subconscious horrors, Jung felt that they were revelations that uncovered not only our own emotional issues and fears of the perso nal subconscious, but also link us to the collective unconscious, â€Å"the reservoir of our experiences as a species, a kind of knowledge we are all born with. And yet we can

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Market research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

Market - Research Paper Example The theorist implied that obtaining research from the entire population would be considerably expensive and injurious to a firm’s operations (Wiid and Diggines, 2009:56). His emphases were that a proper survey and random sampling of the population would present relevant data that would adequately provide information about the population. The following script argues out on the various concepts related to market research. Sampling is a crucial process of accruing relevant data from the target population. As a researcher, sampling denotes the best approach to a study with the provision of different sampling methods for research. The methods range from probability and non-probability sampling, stratified sampling, quota and area sampling, and cluster sampling. The following are the benefits of a good sampling method. Researchers engage on marketing research to identify the factors and solutions to a business problem. This process requires an effective and efficient approach as delays may pose negative impacts to a company’s production, processing, and delivering of satisfaction to the final consumer (Czinkota and Ronkainen, 2007:38). Therefore, time is a beneficial tool in relation to the issue of marketing research, and to the establishment of viable factors for business progression and success (Wiid and Diggines, 2009:57). As a marketing researcher, the appropriate sampling method should be time effective and precise on obtaining the amount of data required. The essence is that a sample method determines the longevity of obtaining data for use in forecasting different prospects of the business. Whenever a sampling method takes a long time, businesses may fail external forces that may threaten to halt operations. For instance, the global market is competitive and a time-consuming samplin g plan may draw the attention of rival competitors. Research is a necessary tool in amassing information relevant in establishing the long range

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Triple entry accounting and financial statements Assignment

Triple entry accounting and financial statements - Assignment Example Today many companies often use statements from previous periods or years in order to project the likely outcomes of current finances. This method is not always accurate. Triple-entry accounting is intended to provide predictive accounting that is more accurate than basing results solely on previous outcomes.(Henke)The process of triple-entry accounting is a complex process. It is believed that these methods may be able to predict the future of the business and, even allow, for unforeseen expenditures and happenings. The intention of the triple-entry accounting is to give businesses a clearer view of financial earnings based on an equation that takes into consideration the past, present and future; not just historical data.(Henke)This could be considered a great improvement over current financial statement methodology. Essentially the articulation of the four relevant financial statements simply means that the numbers in the statements among all the statements provided are in agreement with one another. However, there is a lot that goes along with that simple definition The four statements that need to articulate properly are the balance sheet, income statement, Statement of Stockholder Equity, and the Statement of Cash Flow. The balance sheet, is divided into three sections: assets, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity, provides the information concerning the available resources the resources to management and any claims against those resources by present creditors and shareholders. ("Cambridge Publications") All the gains and losses are recorded and then transferred to the income sheet as necessary. The Stockholders Equity reflects the all of the financing provided by the company’s owners. The stockholders hold a claim on residual interest which is accrued via, common stock, prefe rred stock, treasury stock, retained earnings, additional paid capital, any other accumulated income or loss. the statement of cash flows provides

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My Big Idea regarding System of Education Assignment - 1

My Big Idea regarding System of Education - Assignment Example These issues among others are destroying the name of schoolwork in this country as the situation is moving from worse to worst. Â  Besides these issues, it is preferable to install computerized systems in schools such that students and teachers wherever they are can access the information they need. These systems should allow teachers to update syllabus, make notes, give examinations and produce results. This is well supported by virtual learning systems, and it is well done through the internet and local connections around schools. In return, the difficulties teachers and students face in schools will be limited while salaries and payments are relatively effective. The reason behind this attribute is that school staffs, students, and teachers do their core tasks required by the institution, and the rest of the other days is all for themselves to enjoy. This should be implied in the I.C.T sector. Â  Secondly, our system of education has been compromised as an orphan child among other areas in the society where it faces double standards that have created an atmosphere of frustration for primary and secondary level students. I urge the government to implant strong knowledge on practical education where specialization of one’s’ career begins at level one of secondary education. Â  I like how this craft is. As an editor of The Daily News, I would like to confirm to you that this information will be spread to people with enough courage to challenge the cabinet so that they can discuss on the implementation of these systems especially in the secondary and primary schools. Furthermore, the whole nation will be requested to give opinions on the same issue. I am sure that, once the government embarks on implementing these systems, there will be a reduced cost of manpower from the resource department.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Legalizition of Recreational Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Legalizition of Recreational Drugs - Essay Example In fact, the Eskimos are the only people lacking tradition because they have been unfortunate to grow anything and wait for other people to bring them alcohol. The use of drug is justified in that it represents human appetite. The question of drug legalization either for medicinal or recreational value refers to whether or not people should be allowed to legally sell, buy, and use drugs for their own personal pleasure. Human beings have used psychoactive drugs as back as many centuries ago. Many drugs are produced naturally by plants and easily accessed by people in society where they grow. Therefore, recreational drugs should be legalized in society and stop criminalization of people. If recreational are not legalized, criminalizing this drugs will cause more harm than good since it will create large profitable industry which supply these drugs. In addition, it will increase level of crime in society when people try to finance habits of the users. Psychoactive drugs have been incorp orated in social events such as celebrations, religious ceremonies, and rites of passage. When discussing the issue of recreational drugs, it is sensible to talk about the harm associated with these drugs. Drugs can be taken on regular basis with no ill basis but long-term exposure and intake of drugs is harmful. Majority of people die from drug induced causes such as organ damage, heart attack, and even overdose. Apart from the self-inflicted harm, there is harm that is caused to others in society such as increased crime rate from users who cannot control their system since drugs consumed inhibits their legitimate decisions. Theft and muggings are commonly associated with addiction and women who are under the influence of drugs would engage in prostitution without their own convictions to do so. Children born in families where parents are drug user’s end up homeless while family resources are depleted. The idea of selling and using drugs has both legal and moral issues. On o ne hand, if the government legalized the use of drugs in society, we can deduce whether application of such drugs is immoral or not. If the law allows an individual to engage or do certain things, it does not mean that the person should do it. On the other hand, even if use of drugs is not morally acceptable we can question ourselves whether the use of such drugs is illegal or not. The law has many flaws in that it allows us to do many things that are immoral such as saying lies to other people. These are some of the things that people should avoid morally; we do not tolerate situations where the laws command us on how to lead private lives (Clifford 52-53). The whole purpose and motive of using recreational drugs is for pleasure that they produce to the user. Search for pleasure comes natural to us as human beings. It is human nature that people are pleasure seeking and what makes life enjoyable is in pleasure of larger variety. There are pleasures in food, drugs, or romance. This way brain chemistry is altered in manner that provides unique pleasure to our body and through this; we seek what can bring pleasures in our lives (Clifford 55). Human beings seek pleasure in moderation, whereby pursuing pleasure is morally acceptable

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The Relevance of CD Sleeve Design in Todays Market Essay

The Relevance of CD Sleeve Design in Todays Market - Essay Example The focus of this paper is to explore the role of the CD cover in today’s emerging market of instant access to music Vis a Vis the internet. Virtually any song by any artist can be downloaded to our computer in a matter of minutes. We will discuss the future of the CD cover in relation to this emerging trend. Like the CD replaced the vinyl record album, will MP3s replace the necessity for CDs and their artwork? However, before we look to the future of this art form, we need to first understand its past Section one of the paper will look at the history of the album cover and how it evolved to the artwork of the CD cover from inception to current use. The purpose of the cover will be discussed. Next we will discuss the relevance of the cover and lastly the outlook for its future. As we make our journey from the past to tomorrow visual representation will be used. It is true what they say at times, â€Å"A picture speaks a thousand words.† Album covers are indelible symbols of what can happen when the boundless creative forces and extravagant minds of the world’s most successful artists and musicians collide. When you add an infusion of corporate label politics plus a significant historical context, the results are anything but ordinary. Columbia Records came into existence in 1939. It was there that a fledgling graphic designer by the name of Alex Steinweiss developed an idea that would revolutionize the music market and change forever how we viewed the modern phonographic album.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Leader Effectiveness in Multicultural Environments Coursework

Leader Effectiveness in Multicultural Environments - Coursework Example Based on the previous journal entries, I should work on cultural communication, strategy, and cultural motivation skills. These skills are key to successful leadership because they determine how one can keep relationships with people from varied cultural backgrounds (Rowley & Poon, 2009). Cultural communication is the ability to communicate very well with people from varied cultural backgrounds. It is the ability to make individuals from different cultures to feel comfortable by adopting their cultural behavior and communication technique. Effective communication technique is necessary ingredients in the achievement of effective leadership. Cultural strategy refers to the set of techniques that one uses to handle situations that require cultural intelligence. It entails careful planning and execution of efficient management practices that facilitation the adoption of cultural behavior and communication from different cultures. Sometimes it is necessary for a leader to pause and perform a mental reset. The reset is necessary to ensure one is on the right track. The skills that are essential to the development of cultural awareness and effective leadership are cognition, metacognition, behavior, and motivation. The whole training will take one month. The timeline is a bit long because time is needed to experience different environments, which can facilitate the practice of several skills. Cultural communication will be the first skill to practice. The first week of the training will involve a real life experience in a multicultural environment. Placing myself in a multicultural environment will help me to focus on cultural behavior and practices to master how to communicate with people from different cultures. The goal is to master the specific behavior associated with communication in different contexts. The ability to understand cultural behavior and related it to communication

Friday, September 6, 2019

Enrollment System Essay Example for Free

Enrollment System Essay ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to say â€Å"Thank God†, for giving me the health and strength in doing this project work until it done. Not forgotten to my family for providing everything, such as money, to buy anything that are related to this project work and their advise, which is the most needed for this project. Internet, books, computers and all that as my source to complete this project. They also supported me and encouraged me to complete this task so that I will not be procrastinate in doing it. Then I would like to thank my instructor, Mr. JoeySuba for guiding me throughout this project. We had some difficulties in doing this task but he taught us patiently until we knew what to do. INTRODUCTION Interest in information system has increased during the recent years not only in education but also in all areas where resources are managed. Two main reason account for this- the increasing population and the need for improved problem-solving tools. Student information system has always been a difficult task, but it is more so today than ever before, where administrators uses the traditional way of filing records on a cabinet. As the population of the students goes up, it is becoming more complex. Data should be stored in safer places, and can be retrieved easily and fast when someone needs it. Administrator’s task has becoming more complex, there have been efforts to improve the effectiveness of problem solving and central to this are quantitative techniques and electronic devices such as computers. In the field of education, researchers and theorists have focused intensively in recent years on examining the concepts and use of information to assist administrators, teachers, students and parents. Others have raised and discussed fundamental issues and uses of school information system to facilitate judgment and decision-making in schools. Schools, like any other organization used to manage all sorts of data and information to ensure attainment of its goals and objectives. The emerging needs in most schools for accurate and relevant data and reliable information strengthen the Student Information System. PROBLEM DEFINITION: This study attempted to identify the quality of information system in San Simon Integrated School . Based on my observations during the interview, i found out that on the manual system that the school is presently using, information and records were not kept accordingly that causes lost of important papers and documents. The student’s Form-137 was kept by the present teacher of the student as well as birth certificate or baptismal certificate, which has no assurance of safety keeping. Another problem identified is when the entries of names in the student’s lists are not updated, where some are complaining when records are incorrect if someone needs the documents. One respondent said that lists of classes were not produced immediately upon the start of the school year, that’s why it takes 2 to 3 days to know what the student’s section. ANALYSIS: Student information system has enhanced the quality of information generated in terms of precision or accuracy of data. Important things must be specified and considered for the proper usage of the system. This is designed to create a user-friendly program. The system must be kept in place that is well ventilated to avoid any risk of damage to the system. It must also be password protected to avoid from viruses and computer crime such as information theft. The system includes a manual that can be used by the authorized personnel to operate the program correctly. It must have a pleasing design and should be right coded for the benefit of the user. Audiences involved in the system must be secured and restricted. Proper maintenance and regular check-up of the system must be done to avoid any failures of it. ALTERNATIVES CONSIDERED Because of the rapid growth of the student’s population in San Simon Integrated School, there are lots of problems encountered by both parents and the school administration. By using the manual enrollment system, problems such as time consuming production of information, unable to make corrections in student’s record, and tracking of student’s profile were not done fast and effective. Here are some alternative solutions that can be proposed to the school to avoid these kinds of problems:  · Provide a computerized enrollment system that has the ability to track records, make corrections and that can generate data fast and effective.  · Provide a system that can secure all the information and record of the students.  · Provide a software that will lessen the workloads of the teachers and the administration.  · To have a system that can give the students a successful enrollment system. RECOMMENDATION: Because of the problems encountered by San Simon Integrated School, we recommend to the administration to have another Enrollment system that is useful in many ways, and that is the computerized enrollment system. An enrollment system that has the ability to store students information, that can easily be retrieved and printed when needed. This enrollment system also can be able to make corrections of entry easily and fast. Through this, we can be sure that all the information will be kept in a single database so that we can minimize some problems like lost of records. It is recommended to the San Simon Integrated School that the detailed specification and implementation of the system would ensue as long as the administration approved the computerized enrollment system. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY San Simon Integrated School is a public school in San Simon Pampanga. Based on the investigations conducted, the school uses the traditional manual enrollment system. Data and information were kept on a filing cabinet, which finds difficulty and time consuming in retrieving the documents when needed. Grades were also kept by the present teacher of the students, which has no assurance of safe keeping. It also takes a long time to process the billings, lists of students, and correction of entries. During the first day of school, the students finds it hard to locate their names in a list posted on the doors of the classroom. Because of this, we are proposing the computerized student information system. This software has the ability to keep student’s records in a single database. This system can be the solution to some of the problems encountered by the school as defined previously. It is recommended to the school to provide a computer where we can install the system. And also, a committee which can be headed by some teacher must be organized to operate the system. This software can be acquired in a very minimal cost. Free seminars and trainings will be given to the person who will operate the system, and manuals will be provided. Some of the benefits that can be acquired in this system were: * easy correction of entries * effective and efficient production of data * grades can be kept in a database for future use * upon enrollment, students can immediately know their designated sections * will lessen the workloads of the teachers and staff * effective enrollment processing This proposed system is guaranteed to use, and will not be useless. Alternative solutions should be considered to make their enrollment system improved and progressive.

The Impact Of Assigned Components Of A Designated Measure Essay Example for Free

The Impact Of Assigned Components Of A Designated Measure Essay Introduction In carrying out valuation of companies, there are many methods that are used. Among them include asset valuation models, discounted cash flow models, abnormal earnings model. In valuing the company using future cash flow valuation method the net operating profit after tax, operating current assets and other figures are used. The main aim of valuation is to find the fair value of the company prices.    This is called discount cash flow models. Assets based model assigns a value to the firm by aggregating market values of assets and liabilities to enable in getting the fair value. There is a possibility that the value of the firm exceeds the value of the sum of assets and liabilities in this valuation method. When these figures are used, we assume that the valuation is based on the book value. Operating current assets. Every company that is in business of manufacture, retail, distribution has in it financial statements current assets. Current assets form an integral part of the assets of the company. Current assets include inventory, cash at hand and bank, short term investments such as notes, promissory notes, treasury bills and bonds and other short term investments. This forms part of the working capital of the organization. They help in the day to day running of the organization since they provide quick resources for those in the company. Operating current assets are grouped into two: those that are easily convertible to cash and those that are not easily converted. The easily convertible to cash include short term investments like treasury bills and bonds, cash at bank and at hand. Those that are not easily convertible include stock or inventory. Cash is the real amount of money that is in bank or at hand it can be used in need current obligations as to when they fall due.   It is realized from collections of sales or data. Data is another cash item which is easily convertible and forms part of the operating current assets. Data arises from the sale of goods and services on credit facilities. Marketable short term investments are the securities which can be sold to the market on any working day there fore it is easily convertible to cash. Stock or inventory is items for sale in an organization. The business cannot survive without stock. It consists of raw materials purchased for manufacture, work in progress (WIP), materials that have been badly processed into finished goods and finished goods which is the final product meant for the market. There fore if there is operating current assets in a company, the above components are considered to be important. The role of operating current assets in determining the price per share. Current assets forms part of the assets of the company. While determining price per share of the company, all the value of assets is added less reliabilities. The method used, the future cash flow valuation considers all assets less liabilities to arrive at capital employed by the company or net worthy of assets. Then the net worth of the assets is subjected to division using the number of shares of the company to arrive at the price value of the share. The net worth of assets is equivalent to the equity of the firm. This method is used during acquisitions. The role of operating current assets in determining the price value per share. In arriving at the price value per share in this method, operating current assets have been used. In arriving net operating working capital of 104088.5, 10500.3, 1100250, operating current liabilities has been subtracted from operating current assets. These figures arrived at is added to net fixed assets to arrive at net operating capital. The net operating capital will eventually be used in determining the difference in the investment in capital. In this case, investment in capital in year 2002 has been arrived at by subtracting the totals of net operating capital of 315042.3- 303088.5 to get 11953.8   to arrive at return on capital, the figure of the previous year of 303,088.05 has been subjected to division by net operating capital. Therefore, operating current assets has been used effectively in determining investment in capital which is in return used to calculate return on capital employed.   In arriving at the future cash flows that are used in calculating the price per share of the company are arrived at by subtracting the net operating profit after tax operating profit after tax – investment in capital. The figure arrived at of 35.1 is comparable to the figures arrived at of EVA based on return on investment capital.   Therefore from the explanation provided, the role of operating current assets is shown. References Mayberry Personal Receivers from 2002 to 2003, annual accounts White G.I, Sondhi A.C and Fried D.(1997), The Analysis and Use of Financial Statements; John Wiley Sons Inc., New York.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Role Of Leadership And Change Management Essay

The Role Of Leadership And Change Management Essay Key to evolution of an Organization is how well it can adapt to changes be it structural or financial. A good leadership plays a pivotal role in such transitions and will often be the most influential aspect in such changes being implemented successfully. Considering the fact that both Organizational Change and Leadership are very widely defined, for the purpose of the essay I would like to use the following definitions, Leader is a person with vision, energy, authority, and strategic direction ref: (Robert Coffee and Gareth Jones, 2000), Organizational Change is the process of continually renewing an organizations direction, structure, and capabilities to serve the ever-changing needs of external and internal customers- ref: (Moran and Brightman, 2001). Change is one of challenges an organization can face. It, being a continuous process, dealing successful with it is critical to an organizations success- ref: (Kudray and Kleiner, 1997), and certain management levers, such as, strategy, operations, should be constantly altered for the organization to be aligned with the market place. Having said that, it is also very important to critically identify the needed change within the organization. If a certain change is identified as a pivotal one for the growth of the organization, it is also important to consider how the change will be received by the people who will be a part of it. Resistance in our context is opposing to the change. Resistance is very likely with-in the team when the importance of the change is not know. There are various known reasons for someone to resist the change. Some of which are job insecurity and the fear of losing the power. There are existing theories which say that resistance is good and it is related to the individual identity and organizational values. Despite of being a time consuming process, it is very important to overcome resistance to implement the change successfully. Lewins 3 step model for change, Unfreeze, Change and Refreeze: ref ( Lewin, 1951) is considered to be there mother of all change models. The point here was to have organizations prepare initially to ease the process of the change in order to overcome resistance. It has been argued upon, that this theory might not be holding good for the current day situation, as organizations are constantly changing and they will never be having the opportunity to refreeze or attain the new state of equilibrium. Kotters 8 Step Model, ref: ( Kotter, J , 1995) also talks about implementing a change within the organization but considering the present day needs and situation. This model tries to address the developed resistance in the implementation on the change. An effective leadership will always try and overcome resistance and help successfully implement the change, which need not be a top down approach. For a change to be accepted, Nahvandi (2003), believes that you need to first motivate those in y our guiding collation or transformational leadership team. This, per him, is the best achieved through inspiration of the team, which enables them to enact change. Transformational leadership includes inspiring them with a charm and charisma, challenging the team to solve the problems rather than we doing it ourselves and developing personal relationship with each one of them. A combination of these 3 attributes is the best known vehicle to overcome resistance. ref( Nahvandi, 2003). Transformational leadership is that which à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ facilitates a redefinition of a peoples mission and vision, a renewal of their commitment and the restructuring of their systems for goal accomplishment. It is a relationship of mutual stimulation and elevation that converts followers into leaders and may convert leaders into moral agents. Hence, transformational leadership must be grounded in moral foundations. ref(Leithwood, as cited in Cashin et al., 2000, p.1) . According to Bass (1990b, p. 21) transformational leadership occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the interests of their employees, when they generate awareness and acceptance of the purposes and mission of the group, and when they stir employees to look beyond their own self-interest for the good of the group. Success of transformational leadership has been demonstrated by studies in diverse settings such as schools, corporations etc. -ref(Bryant, 2003, p. 36).Also there are existing studies to prove the effectiveness of transformational leadership regardless of culture ref:(Perttula Xin,2005) . Per Carlson and Perrewe (1995, p. 834), as a result of transformational leadership, changes in the organizations mission, strategy, and subordinate commitment levels are very likely to emerge. Also, Odom and Green (2003) argue that principles of transformational leadership (i.e., intellectual stimulation, idealized influence) applied to ethical dilemmas faced by managers offers the prospect of less litigation and better ethical outcomes than the more common transactional approach to ethics. Though Transformational Leadership is the latest buzz word, there have been many people in the past who have demonstrated the traits of this form of leadership. For instance, Genghis Khan was a transformational leader who, during the late 12th and early 13th centuries, united fiercely independent Mongol tribes to ultimately create one of the largest land empires ever seen ref(Yates, 2002). Lee Iacocca is a transformational leader who is credited with saving the Chrysler Corporation. He took over Chrysler when it was on the brink of bankruptcy and set about transforming the ideals of his closest subordinates. In turn, that began to reshape the corporations culture. Because a transformational leader encourages others to becomes transformational leaders, soon the entire organization was filled with effective leaders (Kelly, 2003). Within military and government contexts, General Colin Powell overcame entrenched racism (particularly in the US military) and low institutional expectations of African Americans to become chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff in 1989. He went further, becoming in 1991 the first African American to become US Secretary of State, a position some said he filled with vision and the qualities of a transformational leader (Chekwa, 2001). Other transformational leaders include Christine Nixon, the current Police Chief Commissioner in the Australian state of Victoria, who is popularly understood to have transformed the culture of that police force for the good, and Sir Richard Branson, responsible for international Virgin enterprises (Lussier Achua, 2004). These are positive examples of transformational leaders but as critics (e.g., Yukl, 1989) point out, transformational leadership is not without its dark side and other flaws. The morality of transformational leadership has been questioned, especially by libertarians and organizational development consultants (Griffin, 2003). A key criticism is that within it transformational leadership has potential for the abuse of power (Hall, Johnson, Wysocki Kepner, 2002). Leaders here, motivate followers by engaging them to strong beliefs, irrespective of the effects on them .Transformational leaders can exert a very powerful influence over followers, who offer them trust and respect. Some leaders may have narcissistic tendencies, thriving on power and manipulation. Moreover, some followers may have dependent characters and form strong and unfortunate bonds with their leaders: ref- (Stone, Russell and Patterson, 2003, p. 4). Yukl describes this as the dark side of charisma and goes on to note that for every example of a positive transformational leader demonstrating charismatic qualities (e.g., Mohandas [Mahatma] Gandhi), there is an equally negative example (e.g., Charles Manson).-ref: (Yukl, 1989) There is an argument that transformational leadership is facilitative of change because it contributes to organizational improvement, effectiveness and institutional culture (Barnett, McCormick Conners, 2001). An interesting study by Barnett, McCormick and Conners (2001), shows that teachers may in fact be distracted from concentrating on learning-and-teaching by, for example, taking time away from students to be involved in the corporate school initiatives an inspirational, transformational principal expects of them. Ref: (Barnett, McCormick and Conners (2001), a study conducted on 12 schools in New South Wales and Australia) Related Bibliography Robert Coffee and Gareth Jones, HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, September-October 2000 Moran, J. W. and Brightman, B. K. (2001) Leading organizational change, Career Development International, 6(2), pp. 111-118. Gary Yukl Journal of Management 1989. Vol. 15, No. 2, 251-289 Bennis, W, (1994), On Becoming a Leader. Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, ISBN:0-201-40929-1. Lucey, J.J, Why is the failure rate for organization change so high?, Management Services Winter 2008 Evans, M.G. (1970). The effects of supervisory behavior on the path-goal relationship. Organizational, Behavior and Human Performance. 5, 277-298 House, R.J. (1971). A path-goal theory of leader effectiveness. Administrative Science Quarterly, 16, 321-339. House, R.J., Mitchell, T.R. (1974). Path-goal theory of leadership. Contemporary Business, 3, 81-98. Dansereau, E, Jr., Graen, G., Haga, W.J. (1975). A vertical dyad linkage approach to leadership within formal organizations: A longitudinal investigation of the role making process. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. 13. 46-78. Kudray, L and Kleiner, B, Global trends in managing change, Industrial Management; May/Jun 1997; 39, 3; ABI/INFORM Global pg. 18 Lewin, K, Field Theory in Social Science, Harper and Row, 1951. Nahavandi, A. (2006). The art and science of leadership. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Hay, Iain, Transformational Leadership: Characteristics and Criticisms# Leithwood, K. Jantzi, D. (2000). The effects of transformational leadership on organizational conditions and student engagement with school. Journal of Educational Administration, 38(2), p. 112. Bass, B.M. (1990b). From transactional to transformational leadership: learning to share the vision. Organizational Dynamics, 13, pp. 26-40. Bryant, S.E. (2003). The role of transformational and transactional leadership in creating, sharing and exploiting organizational knowledge. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 9(4), pp. 32-44. Spreitzer, G.M., Perttula, K.H. Xin, K. (2005). Traditionality matters: an examination of the effectiveness of transformational leadership in the United States and Taiwan. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 26, 205-227. Carlson, D.S. Perrewe, P.L. (1995). Institutionalization of organizational ethics through transformational leadership. Journal of Business Ethics, 14(10), pp. 829-839. Odom, L. Green, M.T. (2003). Law and the ethics of transformational leadership. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 24(1/2), pp. 62-69. Yates, M. (2002) Genghis Khan. LeaderValues. Retrieved August 3, 2006 from Kelly, M.L. (2003, January 1). Academic advisers as transformational leaders. The Mentor. Retrieved August 3, 2006, Chekwa, E. (2001, July 12-14). Searching for African American transformational leaders. Academy of Business and Administrative Sciences 4th International Conference, Quebec City, Canada. Manuscript available from the author. Lussier, R.N. Achua, C.F. (2004). Leadership: theory, application, skill development (2nd ed.). Eagan, MN: Thomson-West. Yukl, G.A. (1989). Leadership in Organizations (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Stone, A.G., Russell, R.F., Patterson, K. (2003). Transformational versus servant leadership a difference in leader focus. Servant Leadership Roundtable October 2003. Retrieved August 3, 2006 Hall, J., Johnson, S., Wysocki, A. Kepner, K. (2002). Transformational leadership: the transformation of managers and associates. Retrieved August 3, 2006